On the Trajectory to Full Bloom./Spring/Episode 4

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On the Trajectory to Full Bloom.
Episode 4: The Reborn Spring Troupe’s 2nd Anniversary Play
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ItaruPhew... Guess this is gonna be it. Ah~ my shoulders are so stiff.
(Having Senpai look at it should make it a guaranteed thing... Though the idea kinda annoys me.)
... Well, of course he isn't here.
(Oh, there he is——)
Chikage... If we remove this part, I think I'd be able to take this off more easily.
YukiPutting a fastener here, huh... It would stand out a bit. In that case, we can put magic tape on this side and——.
Itaru(... He's making quite the serious face. How unusual.)
Chikage... Guess this will be it.
YukiFor now, I'll make a test version of it.
ChikageI'm counting on you.
——So, Chigasaki, do you need something?
ItaruYou noticed me, huh. I finished making the draft for the presentation, so I was thinking I should have you take a look at it.
ItaruHow is it?
ChikageYou put way too much effort into this. To think that you would be the type that makes such a hot-blooded presentation.
Itaru... During the plays for KniRoun, I was helped by everyone. I guess you can say these are my feelings of gratitude for that.
ChikageHeh. I think your feelings were made pretty clear by that blog, though?[1]
ItaruWha. Everyone else didn't look at it at all... This is why you're an unromantic senpai.
ChikageWell, I understand where the reason for your enthusiasm comes from, but as documents for a presentation, it's a bit much.
These flickers of your love that are shown here will probably come across better written in a letter rather than a document.
ItaruJust like that one time... is what you're saying?
ChikageThat's right. Just like that one time you dragged me onto the stage.
ItaruRoger. Actually, Senpai, it's strange for you to be so proactive, too.
The truth is, a family member that I parted with after a fight is scheduled to come home for the first time in three years. I was thinking that if I showed them that I'm taking acting seriously, they might be happy.
Well... I guess you can say that I'd like to show them a good side of myself.
ItaruHuh, so that's——. Wait, you're not going to say, "If I said that, would you believe me?" right?
ChikageWell, the "I'd like to show them a good side of myself" part was true, after all.
——The best atonement for something that happened involving a play is to make it up with a play.
(... This must be about that disapperance during our fourth play. I guess Senpai was bothered by that in his own way.)
ChikageHaha. We're both being unusually serious.
ItaruThat's true.
SakuyaGood work everyone!
ChikageGood work.
CitronI worked up a good sweat today, too~.
TsuzuruAh, can I have a bit of everyone's time? I finished the prototype, so I'd like everyone to take a look!
SakuyaThis is so interesting!
MasumiIsn't it fine?
ItaruIt also applies the feedback I gave to you. Good, good.
ItaruThen, we should send this to Hoshii-san——.
*knock, knock, knock*
Sakuya? I wonder what that is?
ManagerAccept this letter!
SakuyaWhoa, Manager!?
TsuzuruWhat, he's leaving already?!
CitronSakuya, what did you get from him?
SakuyaHmm, it looks like a letter, but...
Chikage... "Secret letter" is written on it.
Masumi...! It might be a love letter for me from the Director.
TsuzuruThere's no way.
CitronLet's hurry and open it.
Chikage... I see.
ItaruFor an idea from the manager, it's pretty good.
TsuzuruThis is a really good idea!
CitronSakuya, we'll be leaving those preparations to you.
MasumiI'll do it in your stead at any time.
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  1. Here, Chikage is referring to Itaru's actual written blog posted after the Knights of Round event ended. If you're curious, it's translated on this website as well under the blogs section.