Enjoy! Adult School Trip/Episode 8

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Enjoy! Adult School Trip
Episode 8
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TaichiU-Um, Sakyo-nii...!
Sakyo...My bad.
AzumaWe heard from the director that everyone's done a lot of planning for us.
SakyoIt was my bad for yelling at you guys and stepping on your feelings.
BanriTo think that Sakyo-san would be the one to apologise...
TaichiUu, uuuu...
Wa~n Sakyo-nii! I’m sorry~!
SakyoOi! Don’t go hugging me! For crying out loud...
TsumugiSorry, we were making so much of a ruckus...
OmiWe’re really sorry.
Sakyo...It’s fine. I said too much on my end too.
AzumaI’m really glad that everyone thought up of various things for our sake. Thanks.
If we’re going by that plan of yours, are there still other things?
TaichiYeah! Of course!
BanriAlright. Let’s hurry and get going since everyone’s gathered here now.
SakyoHa? Where do you intend to go.
TasukuYou’ll know once you follow us.
SakyoOi, there's practice tomorrow as well——
AzumaIsn’t it fine since it’s a school trip, after all? Let’s try going along with them.
Sakyo...Honestly, for crying out loud.
TaichiIn other words! We’ll be holding our first all-men table tennis tournament!
TasukuWhat’s with “all-men”?
AzumaWell, I guess that can’t be helped since there’s a table tennis table in the men’s dressing room.
TaichiThe prize will be~...Ta-da! Loved by everyone! Heaven’s coffee milk!
BanriWait, that’s really bland isn’t it.
HomareYup, I guess I’d rather take fruit milk instead.
SakyoHonestly...I’m only going to accompany you guys this once.
TaichiHehe! Staying up is the real fun of a school trip~!
Ta-da! The pairs for the tournament table have already been decided by lots!
AzumaAs expected of Doggy-kun, you’re well prepared.
OmiThe first match is...Banri and Tsumugi-san vs Tasuku-san and me, huh.
BanriThat’s a tough match.
TsumugiL-Let’s do our best!
OmiTable tennis, huh...I wonder how long it’s been.
TasukuI look forward to working with you, Fushimi.
HomareThey look perfectly overwhelming appearance-wise.
SakyoBoth of their heights are also number one in the company itself.
AzumaI see, well that’s certainly true.
TaichiWell then, well then~ The match begins!
BanriTsumugi-san, it’s gone over there!
TsumugiGot it!
BanriWait, o-oi! That’s a miss, isn’t it!
OmiWe got a head start.
TasukuLet’s continue at this pace.
SakyoIt isn’t just appearances. The Fushimi pair is clearly advancing.
TaichiBan-chan and Tsumugi-san, do your best~!
HomareOh my, won’t Tasuku-kun and Omi-kun claim victory at this rate?
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