HAve A greAt trip!/Episode 7

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by Kean here.
HAve A greAt trip!
Episode 7
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Itaru…Huh? Lunch?
KazunariI even did my research beforehand~! This place will definitely look good on Instegram, and the way they arrange the food is also super stylish!
TenmaI planned on coming to this shop from the very beginning! The meat dishes here are really good; they were even featured in magazines!
Itaru…To put it simply, you guys were arguing about which shop to eat at, huh.
TenmaAnyway, Kazunari said that he could speak this country’s language so I decided to stick with him, but it turns out that it was only body language!
KazunariEven if it’s just body language or hand gestures, they bring across the message properly so it’s fine, isn’t it~! We can communicate perfectly fine~!
ItaruFighting at the travel destination… It’s a standard development, but for it to actually happen near me is…
MisumiI told the two of you that you shouldn’t fight, right~!
ItaruWe’ve come all the way here on an overseas trip, so arguing will only make you unhappy, right? Our free time is limited, too.
KazunariYou’re right~…
MisumiYou know, I’m also kind of hungry~. I want to eat triangles~!
ItaruTriangles, huh… Like sandwiches?
TenmaIf you’re looking for a sandwich shop, I saw one just now.
KazunariOka~y! Well then, since we’re all here, the four of us will have lunch together! Let’s eat delicious triangles~!
ItaruSo the four of us are having lunch, huh. Being surrounded by Summer Troupe is a new experience…
TenmaThat’s right, Itaru-san’s the only one from Spring Troupe here.
ItaruThe sharp-tongued tsukkomi and the gentle mediator aren’t here; I wonder if I can be a proper substitute.
MisumiItaru, tsukkomi~?
KazunariItarun is usually the boke who purposely messes things up![1]
TenmaThat’s the nasty one, isn’t it![1]
MisumiThe triangles were delicious~!
KazunariIt was seriously on the same level as Omimi’s quiche, right?! It was super delicious~!
TenmaAhh, it wasn’t bad.
ItaruWell then, our stomachs are full, so we should set out soon.
TenmaBy the way, where are you and Misumi going after this?
MisumiWe’re going to the art museum to see triangles~! Arisu’s coming later too!
KazunariHuh, I see! Itarun, Sumi and Aririn — what a rare combination of people!
TenmaIf you’ve made plans to meet someone then you should probably hurry.
First of all, you should take a bus or taxi…
ItaruAre you okay?
What’s wrong with that guy, bumping into me and leaving without saying anything. Geez, that’s dangerous…
Kazunari…Hmm? Huh?! Tenten, where’s your stuff?!
MisumiAh—! That person~!
KazunariThe person who bumped into you just now! He’s holding Tenten’s stuff!
ItaruSo there really are pickpockets.
KazunariThis isn’t the time for you to be saying something like that! We have to hurry and chase that guy!
TenmaHey, hold up! You damn thief!!
MisumiThis is bad~! Itaru! Itaru, you have to hurry too, hurry—!
ItaruHold on a minute. …Ah, we don’t need any change. [2]
MisumiItaru, hurry up~!
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  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Ughghghgh okay so I understand the original sentences, but this is the best I could come up with ;;u; if anyone has a better way of phrasing those two sentences, please,,, help me,,,,., ,
  2. tbh i understand what he’s saying but i don’t really get what he means, so if anyone could help??