Sakuya | It’s here at last, the day of the Animal Show. |
Izumi | Sakuya-kun, are you nervous? |
Sakuya | Just a little. I’m just so excited about being able to act together with everyone that I can’t help it! |
Tsumugi | People from all countries are coming to spectate too. |
Kazunari | Okay, let’s put our all into entertaining everyone! With that said, huddle up! |
Banri | As if we even have time to huddle up. |
Juza | Seems like it’s go time already. |
Kazunari | Eh!? If I miss my chance today, it’s going to be another four years till the next show~! |
Tenma | Come on, let’s go! |
| |
Kazunari | “Awh~ Today is the Animal Land’s conference, but… I wonder if Tenma-sama is going to be okay.” |
| “Whenever those kings of the four countries see each other’s faces, they just end up fighting~…” |
Tenma | “Hmph! I have returned!” |
Kazunari | “Oh, Tenma-sama! Welcome back… is what I would like to say, but you seem to be in one bad mood~” |
| “Which country’s king did you fight with today?” |
Tenma | “It was Spring Land’s Sakuya today. Things are generally going pretty bad over there.” |
Kazunari | “Ahaha, so it was Sakuya-sama~ …” |
Tenma | “Dang it, I’m so miffed!” |
Kazunari | “Oh shoot, if I stay here he’ll probably end up taking out his anger on me~…” |
| “Erm, Tenma-sama! I have some errands to run so I’ll be taking my leave now~!” |
| |
| “Sigh… You would think that the kings would get tired of fighting every single time.” |
| “Even though there are so many kind people in the other countries, since the kings are like that, well…” |
| “…Hm?” |
Juza | “…” |
Kazunari | “Eh, wh-, Juza-kun!? What’s wrong, are you okay!?” |
Juza | “…Mrngh.” |
| “…Ah? Oh… I fell asleep again.” |
| “Kazunari-san, great timing. I came here as the king of autumn’s messenger. Please, let me meet Tenma-sama.” |
Kazunari | “So that’s what it was. Alright, right this way.” |
| |
| “Tenma-sama, the autumn king’s messenger has arrived! Juza-kun, you can take a seat right here.” |
Juza | “Yes.” |
Tenma | “Kazunari, you… Since when have you buddied up with the guys outside of our country?” |
Kazunari | “Oh, we just got to know each other a while ago and then became friends.” |
| “There are many nice people in the other countries too, Tenma-sama!” |
Tenma | “Sigh, good grief…” |
Juza | “Tenma-sama. This is a letter from the Autumn Land’s king that I have been entrusted with.” |
| “Other messengers from Spring Land and Winter Land are delivering their letters as well.” |
Tenma | “A letter from Banri, huh. Tsk, why do I have to read a letter from a scoundrel like him?” |
Kazunari | “Now now. More importantly, what does it say?” |
Tenma | “...Powerful opponents have appeared near Autumn Land. If this situation develops any further, the world, not to mention Autumn Land, could fall into turmoil.” |
| “We have to come together in this time of need.” |
Juza | “Some crocodile and shark ruffians put together a clique of their own to try and violently take over Autumn Land.” |
| “They’re planning on invading the other countries after they’re done with Autumn Land.” |
Kazunari | “Isn’t this super bad!? Tenma-sama, this really isn’t the right time to be at odds with them!” |
Tenma | “…I know. Let’s go to Autumn Land - you too, Kazunari.” |
Kazunari | “Yes!” |
| |
Banri | “I thank you all for gathering here. Even if I don’t really feel like it.” |
Sakuya | “Haah? You’re saying that here of all places?” |
Tsumugi | “Even though I came all the way here with my own two feet. I’ll go home, you know?” |
Tenma | “Good grief. We came here for a reason.” |
Banri | “Huh? Who the hell do you think you are, you little bitch?” |
Tenma | “It has already been settled that I’m the king of Summer Land. Who do YOU think you are?” |
Kazunari | Aw, geez! I already told you guys to stop fighting!” |
Juza | “There’s no time for this.” |
Banri | “Tsk…” |
| “I’ll be brief now. I want to beat the enemy that has appeared in Autumn Land’s vicinity. And for that, I need the power of the whole crew.” |
Sakuya | “…I suppose it can’t be helped. At this rate, all of the countries will fall into a state of chaos.” |
| “I will lend you my strength.” |
