Hisoka | ... |
Homare | The script is complete, hm? What type of content does this mixed troupe play have? |
Hisoka | ...I’m Sherlock Holmes and I solve crimes. |
Homare | Your explanation is much too vague! |
| A certain great detective for a theme, hm. He’s an established character, so getting into his role seems simple enough. |
Hisoka | ...This one is a little different from the original Holmes, so I have to think outside of his image. |
| But I can’t stray too far from the original either... |
Homare | I see. There are some difficulties to it precisely because it’s not an original work. |
Hisoka | How old should I make him, and his height... |
Homare | It would be better to write such notes down on your script. |
Hisoka | Pen... |
Hisoka | —— |
| (These earrings...) |
| |
Hisoka | ...Here. |
Chikage | Earrings? |
Hisoka | I got them from a festival stand. ...Didn’t you wear earrings like these before, Chikage? |
Chikage | Me? |
| I don’t wear girly things like that. It wasn’t me, but Ju—— |
Hisoka | ? |
Chikage | ...It’s nothing. |
Hisoka | I’m curious. |
Chikage | You don’t belong to this side anymore; you don’t need to know. ...Forget about it. |
| |
Hisoka | (I thought Chikage used to wear earrings like these, but it wasn’t him. Whose earrings did I “see”?) |
| (When I asked Chikage about it, he looked like he was going to say something...) |
| ... |
Homare | Do you not own a single pen? Everything in your room is truly monotonous, even inside your drawers. |
Hisoka | Huh? |
Homare | Here, use this. |
Hisoka | ...Thanks. |
| |
Juza | Professor! |
| ...That’s not right. Moran’s a soldier, so it should be more... |
| Professor! |
Banri | Shut the hell up! You’ve been yelling ‘professor, professor’ over and over—— Do that outside! |
Juza | Professor! |
Banri | Listen to people when they’re talking! |
| Your posture’s all wrong for a soldier in the first place! Do something about your thug-like pose! |
Juza | Who’re you calling a thug!? |
Banri | You, fucker! Your ears work only when it comes to shit like this!? |
Juza | Is this more like a soldier! |
Banri | I said shut the hell up!! Stop yelling every single thing!! |
| |
Itaru | You forgot your copy of “A Study in Scarlet” at the lounge. |
Chikage | Sleepyhead was the one who forgot it. I’ll pass it to Juza and the others. |
Itaru | So your next play is Sherlock Holmes, huh. Have you read all the novels? |
Chikage | Not yet, just half. |
Itaru | Holmes shows up in this game so it’s perfect. Want to play it? |
Chikage | ...The gender’s different. I’ll give it a try later. |
Itaru | You’re actually doing it. |
Chikage | If I feel like it. There’ll be hell to pay if I disregard the otaku and theater nerd propaganda. |
Itaru | ...So you do get it. |
| Holmes shows up in other games too, so I’ll LIME those to you. |
Chikage | Sure. |
| |
Misumi | Kumon, what’re you reading~? |
Kumon | A Sherlock Holmes manga! Holmes is the motif for the next mixed troupe play. |
Misumi | Is Holmes like a triangle? |
Kumon | Hmm, I wonder~ |
| I’m playing Holmes’ partner, Watson~ He’s an aspiring doctor! |
Misumi | If he’s a detective’s partner, then does that mean Watson solves cases too? |
Kumon | Yeah! He uses logic to deduce stuff and he fights bad guys! |
Misumi | Can he solve the case of a lost cat then? |
Kumon | A cat got lost? I dunno if I can solve it, but I’ll try! |
Misumi | Yay! The cat’s up on the roof! |
| |
Izumi | Thank you for going shopping with me, Hisoka-san. There’s a lot of heavy stuff to carry today so you were a big help. |
| Practice starts tomorrow, so I bought snacks for that too. |
Hisoka | I don’t want the shichimi-flavoured ones.[1] |
Izumi | Fufu, we have people who love sweets and people who love spicy foods in this group, so I had to. |
| There’s Chikage-san of course, and it looks like Kumon-kun isn’t too fond of sweets either. |
| And then for Hisoka-san and Juza-kun, it’s got to be sweet. |
Hisoka | ...Snacks that are not sweet aren’t snacks. Juza and Kumon are admirable for not fighting. |
Izumi | When you think about it, Kumon-kun and Juza-kun are polar opposites in a lot of ways; while Kumon-kun is cheerful, Juza-kun is quiet. |
| But they’re also alike in that they’re both earnest and straightforward, yet clumsy. |
Hisoka | ...They’re brothers after all. |
Izumi | What about you and Chikage-san? |
Hisoka | Chikage and I are... We’re not connected by blood, so it’s different. |
Izumi | Really? The other day Tsuzuru-kun was... |
Hisoka | —— |
Long-haired Man | ... |
Hisoka | Ah... |
Izumi | ? |
Hisoka | Moon earrings... |
Izumi | Huh? |
| |
| “Listen carefully...” |
| “You shouldn’t talk!” |
| August’s face is losing colour. Our pursuers are getting closer. |
| My body floats midair, and I get thrown towards the dark ocean. As my consciousness begins to fade, I see a man’s earrings... That’s right. That was ——. |
| —— sold us out to the enemy. |
| |
Hisoka | ... |
Izumi | Hisoka-san, is something wrong? |
Hisoka | —— |
| ...It’s nothing. I just remembered something I had to do, so I’m heading back first. |
Izumi | Huh? Ah, Hisoka-san——! |
| |
Sakuya | Thank you for the meal. |
Kumon | I’m so full! |
Muku | That was good~! |
Izumi | I guess we better clean up soon. |
| The ones who haven’t eaten yet are... |
Citron | Itaru is doing overtime because he’s a corporate slave. |
Tsuzuru | You don’t need to do overtime, Chikage-san? |
Chikage | I’m on a different project. |
Muku | Apparently Tenma-kun will also be home late today. |
Izumi | Um... How about Hisoka-san? |
Tasuku | I don’t think he’s eaten yet. |
Azuma | I thought he was with you, Director. |
Izumi | Apparently there was something he had to do, so we parted ways on our way home. He was acting a little strange though... |
Tsumugi | I’ll try contacting him. |
| *ringing tone* |
Tsumugi | ...He’s not picking up. |
Azuma | I wonder if he left his phone in his room. |
Izumi | (He can’t be trapped inside the Locked Room again... right?) |
Chikage | ... |
Homare | I shall ask around if anyone has seen him. |
Izumi | I’ll go look for him outside. |
Tasuku | We’ll go with you. |