Everyone's Old Year, New Year/Episode 7

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Everyone's Old Year, New Year
Episode 7
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CitronOoh, there're so many candies for New Year too.
I know these. They're for New Year tarts right. They're given every year right?
OmiIt's "New Year cards" see. I'm going home on New Year's Eve so it's a bit different, but I thought I would buy some as gifts.
CitronThose Japanese candies are cute!
OmiRight… then, I'll buy this 20 pieces box. Also, those dorayaki too…
CitronOoh! You're buying a lot huh?
OmiYeah, us siblings are all boys, so if I don’t buy a large amount it would be over in seconds.
Omi…alright, I'm going to leave some at the dorms too, so let's take this big box. Excuse me, I want this one and--.
EmployeeThank very much.
OmiMy bad, I kept you waiting--.
OmiIs something wrong?
Citron--It's nothing!
OmiIs that so?
CitronEveryone is waiting. Let's go!
JuzaI'll carry some too.
OmiThen, I'll leave these bags here to you.
IzumiThat's some amazing amount.
AzumaI'm glad I wasn’t on the ingredients team.
IzumiI'm happy everyone came along. It would've been impossible with just Omi-kun and me.
Masumi…it's so crowded.
YukiRight, even considering it's the end of the year, I feel like it's really crowded.
CitronIt's like a festival.
AzumaSpeaking of which, Manager said that the theater groups in Veludo Way are doing closing performances on the end of the year.
OmiHeh… no matter what everything is about theater huh.
IzumiSo that's why, you can see people crowding here and there.
Everyone's Old Year, New Year Episode 7-01.PNG
AaronYou… you're MANKAI Company right?
AzumaYou are…
YukiWoah, a bothersome one has appeared…
OmiDo you know him?
IzumiErr, he's someone from the theater group we confronted in the Night Walk. If I remember the group was…
YukiScapecow right?
AzumaI believe his name was Maron.
AaronThe name is Aaron Maxwell from the group Scarecrow!
YukiAh, so that's what it was.
AzumaSo very sorry.
AaronMaking fool of others as always…
Kuku… well leave it. I must be grateful to the currents of this year that allowed me to meet my bitter enemies once again…
I have perfected a secret art in order to crush you… I'll make you pay… for that time!
AnnouncerLook what we have here! It seems that an etude battle is forming here too!
YukiWhere did this announcer come from…
Passerby AWhat's going on?
Passerby BLooks like an etude battle!
AaronNow, accept the challenge fair and square.
IzumiIs it okay for it to begin in such a guerilla-like way…
JuzaWe have no choice but to accept.
CitronIt's a crossing performance for us too!
YukiA closing performance.
AzumaWell, it feels lively like a festival, so I want to enjoy it.
AaronIf you aren't coming at us, then we will start!
Omi--seems like we have no choice but to do it.
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