Itaru | By the way, why were you late in moving in, Tsuzuru? |
Tsuzuru | Aah, that's because... |
| |
| ...All right. |
| (I did it last minute but I'm done with packing now.) |
Tsuzuru's Dad | I've finished loading the big luggage. |
Tsuzuru | Thanks, dad. Sorry that you had to take out the car. |
Tsuzuru's Dad | Don't mention it. Do your best, Tsuzuru. |
Tsuzuru | Yeah. |
| Well, I should get going... |
Takeru | No! |
Tsuzuru | Huh? |
Yuzuru | Tsuzuru-onii-chan, where are you going...? ...Sobs, sniff... |
Mitsuru | I'll be lonely... |
Takeru | Don't go. When are you coming back? |
Tsuzuru | ...Sorry-- |
Kaoru | No need to apologize. |
Tsuzuru | Huh? |
Kaoru | You can leave the house to me. ...Take care, Onii-chan. |
Tsuzuru | Kaoru... |
| ...Thank you. I'm off. |
| |
Citron | How touching...! I can feel the Minagi family's love! |
Tsuzuru | Well, that's how I left my family and stepped into the Mankai Dorm full of hopes and expectations... |
| But as Masumi mentioned earlier, they immediately got crushed... |
Chikage | I see. |
Tsuzuru | And even after that... |
| |
| Sigh... I'll be bringing in my furniture now, so don't complain if it's too loud. |
Masumi | ...... |
Tsuzuru | And he's ignoring me. |
| (He's not showing any interest at all. Unlike the little ones back at home, he's really not cute...) |
| |
| ...I guess the furniture's all here now. |
| ...... |
| (It's kind of uncomfortable, but I should get used to it soon...yeah, get used to it...) |
Masumi | Your space... |
Tsuzuru | W-what about it? |
Masumi | ...It's really white. |
Tsuzuru | That's why I preferred that side! |
| |
Sakuya | I was wondering if you liked white, but that was the case, huh! |
Tsuzuru | The furniture I brought in were white, the bed and the wallpaper were white, so it ended up being all white... |
Citron | The truth has only just been revealed... |
Itaru | But...when I think back to your guys' initial disagreement, it's a miracle that you guys can live in the same room peacefully now. |
Chikage | Not only do they get along, Masumi even supports Tsuzuru when he's writing now. |
Tsuzuru | Well, there's also the fact that we've grown alongside each other... |
Sakuya | You've become a family! |
Tsuzuru | ...... |
Masumi | ...... |
Tsuzuru | ...Well, I guess so. |
Masumi | ...Yeah. |