Magicians' Pure Love/Episode 2

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Magicians' Pure Love
Episode 2
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(There’s no vacant seat around…)
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 2-1.png
You can sit over here.
Masumi… thank you.
You’re writing GOD-za’s script?
MadokaYeah. Recently I’ve been visiting GOD-za’s training hall, I need to keep studying theatre after all.
MadokaAfter our loss in the act off, everyone in GOD-za’s been more motivated, of course Haruto-san and Shifuto included.
Everyone’s practicing with all they have.
Kamikizaka-san also changed towards a good direction.
How’s your side doing?
MasumiWe decided that I’ll be the ‘lead’ for the upcoming Spring Troupe performance.
MadokaReally. Congrats.
MasumiI’m going to do my best for her sake.
MasumiIt’s the director.
MadokaYou’re going to do your best for the director’s sake?
MasumiI started acting for her sake.
All the good performances I’ve done so far were to kindle our love.
MadokaKi, kindle your love…?
FukunagaThat’s wonderful!
So your passionate fire of love has polished your performances until now!
FukunagaYou should promptly get that Director-san to come to this year’s school festival’s performance!
MasumiI told you she won’t come.
FukunagaIkaruga-kun! For his sake and for his director’s sake, let’s write a good script!
MadokaI haven’t started writing anything.
FukunagaNot yet!
FukunagaYou started acting for that person, and now you’re aiming higher to become a better actor for her, such a melodramatic scenario!
MadokaThen, what if, you never met with Director-san, Masumi, would you be doing acting at all.
MasumiThere’s no such thing as a world where the Director and I won’t meet, our meeting was fate after all.
When I manage to become her ideal actor, we would finally be connected as one…
MadokaYou’re really a passionate one…
FukunagaFor you to be so head over heels over her, this director-san would be a very attractive person, isn’t it.
MasumiOf course. She loves curry, always working hard, pretty nice, likes curry, loves theatre, loves curry.
MadokaSo she likes curry that much…
FukunagaBut for such a nice person, I would be worried if I was her boyfriend~
Masumi…We’re not going out yet.
Usui-kun that doesn’t sound like you, don’t say that she already has a boyfriend?
Masumi… She doesn't.
FukunagaBut, if you approach me so passionately, even I would relent sooner or later.
MasumiI don’t want to approach you.
FukunagaIt’s just an if!
That’s why I was thinking there might be someone else on her mind.
Masumi(Director has another guy on her mind…?)
(It can’t be… It’s impossible.)
*Shifts to Living Room*
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 2-2.png
ItaruSince Masumi-kun is the lead, I have an idea for a sequel.
We can make Alice in Wonderland II.
SakuyaWe’ve never done a sequel before, so it sounds like a refreshing new idea!
TsuzuruBut the rabbit ears…
CitronThen how about puppy ears?
Summer Troupe already used cat ears, so we should try something different.
ItaruIs this a new animal series or something…
TsuzuruI’m not going to make such series!?
ChikageMasumi’s good at sword fighting, why not we try a performance that can make use of his skill?
IzumiSpring Troupe doesn’t really have a performance with battles and stuffs, maybe we can make it work!
TsuzuruMasumi? Something bothering you?
MasumiIt’s nothing…
ItaruIf you want to make use of something Masumi’s good at, the other choice would be…
SakuyaAh! What about story about magicians!?
He learns a lot of magic tricks from Chikage-san after all.
ChikageI see.
We can showcase the result of your training.
TsuzuruIt sounds like it’s going to be a good theme, sounds like it can highlight the brightness of Spring Troupe too.
CitronWe played some live performances during the Quartet performance, maybe we can do the same with magic this time.
IzumiSounds fun, I’m looking forward to it!
ItaruIf it’s magic, then the co-lead would be senpai?
SakuyaIt’s the master-pupil combination!
TsuzuruSounds great, why not.
CitronI approve!
ChikageI don’t mind.
IzumiMasumi-kun, will you be alright with this arrangement?
Masumi… Yeah.
Izumi(His answer’s a bit vague, I wonder if this is going to be alright…)
TsuzuruThen I’ll start thinking of a plot.
IzumiYeah, I’ll leave it to you.
*Shifts to Corridor*
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 2-3.png
ChikageMasumi, is this alright?
ChikageYou were practicing to hold a magic show for Director-san, weren’t you.
