Fantastic Fairy Tail/Episode 6

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Fantastic Fairy Tail
Episode 6
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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by rainbowpacifiers here.
MukuWow, how incredible! It feels like we wandered into the world of fairytales...!
TasukuThis is pretty full-scale. So the (interpretations of the) worlds were created by dividing up the areas for each fairy tale?
IzumiIt’s amusing that their rule of having to cosplay from the moment you step into the theme park makes it seem like you’re getting right into character.
Also, because of this place, you guys really look just like fairy tale residents.
KazunariRight?! It super hype, and there are only places to look nice, so let’s take lots of pics~!
IzumiSo, why did I get to be the Wolf...?
ItaruIt means that while you have the strength to have 24 men under your thumb, you also have a ditzy side.
IzumiWhat do you mean, under my thumb? That’s not very nice...
MasumiBut you as a wolf is extremely cute too.
MukuYour ears and tail are so fluffy, it’s adorable.
IzumiY, you think? Thanks. It’s thanks to Yuki for making the costume.
YukiNaturally. Even so, the swindling elite really only has good looks, so this kind of appearance suits him too.
ItaruAre you praising me?...
KazunariFrooch-san’s wizard is great too! It doesn’t seem like he would be burned meekly in an oven!
SakyoWhat is that supposed to mean?
TasukuI wasn’t really able to picture Sakisaka’s male version of Tinker Bell, but it fits.
MukuI was nervous over how the costume would turn out too, but Yuki-kun made it really cool!
KazunariPersonally, I thought the Director as Little Red Riding Hood would have been way cuter.
IzumiBut you look cute, Kazunari-kun.
KazunariSomehow, having you say that gives me mixed feelings!
ItaruTasuku’s hunter really looks like he’s hunting something.
TasukuIf we’re aiming for victory, we should do it with at least that much vigour.
IzumiWe still have time until the contest starts, so should we look around the park together?
IzumiFirst is... “the world of Little Red Riding Hood”?
YukiOh, that’s cute.
MukuThat apple tree looks like the real thing too!
KazunariThere are so many different fairy tales; makes it hard to choose~!
TasukuI see quite a few guests in cosplays too.
SakyoThat’s apparently because even guests who aren’t participating in the contest are cosplaying.
IzumiAs I thought, the costumes of those who came today are really elaborate.
KarasumaAh—! You guys are MANKAI Company, right!?
KazunariOh, if it isn’t Crow-kun![1]
KarasumaYou’re always getting it wrong...! Wait, this time, I wasn’t mistaken, in a sense...?
I mean, whatever! Since you’re cosplaying, that must mean you guys are participating in the contest too, right?
Well, this time, we won’t lose!
YukiI kind of have a bad feeling.
ItaruThat must mean that he intends to get in our way.
IzumiWell, it IS okay according to the rules...
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  1. crow = karasu (like part of Karasuma’s name)
