Juza | …Found it. |
| Guess I really did leave it in the treetops I slept in. |
??? | Stop, stop! |
| Shut up! Stop being so noisy. |
Juza | Hm? |
Kazunari | I told you not to pull me like that~! |
??? | Just come with me! |
Juza | …Is that Kazunari-san’s voice? Where is it coming from… |
| ! Kazunari-san is surrounded by dogs…! |
| Kazunari-san! |
Kazunari | Ah, help me Hyodoru! I got fenced in by all of these puppies~! |
Juza | Hang on! |
| Damn…! As if I can even reach them…! |
Haruto | Start walking, giraffe! |
Kazunari | I told you not to pull me so forcefully~! |
Juza | Oi, leave Kazunari-san alone! |
Dog A | What’s your damn problem! |
Dog B | Outta the way! |
Juza | You’re in the way, move! Oraa! |
Dog A | Gua! |
Dog B | Gyaa! |
Juza | I’ve got you now. Let go of Kazunari-san…! |
Haruto | Hey, don’t grab me! Your claws hurt. |
Juza | What were you planning to do with Kazunari-san? |
Haruto | What, I was just going to lock him up for a bit. |
Kazunari | Eh, I was about to get locked up!? Oh noes! |
Haruto | It’s because you were getting too nosey. If you want to hold grudges, then you can blame your overtly perceptive self for getting you into this mess. |
| |
Juza | C’mon, in you go. |
Reni | … |
Haruto | Don’t behave so rudely towards Reni-san! |
Izumi | So you two were the culprits. What is your reasoning behind all this mischief? |
Reni | There is no need to discuss those things. |
Tenma | Say what? |
Banri | Don’t even think for a second that you have any right to remain silent after everything you did to our countries. |
Banri & Tenma | Fess up! |
| …! |
Tsumugi | Fufu, similar minds think alike. |
Tenma | …Hmph. |
Banri | Tsk. |
Kazunari | Could it be that DOG-za also wanted to appear in the Animal Show? If that was the case you should have said something~ |
Haruto | As if! |
Reni | I just didn’t like the Animal Show plays due to their old-fashioned style. |
Izumi | Eh? …W-was that really it? |
Juza | With such flimsy reasoning, wouldn’t it have been better to just leave us alone from the start? There was no need for all this harassment. |
Haruto | Your traditions are presumptuous, in spite of your plays being on a lower level compared to ours. |
Tenma | On a lower level you say? |
Banri | On a lower level, he says. |
Izumi | M-moving on! I’ll let you off with a warning this time! We’re lucky that no one got hurt. |
| Even so, please return the food supplies, coconuts, and water lost by the respective countries. |
Reni | Hmph… |
Haruto | So annoying, it’s enough for us to just return it all. Bye. |
Sakuya | Um, wait! |
| Let’s stand on the stage together next time! |
Reni | … |
| …Tsk. Let’s go, Haruto. |
| *door click* |
Izumi | Fufu, that was very you, Sakuya. |
Sakuya | I just thought that it was sad how we both like acting but still can’t get along. |
| |
Izumi | Alright, with this, we’re prepared for the Animal Show. |
| Speaking of… While we usually have the leaders acting as the representatives in the play— |
| How does Kazunari-kun and Juza-kun appearing as honoured guests this time around sound? |
Tenma | Yeah, works for me. |
Banri | Meh, why not. |
Tsumugi | We were just told that our plays were old-fashioned, so this would be a good way to show DOG-za what we are capable of. |
Sakuya | Exactly! Let’s give them a good show! |
Kazunari | For real!? We can appear in the show too!? Huzzah! |
Juza | As thanks for letting us join in, we’ll give you the best play possible. |
Izumi | Yeah, let’s create a great show together! |
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