Sakuya | -- I see! |
Yuki | What is that book? |
Sakuya | It’s a book I borrowed from the Royal Palace Library. It is a a famous Zahran story. |
| I have only been able to translate a bit of it but-- |
| The story is something like, ‘An energetic young boy has lost all of the ‘colour’ in his flower. He meets a man who has no ‘heart’ and they go on a journey’. |
Yuki | Hmm, that sounds pretty interesting. |
Kumon | I wanna try and read it! Let me borrow it next! |
Sakyo | But you can’t even read Zahran. However, I get the feeling you are quite interested in the story. |
Sam | Ohh, what a great book! That story is where the Legend of the Jasmine comes from. |
Izumi | The Legend of the Jasmine? |
Sam | Yes. The story goes that the flowers were so overcome by the death of God, that they began to wither away one by one. However, it is only the jasmine flowers that were able to withstand this grief and survive. |
| And instead of withering, they turned from their original pink colour, to white. |
Sakuya | So that’s why there’s a jasmine flower on the cover! |
Sakyo | Oh, I see. |
Sam | So everyone, the tea is ready. Come and get it! |
Izumi | Wow, the jasmine tea and sweets are delicious! |
Yuki | Yes, they have a great scent. |
Sakyo | Hmm, come to think of it, I haven’t seen Guy anywhere. |
Sam | Oh, some people from the palace came by earlier so he is probably still talking to them. |
Sakuya | Well then, I will go get him! |
Kumon | I’ll come with you! |
Kumon | Ahh, Guy is over there! |
Sakuya | Are they still talking? |
Guy | << I would like to return this letter.>> |
Palace Official | <<What is the meaning of this?>> |
Guy | <<You all are happy. However, I unable to honour your request.>> |
Palace Official | <<.... Understood. We will accept the return of the letter. However, our feelings will not change.>> |
| <<-- We need you.>> |
| <<So then, we will see you at the palace. Please allow us to take our leave.>> |
Guy | ..... |
| <<..... I need you.. Is it..?>> |
Sakuya | -- |
Guy | ...hm? Sakuma, Kumon, you came? |
Sakuya | Y-Yea. Sorry, it was just that you were in the middle of a conversation so we didn’t have a chance to call you for tea. |
Kumon | It’s tea time, Guy! Let’s take our break together! |
Guy | I see, so you came to get me. Thank you. |
| I will go and wash my hands, please go inside without me. |
Sakuya | Alright. |
Kumon | ..... I wonder what Guy was talking about with the palace official? |
| For some reason I think I understood the last thing they said in Zahran. It’s on the tip of my tongue.... what was it? |
Sakuya | (I am pretty sure that sentence was ‘I need you’........... So that means that letter was.... could it be...) |
Kazunari | Wow this food is super photogenic! Mega insta-blammable~ |
Azuma | Fufu, and it goes very well with some sake. |
Omi | No surprise, this food is completely different from what we get at home, I wonder what kind of spice they put in this. |
Tsumugi | Fufu, not a surprising comment coming from the chef of the spicy food research club. Let’s ask one of the staff later. |
Izumi | So what did Citron and Chikage’s teams do today? |
Citron | We went to the plaza and played with the kids. We also talked with the locals and performed an etude! |
Taichi | The locals were super nice and we raced with the kids, It was mega fun to play some hand games with the kids too~! |
Tsuzuru | Citron was pretty popular, everyone gathered around him. |
Juza | To introduce Japan, we performed a Manzai etude. |
Izumi | A... Manzai etude....? |
Tsuzuru | It was stand up improv.... |
Tasuku | I thought it was a rousing success... And a surprisingly good experience. It seemed like the locals also had a lot of fun. |
Chikage | We went and assisted at the market. We also did some shopping. |
Muku | Even though we all just spoke in broken sentences, I am really happy that we were able to speak with the people at the shops! |
Tenma | Yea. And I really liked seeing all the different kinds of things they were selling. |
Misumi | I bought lots and lots of foreign triangles! |
Azami | I bought a lot of various Zahran cosmetics. The colours are nice, I think I will be using them a lot. |
Sakyo | My god, don’t go overboard with all the spending. |
Masumi | I want to go with you next time. Next time we have a break, let’s go buy souvenirs together. |
Hisoka | I wanna go too, I wanna go find some Zahran marshmallows. |
Itaru | I found a place that sells Zahran candy toys. How about we go tomorrow? There will probably be marshmallows too. |
Hisoka | Let’s go. |
Banri | And how about you guys, jasmine field team? |
Kumon | The jasmine fields were suuuuper duper big, and they smelled amazing! I wish I could have gone with my big brother ~! |
Yuki | The jasmine tea and sweets were delicious. |
Homare | Ohh, you drank jasmine tea in the jasmine fields? That sounds amazing, I would love to go in the future. |
Izumi | (Everyone seems pretty happy. It seems like this experience in a country where we don’t speak the language will help us with our performance later.) |
Sakuya | .... Umm, Citron. |
Citron | What’s up? |
Sakuya | Well today in the jasmine fields I heard Guy say to one of the palace officials, <<‘I need you’>>.. |
Citron | Oh, like some adult way of flirting with him? |
Sakuya | N-No, not like that...! |
Tangerine | <<Sorry to intrude!>> |
| <<Brother! Guy! Mika is-- Mika is gone!>> |
Guy and Citron | --! |