Everyone's Old Year, New Year/Episode 8

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Everyone's Old Year, New Year
Episode 8
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Citron"This is bad. If we don't finish until today at 3pm… we won't make in time to the release date.
Masumi"Eh? But there are still a few more days left in this month…"
Citron"This is a first for you right, rookie. This is the terrifying devil that comes once a year… the year-end stress"
Omi"How terrifying"
Yuki"Stop complaining and move your hands"
Juza"In the first place, why do we have to do it outside like this?"
Citron"The Company is already on winter break! Being at work is forbidden"
"The only thing, getting the closest we can which is 1 meter in front of the building which will enable to wirelessly access the PC we keep active 24/7.... indeed, here is the boundary line"
Omi"But still, at this rate… we will freeze"
Juza"Why must we work in this harsh environment!"
Citron"Protecting the rights of the workers on the surface, while at the same time beating and forcing on them the severe quotas out of sight… listen here, this is the distortion of society!"
Yuki"No, you just forgot it's the end of the year while making the schedule for December right"
Omi"Is that so?"
Azuma"Ring ring…. Hello, thank you for all your help. It's Azuma from MANKAI Corporation. About your progress—"
Masumi"We have a problem! We've got a call from the Producer of the client!"
Citron"Beg his questions! I don't have time to deal with it right now!"
Masumi"No way—what should I do?"
Yuki"You're asking for the unreasonable"
Juza"Thank you very much for calling. The company is currently not operating. Please try to call again within business hours. Tu- tu- tu-"
Citron"You nailed it, Hyodo!"
Azuma"It can't be helped. I'll call again…"
Spectator APff.
Spectator BAhahaha!
IzumiHuh~ good thing the closing performance has ended without problems.
AzumaI didn't think it'll become a story about the year-end schedule stress.
OmiCitron, I'm surprised you knew something like that.
CitronIt happens often in my country too.
YukiHe's probably just saying random things again isn't he.
AzumaYou did well too Juza.
IzumiEveryone was troubled over that unreasonable request right.
YukiIt was too sudden.
JuzaNo… I simply got too engrossed in the acting. …but, I'll become even better at acting next year.
Izumi(He's still as awkward as when he first joined the company, but his quick wittedness shows itself more often recently)
(I'm looking forward to see his growth next year…)
MasumiSomething like that, me too…
IzumiSure sure. I'm looking forward to see your growth too next year Masumi-kun.
AzumaWhat's wrong?
CitronI forgot to tell my year-end greetings to the auntie from the greengrocer! You go back home first okay!
YukiThe auntie from the greengrocer…
AzumaFufu, the Prince's circle of friends is mysterious.
IzumiThen, let's head back.
CitronIt's not here.
No way… where can it, be…
Omi…you're looking for something right. I'll help too.
CitronOmi… thank you.
OmiWhat were you looking for?
CitronAn amulet. It's something I brought from my homeland.
OmiI see. If it's something so important, we definitely have to find it.
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