Banri | ...! |
Ensemble Man | Stop this show right now if you want this woman to live! |
| I'm armed, so you better do what I say! |
Izumi | (What?! I can't see very well, but it does look like he's got a knife...) |
Guest A | Huh? What's going on? |
Guest B | This is part of the show, right? |
Shouta | Mommy...? |
Tasuku | ...... |
Izumi | (What should we do? I can't believe this is happening...) |
Ensemble Man | Did you hear me or not? Stop the show! |
Hiro | ...... |
Masumi | ...... |
Omi | Gh... |
Tasuku | (Dammit, there must be a way out of this...) |
Tenma | ...Tasuku-san. |
Tasuku | Huh? |
Tenma | I've got something in mind. Follow my lead. |
Tasuku | What are you...? |
Red | "How dare you take an innocent citizen hostage? You'll never get away with this!" |
Tasuku | ...! |
Red | "Back me up here, Black!" |
Black | "Don't tell me what to do. ...But I guess I can make an exception this time." |
Ensemble Man | Don't come any closer! I'll— |
Red | "Let's do this, Black!" |
| "Haah!" |
Ensemble Man | Gh...?! |
Mother | Ah...! |
Black | "......" |
| "Are you all right?" |
Mother | Oh... yes. |
Gold | "Nice work, dudes!" |
Silver | "And the hostage appears to be unhurt." |
Black | "You're safe. Go to your son, now." |
Mother | Oh! Um, thank you! |
Ensemble Man | Dammit... Dammit! |
White | "Hey! Pay attention, now." |
Ensemble Man | ?! |
White | "Evildoers must be punished." |
| "Haah!" |
Ensemble Man | Gh...! |
Red | "You go, White!" |
Ensemble Man | Damn... it...! |
Gold | "Pretty cool, but we can't let you hog the spotlight!" |
| "Take this! Hayaah!" |
Silver | "Hah! Taaah!" |
Bear | "Inexcusable..." |
Fly | "Crap...! Go forth, minions!" |
Minion | "Skree! Skree!" |
| |
Announcement | Could all guests with tokens for the handshake session please make their way to the stage. |
Child A | You were so cool, Silver! |
Homare | Haha, thank you. |
Child B | Your attacks were so shiny and awesome, Gold! |
Banri | Thanks, little guy. |
Child C | I love you, White! |
Hiro | Thanks! |
Child D | Black, I thought you were kinda scary, but you're actually super nice! |
Tasuku | Thanks. |
Child E | You're so strong, Red! You're awesome! |
Tenma | Thanks, kid! |
Shouta | Tasuku onii-chan! |
Tasuku | Hey, Shouta. |
Shouta | Onii-chan, I never knew you were a hero, too! |
Tasuku | Yeah. Sorry I didn't tell you. |
Shouta | Red, Black, thank you for saving my mom! |
Tenma | No need to thank us! We just did what was right. |
Shouta | When I grow up, I want to be an awesome and strong Ranger, just like you guys! |
Tasuku | You do that, Shouta. |
Tenma | Grow up big and strong, like me! |