Risky Game/Episode 1

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Risky Game
Episode 1
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Izumi(Isn’t Tsuzuru-kun in charge of dinner tonight? I wonder what the menu will be~)
AzumaOn your way home, Director?
IzumiYes. Did you go somewhere too, Azuma-san?
AzumaThere’s something called a World Market going on nearby right now. I ended up buying a lot of stuff.
IzumiOhh~ Sounds interesting.
AzumaThere are shops from around the world that you don’t get to see often, so I had a hard time deciding what to get.
Looks like they’ll be here for a while, so let’s go together sometime.
IzumiYes! I wonder if there’s something like a Zahran shop too.
AzumaI didn’t see one, but there could be. I’ll invite Guy too.
IzumiGood idea.
AzumaWhich reminds me – the Winter Troupe performance will be starting soon, so it looks like Guy and Tasuku have been really into working out.
IzumiIs that so? They already work out plenty enough though...
AzumaFufu. Maybe they’re just so excited they can’t sit still.
IzumiI see. Why don’t we get started and have a meeting tonight then!
AzumaSounds good.
IzumiThe lead role will be, of course——
IzumiHe’s sleeping out here again...
AzumaIt was warm out today after all.
Izumi(Now that I think about it, this is like the first time we met Hisoka-san...)
AzumaHisoka, it’s getting dark; you’ll catch a cold.
IzumiWhat should we do? We don’t have any marshmallows...
AzumaI’ll try carrying him.
IzumiHuh!? You will, Azuma-san!?
AzumaUp we go...
Izumi(I-is this going to be okay...?)
Izumi(I- I thought so!)
Please don’t push yourself!
AzumaOh, that’s right. They’re not marshmallows, but...
IzumiAre those cookies?
AzumaI got them at the market.
Here you go, Hisoka.
IzumiOh, he woke up!
HisokaOr not... Zzz.
IzumiSo close...!
GuyWhat are you doing?
AzumaOh, perfect timing.
IzumiWe were stumped because Hisoka-san wouldn’t wake up.
GuyYou could have called someone, or gotten some marshmallows.
GuyOh well. I’ll carry him.
These cookies... I know them.
IzumiDid Hisoka-san say something just now?
AzumaMaybe he was just sleep-talking.
TsuzuruI’m looking forward to the next Winter Troupe performance.
IzumiYeah. This time around, what type of——
AzumaBlack, 15.
Hisoka...Tasuku’s bankrupt.
TasukuA person doesn’t usually lose five times in a row on a 50% chance.
GuyThat has a 3.125% chance of happening.
TsumugiThat’s amazing, in a way.
HomareI think you better give up on gambling, Tasuku-kun.
TasukuYou don’t need to tell me that.
TsumugiWell, you’re not the only one who lost big time.
IzumiWhat are you guys doing?
TsuzuruMore like, where did you get a real-looking casino set like that...
AzumaI received it at the market today.
IzumiHuh? You didn’t buy it?
AzumaI hit it off with the owner of the general store when we were at the beer garden. They said they’d give me anything from their store if I win the drinking game.
TsuzuruIt doesn’t look like a toy. Maybe it was used in a real casino somewhere?
AzumaHmm, maybe. I ended up getting the most expensive thing at the store.
Izumi(He got it just like that...!)
AzumaThey passed out after drinking so much, so they might be in for a surprise if they wake up not remembering anything.
HomareDrinking games with Azuma-san require extra precaution.
TasukuYou have even less advantage than in gambling.
TsuzuruAlcohol’s scary...
IzumiA-all right then, why don’t we get the meeting started!
IzumiFirst off, the lead role——
TsumugiWhy don’t we go with Hisoka-kun, who has yet to be the lead?
IzumiYup, I agree.
TasukuI also agree.
AzumaI think that’d be a good idea too.
HomareBest of luck.
Hisoka...I’m the lead?
TasukuYou better not say you don’t want to because you’ll have too many lines again, at this point in the game.
TsuzuruIt’d be difficult to make the lead not have a lot of lines.
TsumugiHisoka-kun, you’re a skilled actor and you’re capable of a wide range of roles.
You have a great advantage of being able to act realistically in a way no one else can imitate; I think you have more than enough skill to tackle a lead role.
IzumiI believe that taking on a lead role would help you take a big step forward as the actor, Mikage Hisoka... What do you think?
Hisoka...I’ll do it.
IzumiThank goodness!
TsuzuruDo you have any requests for the script? Like something you want to do, or something you want to be.
HisokaA request...?
HomareGo on, think of Tsuzuru-kun as a shooting star and make a wish!
TsuzuruI don’t have that much power though.
HisokaA wish...
...I don’t have any.
TasukuI thought for sure you’d ask for something like a role where you eat marshmallows.
TsuzuruThat’d be right up there in terms of difficulty.
IzumiAll right then, what should the play’s theme be?
TsumugiWe’ve done all sorts of themes after all.
TasukuIn terms of eras, we haven’t done a play around the Heian period.
HomareI would love an elegant setting.
AzumaHow about something that has to do with a profession?
TsuzuruNow that you mention it, we haven’t done a lot of that.
TsumugiWe’ve done a bunch of classics, so why don’t we try a slightly different theme next?
TsuzuruI’ll look for something.
IzumiDo you think you can make something with this?
TsuzuruThis is plenty.
IzumiOkay, then I’ll leave the rest to you.
TsuzuruYup. Mikage-san, please let me know if you think of something you want.
(As the actor, Mikage Hisoka...)
HisokaI’ve seen these cookies somewhere...
(Maybe I haven’t regained all of my memories...)
(But I’m sure I don’t need those memories in order to live as Mikage Hisoka...)
(Mikage Hisoka... December... I’m...)
HomareOh? Where are you going?
HisokaTo the attic.
HomareYou better bring a new bag of marshmallows with you then. I’ve bought a new kind.
HisokaI have these, so no need.
HomareCookies, hm? How unusual.
Hisoka...Good night.
HomareTake care not to catch a cold.
...Hm. I do hope it’s nothing to worry about.
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