On the Trajectory to Full Bloom./Autumn/Episode 6

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On the Trajectory to Full Bloom.
Episode 6: The Reborn Autumn Troupe’s 2nd Anniversary Play
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BanriOh~, Summer Troupe is really heating things up.
TaichiWe're not gonna lose either! Autumn Troupe is the strongest!
OmiYeah. It's just like you said Taichi.
Banri…right. There's no way we're gonna lose. Let's show them who's at the top.
SakyoGoodness… you have high spirits, this one thing is for sure. Then get us in high spirits too like a Leader would.
BanriSure sure~.
Ah~… this year with Azami joining us we became a team of six, we tried on special makeup, and experienced our first comedy play…
As the Autumn Troupe, well I think we developed quite a lot. And as a compilation of it all…
Let's break out of our shells even more today.
TaichiI can't wait for everyone's reaction!
AzamiThough it's a bit embarrassing…
JuzaAll that's left now is giving everything we've got.
BanriAlright! Let's do this Autumn Troupe!
Autumn TroupeYeah!!
Spectator AWoah! Was this voice just now the Autumn Troupe!? They're so pumped up!
Spectator BI can't wait to see them~!
Izumi(The Autumn Troupe is really heated up too…! Even before the performance has started, the reaction of the audience already feels good!)
(On the way back from a class reunion, a group of six people is creeping into an elementary school late at night--)
(As they notice it hasn't changed at all, they naturally start to talk reminiscently about their elementary school days)
Fusshi"It really brings back memories"
Secchin"As expected the school building is locked and we can't enter"
Chief"Obviously. We've been trespassing the moment we entered the school yard"
Taicchan"Ah, you can see the inside of the classrooms. Both the chairs and tables are tiny!"
Hyo-chan"We can't sit on those anymore"
Izumin"They're gonna break"
Fusshi"We used to be this small huh"
Secchin"I can't remember it anymore"
Izumin"We grew way too big now"
Chief"Our builds aren’t the only thing that's changed right"
Fusshi"True, we sure did change"
Izumin"The age really shows on you Chief"
Secchin"Chief has always looked old right"
Taicchan"That's why his nickname is Chief!"
Chief"All of you changed too right"
Fusshi"Our personalities are completely different"
Hyo-chan"Makes me think all of you aren't even the same people"
Secchin"Same goes to you"
Izumi(The six of them, all grown up now, are telling each other they've changed so much that there isn’t a trace of their elementary school days…)
Fusshi"But, back then I didn't think us six would meet up again"
Chief"We weren't really that close back then"
Izumin"I have nothing but bad memories"
Secchin"It was really sudden right. How we started hanging out together"
Taicchan"Remind me what was it that made us friends?"
Hyo-chan"It was that thing right. The run away from home uproar"
Izumi(And the story moves to the happenings of why these six, who weren't friendly at all, started hanging together--)
Taicchan"Why are you crying, Secchin. Did you fall again?"
Hyo-chan"You always fall Secchin~! Secchin so clumsy~!"
Secchin"Sob, sob… Taicchan, Hyo-chan…"
Taicchan"If someone bullied you, I'll take care of them!"
Izumi(One day in fourth grade, Secchin picked up what he thought to be a stray dog, but turns out it was a pet dog with an identification tag…)
Secchin"You're wrong… I, found this puppy… sob… but, I can't own it… so I was told to go and throw it somewhere… sob"
Hyo-chan"Secchin, you found a dog!? Amazing!"
Taicchan"Wait, Secchin, this dog isn't a stray"
Hyo-chan"Ah, there's an address written on its collar!"
Secchin"No way…"
Hyo-chan"Secchin you abducted it!"
Secchin"Y-You're wrong!"
Taicchan"Shouldn't you return it to its owners? Secchin, the police will come after you"
Secchin"A-Am I going to get arrested!?"
Hyo-chan"Secchin you're so clumsy~"
Izumi(Secchin who wasn't allowed to keep the dog and left his home crying, is consulting with Hyo-chan and Taicchan)
(Listening to Taicchan's advice after he found the address on the collar, they decide to go and return the dog to its owners…)
Secchin"Aah, did that really happen?"
Hyo-chan"Secchin always was the one to bring trouble"
Chief"Really, you guys sure did change…"
Izumin"Secchin's got some attitude now, and Hyo-chan's cheerfulness has completely disappeared"
"Taicchan too, you look like you fell from the group's leader to a mere underling…"
Taicchan"That was a mean way to put it!"
Chief"Eh, Secchin and the others are over there"
Fusshi"What are they doing?"
Hyo-chan"Ah, look it's Chief and Fusshi"
Taicchan"Just in time! Chief, you own a dog right?"
Chief"Eh? I do but…."