If we’re doing it on the stage, your performance will not be exclusive to Director-san anymore.
MasumiAh… It’s alright.
Even if other people see it, I would still be able to convey my desire to show it to Director, it’s no problem at all.
ChikageYou’re so consistent.
MasumiJust consistent?
ChikageAh… Well, if you’re satisfied then it’s fine.
Chikage(Since earlier, I’ve been feeling something weird…
Well, it’s Masumi after all, most probably it’s something about Director-san
Such a pure love is not my specialty…)
… the upcoming performance, I’m looking forward to work with you.
*Shifts to Itaru/Chikage's Room*
Magicians' Pure Love Episode 2-4.png
ItaruWoah, the rug’s expensive.
ItaruAh, how’s Masumi?
ItaruI thought you went to talk to him?
ChikageSo you saw.
ItaruI’m his dad after all.
ChikageAnd I’m the grandfather huh.
But he seemed to be fine for now, how to say…
Is it alright for me to give my grandson some pocket money.
ItaruI’m pretty sure it doesn’t work on that one grandson.
Maybe a bromide of Director-san will work instead.
ChikageYou’re right. Well, since I’ll be co-starring, I shall communicate with him carefully.
ItaruPlease do so.
ChikageBy the way, how was he during the Alice performance?
You were the co-lead right.
We understood that we cannot understand each other.
ChikageWhat’s that.
But, I think I will be the same.
ItaruNah, senpai’s pretty unexpected, I think you might actually understand each other normally.
I don’t have any basis for saying that, but if you find nothing in common with him, you won’t even teach him magic.
That dry part was somehow similar as well.
ChikageStarting from the basics.
Our age difference is quite big… how about that.
Above everything else, it doesn’t help that Masumi’s most prominent feature, being his passionate love, it’s not similar to me at all.
ItaruWell, around the time when Spring Troupe was formed, there was a time when Masumi lost his passion in love. That’s when everyone started sharing love stories to him.
ChikageLove stories… huh.
ItaruWhy not senpai go ahead and present one to him as well.
ChikageAre you serious?
ItaruWell, I don’t expect any interesting story to come out from you though.
ChikageI don’t want to hear that from you.
Well, I was told straight to the face that he doesn’t want to share love stories with me.
ItaruHaha. So Masumi understands well.
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Magicians' Pure Love
Episode 2
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(There are no available seats...)
Feel free to sit here.
Masumi... Thanks.
You're writing a script. Is it for GOD-za?
MadokaYeah. Lately, I've been able to study GOD-za's rehearsals as well, and I'm learning about acting all over again.
MadokaSince GOD-za lost the Showdown ACT, while Haruto-san and Shifuto have gotten re-motivated, the rest of GOD-za has, as well.
Everyone's vigorously working hard at practice. Kamikizaka-san's atmosphere has also changed in a good way.
How are things going over there?
MasumiI'm going to be the lead for the next Spring Troupe play.
MadokaIs that so? Congratulations.
MasumiI'll do my best for her...
MasumiThe Director.
MadokaYou're going to do your best for her?
MasumiI started acting for her sake. I'll do a way better performance than before and make her fall in love with me all over again.
MadokaF-Fall in love...?
FukunagaThat's great! The blazing flames of love have polished your performance, huh!
FukunagaYou should invite that Director-san to see this year's school festival's performance, too!
MasumiI already told you that I'm not performing in that thing.
FukunagaIkaruga-kun! You have to write a great script for his and the Director's sake!
MadokaNo, I haven't said I'll...
FukunagaDon't say that!
FukunagaAiming for an even higher stage as an actor for the sake of the person who was the reason for you getting into acting is so dramatic!
Madoka... So, if you hadn't met Director-san, you wouldn't have become an actor.
MasumiThere's no such thing as a world where Director and I don't meet. Us meeting each other is destiny.
When I become her ideal actor, we'll get married...
MadokaYou're quite the ardent person...
FukunagaIf you're that in love with her, then this Director-san must be quite captivating.
MasumiOf course. She likes curry, always works hard, is nice, likes curry, likes theater, and likes curry.
MadokaSo she likes curry that much...
FukunagaBut if she's that great of a person, you can't help but worry a bit as her boyfriend, right~.
Masumi... We're not going out yet.
