| *knock knock; door opens* |
Tsuzuru | Good work. I was thinking that you guys might be done soon, so I came to check... |
Izumi | Ah, Tsuzuru-kun. Yeah, we just finished every——. |
Masumi | We're not done yet. |
| The Director and I are about to have a date in the room. Don't come in. |
Tsuzuru | No, we're supposed to be recording my video now. |
Chikage | Masumi, are you here? |
Tsuzuru | Huh, Chikage-san? |
Masumi | ... What? |
Chikage | Truth is, I found some new magic props. I was wondering if you'd like to try them with me? |
Izumi | Magic props? |
Chikage | That's right. They're pretty interesting magic props. I'm sure you'd like them, too, Director-san. |
Masumi | ... |
Chikage | If Masumi is able to pull off the tricks well, will you have a look, Director-san? |
Izumi | Of course! |
Chikage | You heard her. What about it? Masumi. |
Masumi | ... I'll do them. |
Izumi | Masumi-kun, I'll be cheering for you. I'm looking forward to it. |
Masumi | Got it. |
| ... Tsuzuru, if you're with the Director longer than I was, I won't forgive you. |
Tsuzuru | Alright, alright. |
Chikage | Okay, then, we'll see you guys later. Tsuzuru, good luck with your filming. |
| *door closes* |
Tsuzuru | Phew, that was a big help... Chikage-san made a nice play right there. |
| Oops, let me hurry up and roll this dice before Masumi comes back. |
Izumi | You're right. Here's the dice. |
Tsuzuru | Thanks. |
Izumi | The theme is... |
Tsuzuru | ... "Free"? |
| Wait, does that mean I can choose the theme myself? Alright, then that'll take the pressure——. |
Izumi | Too bad. This means that the cameraman... which would be me, decides the theme. |
Tsuzuru | Huh!? |
| By free, it meant the Director is free to choose my theme...? I celebrated too early... |
Izumi | Hehe, sorry. |
Tsuzuru | Okay, then I'm counting on you for my theme. If possible, please go easy on me... |
Izumi | Hmm, let's see. The theme for Tsuzuru-kun will be... |
| How about "praising yourself"? |
Tsuzuru | Praising myself? |
Izumi | Tsuzuru-kun, you usually don't praise yourself, right? |
| I think the Clockwork performances were something that you struggled with and were hesitant about as a scriptwriter. |
| That's exactly why, as the actor Minagi Tsuzuru, I'd like you to tell me about a scene that you want to praise yourself for. |
Tsuzuru | ... |
| Without even flinching, you ask me for something really difficult... Director, you're pretty mean. |
Izumi | It's not just me, I think everyone else would love to hear about it as well. |
Tsuzuru | Hmm, praising myself, huh... Hang on a second, I'll think about it now. |
| |
Izumi | So? Have you decided? |
Tsuzuru | ... Yep! |
| *beep* |
| |
Izumi | (The matinee of the second day. This is a scene where Luke tries to teach S how to be more human-like...) |
Luke | "S, this is salad. You use a fork to eat it." |
S | "Salad, fork..." |
Luke | "This is a sandwich. For this one, you can hold it in your hands and eat it." |
S | "... Like this? ... *munch*" |
Luke | "Haha, you're quite elegant." |
Luke | "That's fine, too, but you can open your mouth wider and eat it. See, you can chomp down on it like this!" |
S | "... I understand. *munch, munch*" |
Luke | "Just like that." |
Izumi | (S still isn't very human-like, but Luke's expression is filled with the kindness one would aim at a precious friend...) |
| |
| That's a great scene. |
Tsuzuru | On the first day of the Clockwork performances, I met Mizuno for the first time in a long time... And I ended up recalling memories of when I first met him. |
| When I first met Mizuno, he had never eaten dagashi or split halfsies with anyone before, either... [1] |
| When I taught him about stuff like that, he was a little lost, but he seemed like he was having a lot of fun. |
| Maybe because I remembered that, but during this scene on the second day, I wasn't nervous, and I was able to do it without feeling stiff——. |
| I was able to exchange glances with Citron-san naturally, and we were able to create a good atmosphere. |
Izumi | I see. |
Tsuzuru | Soon after this scene, Boyd comes to warn Luke. |
| Itaru-san also told me that he kinda felt guilty and it took him a lot of effort to shake it off. |
| That was a moment where I was able to use my own personal experiences to influence my performance, and not just my own scriptwriting. |