Tsumugi | “I shall also join in. For the sake of protecting this country, the people here, and our world, let us join forces.” |
Tenma | “Sure, I’ll also lend you a hand. Betraying our four countries like that… I’ll make them regret it.“ |
Banri | “A’ight. It’s go time!” |
The animals | “Yeah!” |
Kazunari | “They really do act like kings in times like this.” |
Juza | “Even though they usually bicker over the smallest things.” |
| |
Banri | “Listen up you crocs and sharks! Prepare yourselves!” |
Crocodile A | “Ah, so the king has showed up just for us!” |
Shark A | “Take this!! Gaaah!” |
Tsumugi | Hmf…!” |
Sakuya | “Over here!” |
Shark A | “Wh… S-so fast! You little-- get back here!” |
Sakuya | ”Flowers, tree leaves, plants - I call you forth!”[1] |
| *wind blowing sound effect* |
Shark A | “What the? There’s a sweet scent, and the leaves in the trees are…” |
Crocodile A | “Wh—!? W-while I was distracted by the scent, grass and ivy wrapped around my limbs…!” |
Tsumugi | “Snow and water - I call you forth!” |
| *crunchy ice sound effect* |
Crocodile B | “Uoh!? M-my feet are frozen…!” |
Sakuya | “Haa! Yaah!” |
Tsumugi | “Don’t underestimate the sharpness of our claws! Haa!” |
Crocodile B | “Guaaa!?” |
Tenma | “Ha! Teyaah! What, is that it?” |
| *kicking sound effect* |
Shark C | “Dang it, what’s with this guy’s kicks!?” |
Tenma | “Be honoured that you can experience my kick charged with the power of the summer sun! Taah!” |
| *kicking sound effect* |
Crocodile C | Uwaaaa!” |
Banri | “Oraa!” |
| *clawing sound effect* |
Crocodile D | “W-what is that speed and strength…!?” |
Banri | “As if you could take on me, the one clad in the golden wind! Don’t even think you can prove me wrong! Haa!!” |
| *clawing sound effect* |
Crocodile D | “Ugaaaa!” |
Banri | “Oi!” |
Sakuya | “Yes, I know!” |
Tenma | “Let’s go!” |
Tsumugi | “Alright!” |
The kings | “Take thiiiis!!” |
| *kicking and clawing sound effects* |
The crocodiles and sharks | “Gyaaaaa!!!” |
Kazunari | “A-amazing…! The kings defeated all of the ruffians…!” |
Juza | “You sure don’t see that every day… As expected from a king.” |
Banri | “Pretty sure these guys can’t get up to any good with this. Good job.” |
Sakuya | “Thank you for your hard work.” |
Tsumugi | “Now then… I suppose we don’t have to get used to matters like this again.” |
Tenma | “Very true. Welp, guess we’ll be going home now.” |
Kazunari | “Eh!? But, you guys just did all of that cool, top tier team up cooperation stuff!” |
| “Isn’t this the plot point where everyone becomes good pals with each other!?” |
Sakuya | “That’s one difficult topic…” |
Tsumugi | “It’s absolutely impossible.” |
| “However… If you absolutely want to come over, why not pop in for a cup of tea?” |
Tenma | “Heh, I guess if you insist, then I ought to get some souvenirs ready.” |
Sakuya | “If you really mean that *that* badly, then I suppose I could act as a conversing partner sometimes.” |
Banri | “What's that? It ain't like it's impossible for me to allow y'all to come to Autumn Land if y'all are so insistent on that sorta stuff.”[2] |
Tsumugi | “You should be the one insisting on us coming over.” |
Sakuya | “I won’t be the one insisting on anything!” |
Tenma | “We were talking to each other so nicely just now, what’s with you guys!?” |
Banri | “The hell? There’s no way you would actually expect me to be the type to actually invite someone over for tea, right!?” |
Sakuya | “I don’t care! I’m going home!” |
Tsumugi | “I will be heading home as well.” |
Tenma | “I’ll be leaving too!” |
Banri | “Oh yeah, go ahead, go home! Buzz off and go home already!” |
The kings | “Hmph!!” |
Kazunari | “…Say, don’t you think there’s a chance the kings actually want to get along with comrades who are super similar to them, or…” |
Juza | “…Kinda seems like it…” |
Tenma | “As if!! We’re going home, Kazunari!!” |
Kazunari | ”Y-yes, okay!” |
| “Juza-kun, let’s keep in touch still, okay!?” |
Juza | “Y-yeah.” |
Kazunari | “Also, since they actually seem to want to get along with each other…” |
| “Let’s hope that both the kings and fellow people of the countries become even better friends!” |
Juza | “Sure.” |