The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition/Episode 6

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The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition
Episode 6
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TenmaThe Spring Troupe sure is making a ruckus...
YukiOkay, done.
TenmaHuh?! Oi, don't pull a card on your own!
YukiEither way, your loss is pretty much guaranteed.
KumonAhaha, Tenma-san lost 10 games in a row!
KazunariTenten, you suck at playing Old Maid~
TenmaI just happened to lose!
MukuHuh? Where did Misumi-san go? I thought he was here earlier...
MisumiGuys~ I brought onigiri~
KumonWhoa, you made them?! Yay! Thanks, Sumi-san!
KazunariNice going, Sumi, thanksies! I was just getting hungry!
YukiWe were just about done with Old Maid, so let's eat while we take a break.
MukuYeah, that's right!
MisumiBy the way, Spring Troupe was talking about their memories of moving into the dorm in the lounge~
TenmaOoh, so that's why they were a bit noisy.
KumonAn episode about moving into the dorm...
Hey, hey, I wanna hear your guys' stories, too!
KazunariSounds fab! Let's talk about our memories, too!
MukuWah, how nostalgic!
TenmaThe first time we moved in, huh...
YukiI don't mind, it's nothing exciting though.
KazunariIt's fine! So, who wants to go first?
KumonUm, the one I'm most curious about...Sumi-san!
YukiCome to think of it, you moved into...rather, stayed in the dorm earlier than anyone else.
MukuYou were really mysterious when we first met!
TenmaThe time Misumi entered the dorm is indeed a mystery.
KazunariI'm totes curious! Tell us, Sumi!
MisumiLet's see~...
Summer Troupe(gulp)
(Misumi jumps down)
Sorry for the intru~sion. Is anyone here~?
...Is no one here~? Um, the electricity~...
Wah~...the wall is full of triangles!
--I've decided! I'm gonna live here from now on!
KumonThat means... The wall wasn't your doing?!
MisumiIt's not~
KazunariForreal?! A shocking revelation!
MukuPerhaps there was someone who also liked triangles from the first generation...?!
YukiAnd that's how you settled into the dorm?
MisumiYeah! I thought I had to talk to the person who lives here, but there was always no one--
Even when I ringed the bell, they always said "No one's home~ No one lives here~", so I just went ahead and lived on my own!
KazunariThey're just pretending to be out!
TenmaMaybe it was the manager thinking it was Sakyo-san collecting debt...
KumonThen, what about the various triangle stuff in your room right now?
MisumiThey were either bought with my part-time money, picked up, or made by myself with materials I got, and so on~
YukiWhen Kumon moved in, we had to clear out some of them to the storage room to make some room.
TenmaYeah, it was hard, partly because Misumi took ages choosing the ones to leave behind and the ones to be cleaned up...
KumonI see! Does that mean there are some triangle stuff in the storage room, then?
MukuYes, they're stored safely.
KumonWhoa! I gotta see the triangle collection!
I want you to see the big ball with lots of triangles on it!
KumonWhat the heck is that?! I'm dying to know~!
MisumiRight? All right, let's go to the storage room right now!
TenmaOi, wait, we haven't had our turn yet!
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