Taicchan"Fusshi you too, you're in charge of the animals in school, come with us!"
Chief"Eh? Eh?"
Fusshi"Where to exactly…"
Hyo-chan"Secchin has accidently abducted a dog so we're going to return it~!"
Secchin"I didn't abduct it! I found it!"
Chief"Huh!? I- I don’t wanna come… my parents will get angry…"
Taicchan"Just come with us! You know dogs well right!"
Chief"D-Don't pull me! I-I don't wanna… sob… whaaan"
Hyo-chan"Ah-, you made him cry, you made him cry now~!"
Fusshi"I'm not going either. It has nothing to do with me"
Taicchan"Then just Chief is enough"
Chief"Waaah, why me…"
Fusshi"…if you insist this much, then I don't mind coming with you halfway there"
Taicchan"Chief, you really were such a crybaby~"
Secchin"And now you look like some kinda yakuza…"
Chief"…it belongs in the past. Forget about it"
Hyo-chan"You too Fusshi, you was cold back then"
Fusshi"Is that so? I was still immature back then see"
Izumi(On their way they're found by the class chairman Izumin, who questions them, but ends up coming with them)
Izumin"What are you doing?"
Taicchan"Woah, the annoying class chairman is here"
Chief"Sob, sob… Izumin…"
Izumin"Ah! You made Chief cry again? I'll tell on you to the teacher!"
Taicchan"Let's go, guys!"
Izumin"What's up with this dog"
Fusshi"Secchin has abducted it, so we're going to return it"
Taicchan"Ah! Don't tell him!"
Izumin"It's not allowed to abduct others' pets!"
Secchin"I didn’t mean to!"
Hyo-chan"It's because you're so clumsy Secchin~"
Secchin"Izumin you always were fast to tell on others to the teachers"
Fusshimi"He was the perfect class chairman"
Chief"And now this class chairman looks like a delinquent"
Izumin"Shut up"
Izumi(On their way, they fell and got hurt, and even when it got dark and they quarreled, the six of them kept moving forward)
Secchin"Sob, sob…"
Taicchan"You're not bleeding anymore so stop crying!"
Fusshi"Why are you crying too Chief, even though it was Secchin who fell'
Izumin"Let's just go back home. It's gotten dark"
Taicchan"We can't go back after coming so far!"
Izumin"But, what if, Secchin's injury gets worse, and he can't walk anymore…"
Chief"Uwaah, Secchin is going to die!"
Hyo-chan"Ahaha, no way, you can't die from something like that~"
Taicchan"Forget about it, let's move! Fusshi, look at the map in your phone. Which turn is next?
Izumi(The six friends are looking for the dog's owners by foot, while relaying on Fusshi, the only one who has a smarthphone)
Secchin"And, what happened in the end?"
Hyo-chan"We were able to find the place and return the dog right"
Chief"And then, our parents came to get us and we got scolded"
Fusshi"That sure is nostalgic"
Izumin"I don't really remember that part"
Taicchan"Since then, we started hanging out together right~"
Izumi(With a feeling of nostalgia, they were reminiscing enthusiastically but--)
Security guard"—oi, is there someone over there?"
Secchin"This is bad—"
Hyo-chan"It's the guard"
Fusshi"Let's make a run for it"
Taicchan"Hurry up!"
Izumin"As I thought, when I'm with you guys nothing but bad things happen!"
Izumi(The security guard approached, and the six of them ran away in a hurry…)
(So far comedy plays were a challenge for the Autumn Troupe but… it's a big success, that's great!)
(And now to their band live performance--)
Spectator AEh, all of them are holding instruments! Did the Autumn Troupe prepare a live!?
Spectator BWoah~! It fits them so well!
BanriThen, listen to our music.
Omi…one, two, three, four!
Izumi(The atmosphere is completely different from the one in the original story! It's a wild and cool performance, fitting for Autumn Troupe…!)
Spectator ABanri-kun is singing too well…
Spectator BJuza-kun so cool~!
Izumi(Banri-kun is stable as usual! The way he supports the others is perfect too)
(Juza-kun struggled, but now he's perfectly synced with the others)
Spectator DOhhhh! Sakyo-san and Omi-san are seriously so cool…!
Izumi(Sakyo-san and Omi-kun are in perfect sync! Their performance is very stable too)
Spectator BAzami-kun look over here~!
Spectator CTaichi-kun looks like he's having fun, I'm naturally moving to the rhythm!
Izumi(Azami-kun and Taichi-kun are doing amazing too! The audience can also tell they're having fun)
(Overall they managed to perfect it a lot, it's amazing! Guys, the results of your practice are showing)
(And the energies here are crazy! It's as if we're in a live music club!)
BanriThanks for coming today. From now on too--.
Autumn TroupeSupport us Autumn Troupe!!
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