FukunagaHuh!? If she hasn't been won over by you, does that mean she has a boyfriend?
Masumi... No.
FukunagaBut if I was the one being pressured in such an ardent way, I feel like I'd end up being moved by you~.
MasumiI wouldn't do that with you.
FukunagaIt's just an analogy! That's why I was wondering if she might have someone else.
Masumi(The Director is going to be with someone else...?)
(It's not possible... No way.)
ItaruIf Masumi's the lead, then there's the option of continuing the Alice performance. "Boy Alice in Wonderland II."
SakuyaWe've never done a continuation before, so in that sense, it's fresh!
TsuzuruI'd rather not with the rabbit ears...
CitronThen how about dog ears? The Summer Troupe has taken the cat ears, so we can't back down here.
ItaruA new entry in the animal series...
TsuzuruI'm not making that kind of series, okay!?
ChikageMasumi's good at fighting scenes, too, so how about putting that to work?
IzumiThe Spring Troupe doesn't really do battle-centric performances, so that might be interesting!
TsuzuruMasumi? Is something wrong?
ItaruIf it's putting Masumi's specialties to work, then the others are...
SakuyaAh! How about a magician!? Chikage-san often teaches him about magic.
ChikageI see. We'd be able to see the results of his practice, too.
TsuzuruIt's a theme we haven't done before, and it has a bright atmosphere that suits the Spring Troupe, so it might be a good idea.
CitronDuring Quartet, we performed live during the performance, but this time, the audience will be able to see magic.
IzumiThat sounds like fun!
ItaruIf it's about magic, then I guess the second lead would be Senpai?
SakuyaIt would be the duo of teacher and student!
TsuzuruThat sounds good to me.
ChikageI wouldn't really mind, either.
IzumiWould you be okay with that Masumi-kun?
Izumi(He seems kind of out of it. I wonder if he's okay...)
TsuzuruOkay, then, I'll think of a plot.
IzumiMm, I'm counting on you.
ChikageMasumi, do you have a second?
ChikageYou practiced to do a show that was exclusively for Director-san. If it's performed onstage, it's going to be seen by more than just her.
MasumiOh... It's whatever.
Even if other people see it, I'll be performing it with the feelings of wanting her to see it the most. There's no problem.
ChikageSame as usual.
MasumiIs that it?
ChikageAh... Well, if you're satisfied with that, then it's fine.
Chikage(Ever since a while ago, it's been clear that he's not himself, but... Since it's Masumi, it's probably about Director-san.)
(Love is outside my area of expertise, so...)
... Looking forward to working with you for the next performance.
Itaru... Yikes, this lag is an F.
ItaruOh, how was Masumi?
ItaruYou went to go talk to him, right?
ChikageYou're watching pretty closely.
ItaruI'm his dad, after all.
ChikageAnd I'm his grandpa, huh.
For now, he seems okay, but who knows for sure... Maybe it'd be better if I gave my grandson some pocket money.
ItaruThere's no way that'll have any effect on that grandson. It would have to be like a bromide of Director-san or something.
ChikageTrue. Well, I'm the second lead, so I'll try to be as careful as possible and communicate with him.
ItaruPlease do.
ChikageSpeaking of, what about during Alice? You were his second lead, weren't you?
ItaruAhhh... We understood that we can't understand each other.
ChikageWhat's with that. But, it seems like that's what's going to happen with me, too.
ItaruNo... Senpai, you might unexpectedly be able to normally understand him.
I don't have any basis for this, but I think you might be able to find a surprising point in common with him. You already teach him magic regularly.
Your guys' dry foundation is also kinda alike.
ChikageFoundation, huh. Our ages are pretty far apart... I wonder.
More than anything, the thing that Masumi seems worried about the most, which is relationships about love, is something we don't have in common at all. I doubt I'd be able to help him.
ItaruNow that you mention it, around the time the Spring Troupe was established, Masumi got depressed over a broken heart.
Back then, we gossiped about love together.
ChikageLove gossip... huh.
ItaruYou should try talking to him about that, too, Senpai.
ChikageAre you saying that for real?
ItaruWell, it doesn't seem like you'd have any interesting stories to tell, though.
ChikageI don't want to hear that from you.
Besides, not too long ago, he already told me that he has no intention of gossiping about love with me.
ItaruHaha. Masumi totally gets it~.
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