Misumi | Wo~w! There’s all kinds of food~! |
Tasuku | This is like a set menu... |
Azuma | Everything is so good. |
| *gust of wind* |
Izumi | ? The window is making some noise... I wonder if the weather is getting bad. |
Takao | Indeed. It seems that it will storm tonight. |
Tenma | Is that so. |
Homare | Yes, indeed. On stormy nights like this, you absolutely mustn’t... yes, you absolutely must not leave this villa. |
Tenma | Y-you’re exaggerating. |
Takao | No, you absolutely mustn’t! To tell you the truth, there have been several strange stories in this mansion... |
| Firstly, as stated earlier, you absolutely must not leave during stormy days. |
| When it storms, Robert comes to life each night, and immediately cuts down any person he chances upon. |
Muku | Eek!? |
Takao | Secondly, should you wake up in the dead of the night, you will hear a knock on your door... |
| That is also Robert, who makes his rounds in the mansion every night. |
| Thirdly, the pot in the living room disappears at times. That is also Robert—— |
Hisoka | ...It’s all Robert. |
Azuma | Fufu, Robert sure is a hard worker. |
Takao | It seems that the pot disappeared not too long ago. |
Kazunari | Eh, really!? |
Kumon | ...! Y-Yuki, am I in trouble... |
Yuki | ...Let’s have Robert take the blame for now. |
Izumi | (Mysteries in a Western-style house, huh. It’s kind of like the theater’s Seven Mysteries.) |
Takao | Robert may come to life tonight, so please take care, everyone. |
| |
Kazunari | That was good~! |
Izumi | It really was delicious! |
Yuki | All right then, I’m gonna continue working on the costumes. |
Tsumugi | Okay. I’m looking forward to your designs, Yuki-chan. |
Yuki | Ah... |
Tsumugi | Hm? What’s wrong? |
Yuki | ...No, it’s nothing. |
Kazunari | ‘Kay, then I’ll help Yukki with the costumes! |
Muku | C-can I go with you guys? I’m scared... O-of course I’ll help with the costumes too...! |
Kazunari | Ofc! Of course you can! |
Tenma | F-fine, I’ll go with you too! |
Yuki | I didn’t ask you to though. |
Misumi | Kumon, let’s go back together with everybody~ |
Kumon | Ah, r-right... |
Misumi | ? What’s wrong? |
Kumon | Nothing! It’s nothing...! |
Kazunari | ‘Kay, let’s go back to our rooms! Good ni–ght! |
Guy | Good night. |
Hisoka | Good night... |
Azuma | They’re so close. Fufu, should we all return to our rooms together too? |
Tasuku | Why did it come to that... |
Homare | Our rooms are next to each other, so why not? |
Hisoka | Yeah... So, carry me... Zzz... |
Tasuku | Walk on your own! |
| |
Yuki | (I’m done designing the costumes. I’ll go over to Tsumugi’s now while I’m taking a break.) |
| (Kumon already fell asleep before I realized it. Geez... Was he tired from all that panicking or what...) |
| (But well, the sooner we can talk about it, the better.) |
| *gust of wind* |
Yuki | It’s so windy outside. I wonder if it’ll be sunny tomorrow. |
| *creaking noises* |
Yuki | Hm? |
Yuki | ...Seriously? |
| Robert is... walking. |
| (No... I’m probably half-asleep... I might be tired from making the costumes. I’m going back to my room...) |
| |
Tsumugi | (All right, I’ve gotten pretty far into the script. Maybe I’ll go get something to drink.) |
| *creaking noises* |
Tsumugi | Huh...? |
| Robert is walking...? |