Scarlet Mirror/Episode 9

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Scarlet Mirror
Episode 9
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Hisoka...This is so predictable.
ChikageWe need someplace out of sight, and places like this are our only option.
Hisoka...Come to think of it, we always used places like this. Dramas and movies are amazing.
ChikageYou sure are carefree. Don’t drag me down.
HisokaYou’re telling me?
???<<You said you’d “captured him”, but the situation looks a little different.>>
Chikage<<Nice to meet you, is technically what I should say.>>
July<<Yeah. Since I wouldn’t show my face.>>
Chikage<<Well, not saying that this is your real face though.>>[1]
July<<Haha, true. Someday I will confirm that——>>
<<So, which one’s December? But from your stature, I suppose he’d be that one over there.>>
July<<I’m impressed you lived after falling off that cliff. I guess that’s what you’d expect from the kid August picked up.>>
Hisoka<<...How’d you know I fell off a cliff?>>
July<<Let’s take our time talking about that later.>>
Chikage<<No need for that. Right here, you’re——>>
Hisoka<<I’ve got a favour to ask of you.>>
July<<A favour?>>
Hisoka<<I know you’re the traitor who set August up. You’ll be in danger if I report you.>>
July<<Right. That’s why I need to make you the traitor and dispose of you.>>
Hisoka<<Well I don’t want to die, and I want to return to the organization. So I’ll side with you.>>
Chikage...What are you saying, December?
July<<So you’re going to let go of the freedom you got in exchange for August’s life? I find that hard to believe.>>
Hisoka<<I do feel sorry towards August. But right now I have something I want to protect.>>
Hisoka<<I was actually going to work with April to catch you and turn you in to the boss.>>
<<But April wishes to escape the organization. In order to return to the organization, it’d be wiser to stick with the next boss.>>
<<Everything would be settled peacefully if you made it seem like April is the traitor.>>
ChikageOi, December, this isn’t what we planned.
July<<If you want me to believe what you’re saying, then can you show me proof?>>
ChikageWeren’t we supposed to avenge August? Why are you suddenly——
HisokaI had no other choice. Sorry.
ChikageStop messing around...
HisokaI was always complaining, but I didn’t hate you, April.
ChikageDecember—— Guh.
Hisoka<<My proof will be April himself. You can do whatever you want with him.>>
<<...Haha, so this is what your pretend-family has come down to. This is why I told him he’d suffer if he’d kept saying naive things.>>
Chikage<<...If this will protect what’s important to me, then I’m satisfied.>>
July<<You’re still spouting childish things like that?>>
Chikage<<...I guess you wouldn’t understand.>>
July<<I wouldn’t understand...?>>
<<——I do understand.>>
<<I always believed that August treasured “that place” more than anything, like I did, and yet...>>
<<I didn’t think he was researching memory in order to leave the organization and live as an ordinary person.>>
<<He said it was a cure for psychological trauma, but that was all a lie. Don’t you think he’s the real traitor here?>>
<<We didn’t endure all that hellish training for that!>>
<<We live and die for the organization. From now on we won’t be manipulated by the times. We’ll create our own era.>>
Hisoka<<That’s why you did that to August?>>
July<<Yeah. I sold information to the enemy.>>
<<I even told August that I’d spare him if he abandoned the results of his research, but he refused.>>
Hisoka<<Is that all of your crimes?>>
Chikage<<I only pretended to be restrained. I’ve sent our entire conversation to the headquarters.>>
Hisoka<<I didn’t think you’d fall for such a clichéd trap. How disappointing.>>
July<<In that case, I’ll expose that December actually lived and that April had been hiding him.>>
Hisoka<<Nobody will believe the words of someone who betrayed his companions.>>
July<<——The traitor wasn’t me.>>
Chikage<<Just go to sleep.>>
Chikage<<Too slow——>>
Chikage<<You can’t escape from this distance. Your fault for letting your guard down.>>
Chikage<<This is April. I’ve captured the traitor.>>
Chikage<<...The accomplice took a weapon out, so I’m going to dispose of him.>>
Chikage<<I’ll leave the deportation arrangements to you. Bye.>>
HisokaThis sucks. You didn’t tell me anything about falling into the ocean.
ChikageIt’s payback for kicking me earlier.
HisokaThat was an act.
ChikageYou sure didn’t hold back.
HisokaDid I not?
ChikageHere, grab my hand. We’re going home.
HisokaI’m drenched...
ChikageGood thing you changed into a different coat.
Hisoka...I didn’t think you’d use a strategy like this.
ChikageAugust would have. I would’ve been against it.
But you wanted to go home with your head held high as the actor Mikage Hisoka, right?
ChikageWell, whether it’d work or not was a gamble though. Since he’s not the type of guy to come out in the open...
I expected him to have poor judgment on the field, but I was glad he was even less composed than I thought.
Hisoka...I think July was tainted by that place too much.
He didn’t know any other way to live, so it’s only reasonable that he ended up that way.
...August may have wanted to save July too.
Hisoka...I’m home.
ChikageI’m home.
MukuWelcome back!
MisumiWelcome back~!
JuzaYou’re late.
KumonWhere’d you go?
ChikageWe just practiced some action scenes.
JuzaThat sounds nice.
KumonWe also did individual practice so now we’re on a roll!
JuzaDo you want to practice right now?
Hisoka...Before we do that, I’m going to grab the marshmallows I left with someone. It’d be a pain if they were eaten.
ChikageGo on.
KumonWe’ll go ahead to the practice room then!
*door closes*
IzumiChikage-san, welcome back.
Chikage——I’m home.
IzumiYou didn’t do anything dangerous, did you?
ChikageJust a little. But we’ve taken care of all the danger now.
IzumiUmm, congratulations? Thank you for your hard work?
ChikageThanks. It should be safe from now on. Hisoka will be fine now too.
IzumiI see...
ChikageIf by any chance, something happens after this, I’ll do something about it. So don’t worry.
Izumi...You can’t do that.
IzumiChikage-san, you told me before that I should see Hisoka-san as an actor.
It’s the same for you. You’re a part of this theater troupe, so please don’t put yourself in danger.
Chikage...Got it. Director-san.
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  1. Since this exchange doesn’t have a specific subject there is a chance I may have misinterpreted these lines ..
