「はは。困ったことがあったら、なんでも頼ってね」 "Haha. If anything's troubling you, you can count on me."
A well-mannered elite company employee who gives off the air of a refreshing and calming adult. He is very trusted by both his higher-ups and his coworkers for the work he does, and he is treated like a prince even within the company. However, this is only how he is on the surface. He seems to have his own reasons for joining the MANKAI Company...
Itaru is an office worker in his early 20s. He has brown hair with blond highlights and carnelian eyes. He is an office worker during his day job and maintains a good reputation in the face of society. Sometimes during practice he will go for a toilet break or not join the other troupe members for extended practice time. The reason why is to be guessed. Outside of the Spring Troupe, he is good friends with Banri Settsu.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「発声練習?」Vocalisation practice?
「ここでアドリブ入れてみようかな」Maybe I'll put an ad-lib in here.
「このセリフ、もっと短くならないかな」I wonder if this line could be a bit shorter.
「5分だけ休憩させてくれないかな」Would I be able to take a five minute break?
「芝居の感想、欲しいんだけど?」Could I get your thoughts on my acting?
「スマホが近くにないと落ち着かないんだよね」I can't keep calm if I don't have my phone nearby.
「俺は基本ソロプレイ派」I'm basically a solo player.
「今日のガチャは咲也に回してもらおうかな」I might have Sakuya scout for me today.
「咲也はここぞって時のガチャ代打要員」At crucial moments, Sakuya's the indispensable scouting pinch-hitter.
「俺からすると、真澄は生き方が不器用すぎ」From my perspective, Masumi fumbles his way through life too much.
「綴がいるから俺はいつも楽できてる。感謝、感謝」Thanks to Tsuzuru, I can always be at ease. I'm grateful, so grateful.
「シトロンは謎すぎだけど、正直たまにツボ」Citron's way too much of a mystery, but honestly, he hits my humour buttons at times.
「はい、終わり、俺のスマホ、スマホーっと」All right, that's it. My phone, my phooone.
「朝の支度って、なんでこんなに面倒なんだろうね」I wonder, why are morning preparations such a pain?
「干物オタク…? なんのことかな?」A dried-out'"`UNIQ--ref-00000010-QINU`"' geek? What could you mean?
「監督さん、今日も一日お疲れ様。じゃ、俺は部屋にこもるから」Director, good work today. Well, I'm going to hole up in my room.
「もう寝た方がいいんじゃない?…俺? 俺は今日も楽しい夜更しだよ」Isn't it better if you go to sleep already? ...Me? For me today is another fun day of staying up late.
「あー、ミスった。マジふざけんなよ」Aa— I messed up. Seriously don't screw with me.
「おいで。仕方ないから構ってあげるよ」Come here, it can't be helped so I'll pay attention to you.
「くそ、殺すぞ雑魚」Damn it, I'll kill you, small fry.
「ははっ、なんでも頼ってね」Haha, you can rely on me for anything.
「はー…不労所得で生活したい… 働かずにゲームしてたい」Haa... I want to live with an unearned income... I want to play games without working.
「ん? どうしたの?」Hm? What's wrong?
「マジか、キタコレ」Seriously, it's finally here.
「監督さんの前だと色々ゆるむな~。はは、色々は色々だよ」In front of the Director I become looser in so many ways. Haha, so many ways is just how it sounds like.
「全自動俺を風呂に入れてくれる機が欲しい…」I want a machine that will automatically get me into the bath...