| At that time, I felt like it was confirmed again for me that experiencing a lot of things and adding a bunch of different things to your arsenal are really important. |
Izumi | Mhm, you're right. |
| Of course, this applies to you as a scriptwriter as well, but also as an actor, you're just getting started, Tsuzuru-kun. |
| Go out there and experience a lot of things and greedily absorb it all. |
| I'm counting on you, too! |
Tsuzuru | Got it! I'll do my best! |
Izumi | Then, next is the message comment. Is it okay if I start filming now? |
Tsuzuru | Ah, hang on a second! I'm gonna get ready... |
Izumi | ? |
| |
| (Hehe, Tsuzuru-kun had a pretty good idea...) |
| Alright, next is Chikage-san... |
| *knock, knock* |
Chikage | Come in. |
| *door opens* |
| Welcome, Director-san. |
Izumi | Huh? Masumi-kun isn't with you? |
Itaru | He was just here until a little while ago. |
Chikage | He got annoyed and ran away because Chigasaki was bothering him. |
Itaru | I wasn't bothering him. I was just bugging him a little bit. |
Izumi | (Itaru-san and Masumi-kun's relationship never changes...) |
Itaru | You guys are going to do Senpai's recording now, right? I'd like to to be able to look forward to it, so I guess I'll go somewhere else. |
Izumi | Ah, you're next, Itaru-san, so try not to go too far, please. |
Itaru | Gotcha~. |
| *door closes* |
Chikage | Alright then. I'm supposed to roll this dice, right? |
Izumi | Yes, please. |
Chikage | The theme is "fortunate error," huh.[2] |
Izumi | It means a scene where you were able to turn around a mistake and were instead able to turn it into a good result. |
Chikage | In that case——. |
| *beep* |
Izumi | (The fourth day's soiree. A bit of time has passed since the Spring Troupe all slept on stage together.) |
Chikage | In between performances, I was layering practice after practice in, but... |
| Though it was better than the first day, even looking at it now, my acting during these performances was terrible. |
Izumi | (Chikage-san... He completely looks like an actor now.) |
Chikage | What is it? |
Izumi | Hehe, it's nothing. |
Chikage | Is that so? ... Ah, it's this part here. |
| |
Izumi | (This scene is where Ozwald rushes to Rick, who has gone to face the Wizard of the West alone.) |
Wizard of the West | "Go, my flying monkeys! Bring down judgment upon those fools!" |
Ozwald | "——" |
Flying Monkeys | "Eek eek!" |
Rick | "Look out! Oz-sama!" |
| *wings flapping* |
Rick | "Whoa!" |
Izumi | (Oh, right, because the flying monkey's movements were so wild, Rick's hat ends up flying away.) |
| (Of course, it wasn't a very big accident, so the performance went on as it was.) |
Wizard of the West | "Ugh——I'll remember this!" |
Rick | "We did it! You were amazing! Oz-sama!" |
Rick | "I knew it! Oz-sama, you really are a great wizard!" |
Ozwald | "Jeez... You're such a fool." |
Izumi | (Ozwald picks up the fallen hat and gently places it back on Rick's head...) |
Rick | "——!" |
Ozwald | "Let's go home, Rick." |
Rick | "Right!" |
| |
Izumi | I remember this scene, too. |
Chikage | The truth is, when I came out from the wings of the stage, Sakuya and I met each other's eyes. Before I knew it, I'd picked up the hat and put it back on Rick's head. |
Izumi | Even though back then, you had your hands full just performing as you were supposed to——. |
| I was surprised that you were able to pick up a small prop and were able to skillfully put it back in its place. |
| On top of that, you were able to show off Ozwald and Rick's relationship, and it was a production that really hit you in the gut. |
Chikage | It really captures the meaning of a fortunate error, huh. |
Izumi | (Back when practices were just starting up, Sakuya-kun told me that he wasn't able to meet eyes with Chikage-san during performances.) |
| (Even so, they were able to finally make proper eye contact, and they were able to naturally perform as a duo...) |
| (It took a while, but they were steadily able to deepen their bond...) |
Chikage | Next is the message comment if I remember correctly? |
Izumi | Yes. It's required for everyone to record one. |
Chikage | Jeez. The truth is, I'd rather not leave behind too many records, but... |
Izumi | It's too late to say things like that. |
Chikage | True. |
Izumi | You've already left behind a lot of records, so let's leave behind a lot more from now on, too. |
Chikage | ... Well, I suppose I have no other choice. |