Scarlet Mirror/Episode 8

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Scarlet Mirror
Episode 8
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*door opens*
GuyMikage. Perfect timing.
AzumaAh, Hisoka’s here too.
HomarePerfect. We request a lecture.
TsumugiWe’re practicing darts right now.
TasukuSince there’ll be a punishment game if it’s a match between troupes.
HomareWe were saved during the old maid tournament thanks to Azuma-san and Tsumugi-kun. However, we have the Spring Troupe to face this time.
GuyUtsuki will surely be a formidable opponent.
TsumugiPlus the Spring Troupe said they’d be practicing too. We need to practice so we don’t drag you down, Hisoka-kun.
Hisoka...You didn’t have to worry about that though.
TsumugiDid you have something you wanted to talk about?
HisokaI’m thinking of heading out for a bit.
HomareOh? Did you have something to do?
HisokaSomething really important. I can’t tell you the details, but... I just wanted to tell you I’ll be on my way.
AzumaI see...
HisokaSettling my past... Part 2.
TasukuWhat the heck. How many parts are there?
GuyIt doesn’t seem like it will end soon.
HisokaThis’ll be the last. I’ll return home for sure... so hold on to this for me.
HomareWhy, these are the limited-edition marshmallows from the other day.
HisokaI was savouring them, so there’s 14 left.
AzumaFufu, he’s keeping count.
HisokaAlice, don’t snack on them.
HomareI shall do no such thing. I am not you, after all.
In any case, I shall look after them for you. Take care.
AzumaMake sure to come back home.
TasukuThe first day of the performance is just around the corner. It can’t start without the lead actor.
GuyWe can’t win the darts tournament without you, Mikage.
TsumugiWe’ll all be waiting. See you later.
HisokaI’m off.
Izumi(I wanted to talk to Chikage-san about practice, but as always I can’t get a hold of him.)
IzumiOh, Hisoka-san, have you seen Chikage-san?
HisokaNo... He’s not back yet?
IzumiHuh? No, not yet...
(He seems a little different...)
HisokaI’ll bring him home.
Izumi...Did something happen?
HisokaDon’t worry. We’ll both be back.
(Something he can’t talk to me about must have happened.)
(I’m worried, but I accept the two of them as actors...)
...You can’t skip practice.
HisokaYeah. I’m the lead and he’s the co-lead after all.
IzumiThat’s right. Plus you haven’t resolved Holmes and Moriarty’s relationship.
IzumiYou two are leading this performance, so I won’t go easy on you.
Izumi...Come back safe, no matter what. To me, you two are precious members of our troupe.
HisokaGot it.
Izumi...See you later.
TaichiJuza-san, being a soldier suits you super well!
SakyoYou’re looking sharp now.
KumonWhat about me? What about me?
TenmaYou may be an apprentice, but you’re still a doctor. You should probably move a little more smartly.
YukiBut if you’re too capable then that might not look like Watson anymore.
KazunariLet’s test out a bunch of stuff today!
IzumiOff to do some individual training?
KumonEveryone says they’ll come with us.
IzumiGood luck!
(Kumon-kun and Juza-kun’s acting has gotten much better.)
(Hisoka-san, Chikage-san, these two will leave you behind if you don’t come back soon.)
Chikage<<I’ve captured December.>>
???<<“Have you reported to the headquarters?”>>
Chikage<<Not yet. I thought I’d ask you first.>>
???<<“That’s smart of you. I was entrusted to deal with December. Tell me your location.”>>
Chikage<<I’ll send it to you now.>>
Hisoka...What was that about December?
Chikage...Why are you here.
HisokaI want to cherish the new life August gave me, as well as my current self whom the Winter Troupe and Mankai Company built.
ChikageThen just sit there and——
HisokaI want to go home to that precious place with my head held high.
I didn’t come here for revenge; I’m here so the two of us can go back home where our current family’s waiting.
HisokaI’m sure you feel the same, Chikage. It’s not that you want revenge — you just want to protect that place.
So let me protect it too.
Chikage...You’re so stubborn.
HisokaThat’s my line.
ChikageLike Kumon and Juza said, we probably are alike.
HisokaAs much as I don’t like it.
ChikageThat’s my line.
HisokaSo, what do we do?
ChikageGo change for now.
ChikageNostalgic, isn’t it?
ChikageWe’ll finish this today.
HisokaThat’s the plan, of course.
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