Outside Work Conversations/Tsuzuru and Guy

From A3! Wiki

Veludo Station Front

TsuzuruYou're Citron-san's servant huh... Must be hard work.
GuyWell, I've had the position since he was very young. I've got experience.
GuyI heard that Citronia has caused Minagi terrible trouble.
TsuzuruI'm almost drowning in that trouble. And honestly, it's more like he IS STILL at it.

Veludo Park

GuyMinagi, you aren't only capable of writing plenty of scripts but also have many tsukkomi retorts up your sleeve.
TsuzuruCitron-san hits me with thousands of hooks to latch onto and hit with a comeback that I can't help it...
GuyI once ended up living in the middle of nowhere because Citronia told me to catch a human-faced fish.
TsuzuruAnd now my troubles got upstaged...

Veludo Town Library

GuyIt seems like Minagi has the qualities of a servant.
TsuzuruThat doesn't make me too happy.
GuyHow does working in Zahra as a servant sound?
TsuzuruI'll hafta refuse.
