「ったく。やれやれだわ・・・・・・マジで」 "Geez. Good grief... Seriously."
The third eldest in a large family of 10 brothers, he is a caring older brother who wanted to look after his 7 younger brothers until high school. Wanting to be a playwright, he joined the MANKAI Company to live in and ease the financial burden off of his parents. He is a strong part-time worker and has experience from many different part-time jobs.
MANKAI Company’s scriptwriter is a hard-working (and long-suffering) college student. He's a calm young man with brown hair and turquoise-like eyes. Because he’s done almost every part-time job under the sun to help out his family, he often acts as the company’s handyman, and helps out with cooking dinner from time to time. Since his two older brothers moved away from home, he spent most of his life taking care of his 7 younger ones, and considers himself an “older brother” character. He is considerate, kind, and protective to those important to him, but he also has a temper and a stubborn streak that cause him to clash with other troupe members.
He attends college at Yosei University with Omi, and seems to have a wide social circle, having introduced both Kazunari and Omi to the troupe. He’s known for working on his scripts until he literally faints.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「いままでありがとうございました!この劇団で過ごした日々、一生忘れないッス!」Thank you for everything up until now. I'll never forget the time I spent in this company.
「腹筋きっつ…腹割れる……あ、割れて良いのか」Sit-ups are tough... My abs are going to split... ...Ah, it might be good if they do?
「鳩ポッポほろほろハヒフヘホ 日にゃ……噛んだ…」Atapopo horohoro ha hi fu he ho. Hinya... I messed up... [1]
「このシーン、やってみるとイマイチだな…書き直すか」This scene's not that great when it's acted out... I might rewrite it.
「お、今の流れ良い感じ」Oh, that went all right just then.
「やっぱりこのセリフは…で…だから…」As I thought, this line is... and... so...
「弟たちどうしてっかな~」What should I do about my little brothers~.
「今までやったバイトの数なら監督にも負けないっすよ」In terms of the number of part-time jobs I've worked until now, I won't lose to even you, Director.
「このカンパニーに入って弟が増えた気がするっす…」I feel like the number of little brothers I have has increased since I joined this company...
「咲也はたまに良いやつすぎて心配になるんだよなぁ…」Sakuya's occasionally too good a guy; I worry for him...
「真澄にはもうちょっと監督以外にも興味もって欲しいっす…」I'd like Masumi to hold interest in a few more things than just the Director...
「俺、至さんを上手く扱える自信ねーよ…」I'm not confident I can handle Itaru-san well...
「春組のムードメーカーっていえば…シトロンさんか?」The Spring Troupe's mood maker would be... Citron-san, maybe?
「ふう…バイトよりキツイわ」Heh... That was tougher than work.
「よし、今日も一日頑張りましょう!」All right, let's do our best today too!
「うわ、もうお昼か。時間が経つのが早ぇ…」Woah, it's already noon. Time sure passes fast...
「俺、疲れた顔してますか?でも、監督の顔みたら元気出たっすよ」I look tired? But when I saw your face it energized me.
「あれ、まだ起きてんすか?睡眠は大事っすよ。人のこと言えねーけど」Eh, you're still up? Sleep is important. I can't talk about others though.
「そんなにつっついたって楽しくないでしょうよ…」Poking me so much isn't fun, right?
「っ、ちょっと、どこ触ってるんすか…やり返しますよ?」W-Wait, where are you touching... I'll counter back you know?
「ははっ、うちの弟みたいっすね」Haha, just like my little brothers.
「ほら、遊んでないで稽古やりましょーよ!」Hey, no playing around and let's practice already!
「まったく、咲也も真澄も世話が焼ける…」Good grief, both Sakuya and Masumi are so troublesome...
「やれやれだわ…まじで」Good grief... Seriously.
「ん?どうしたんですか?」Hn? What happened?
「引っ越し屋のバイトやっててよかったなー」Good thing I worked as a mover—
「次の脚本のネタ、どーすっかな…」I wonder what to do about material for the next screenplay...