「・・・・・・どうしてもまた、君と舞台の上に立ちたい」 "...No matter what happens, I want to stand on the stage with you again."
Tsumugi once participated in student plays, but after a particular incident, he lost confidence in his acting and gave up on his journey to become an actor. But in the end, he got back on his feet and joined the MANKAI Company to pursue his dream once again. He is the leader of the Winter Troupe. Although he is a gentle person, he can be timid. He was childhood friends with Tasuku. They were part of the same university theatre circle and decided to strive to become actors together.
Tsumugi first discovered his love for acting when he was cast as the lead role in a school production in elementary school. His acting style is subtle and delicate. For various reasons, Tsumugi lacked confidence in his acting and his leadership ability as the leader of Winter Troupe in the beginning, but he gradually becomes more confident in himself over the course of the main story.
He is gentle and kind, although not without a mischievous streak. His personality is said to resemble his grandmother’s, who by his own admission is someone he is very close to. His gardening hobby is also something influenced by his grandmother.
Tsumugi majored in Psychology in university, and is very good at reading people. Aside from being an actor affiliated with Mankai Company, he also works as a part-time home tutor. He specializes in modern and ancient Japanese.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「俺は、 また逃げる もう逃げないって約束したのに… 二度と隣には並べない」I'm running away again. Even though I promised I wouldn't run away anymore... I can't stand beside him again.
「発声から始めましょうか」Shall we start with vocalisation practice?
「今のところ、もう少し感情を抑えた方が良いですよね」It'd be better if I held back my emotions a bit more in that part just then, wouldn't it.
「もっと頑張らないと…」I have to work harder...
「すみません、頭からもう一回お願いします!」Sorry, once more from the top, please!
「もう少し大胆に…ですか、はい、やってみます!」A bit bolder, is it... Okay, I'll try!
「今日も中庭の植物たちは元気そうです」The plants in the courtyard seem healthy today as well.
「いくらストレッチしても体がすごく硬くて…」No matter how much I stretch, my body's really stiff...
「幼い頃からの呼び名ってなかなか抜けないですよね」It's quite difficult to stop using a name you've called someone by since childhood.
「丞は昔から体力馬鹿なんですよ」Tasuku's always been a muscle head.
「密くん、マシュマロばかり食べて栄養のバランスは大丈夫かな…」Hisoka-kun eats nothing but marshmallows. I hope his nutritional balance is alright...
「誉さんはいつも楽しそうだけど、悩みってあるのかな…」Homare-san always seems to be enjoying himself, but I wonder whether he worries about anything...
「東さんはいつも余裕があってすごいな…」Azuma-san always carries himself with confidence. He's amazing...
「稽古お疲れ様でした、ちょっとは上達したかな…」Thank you for practice. I wonder if I improved a bit...
「おはよう…ございます…すみません、俺、朝…弱くて…」Good… morning… sorry, I’m, not good… during mornings…
「大きくなーれ、綺麗になーれ…わっ!すみません、水やりに夢中で…」Grow biiiig, grow beautifuuul... Wah! Sorry, I got caught up in watering the plants and...
「夜風が気持ちいいですね。今夜は中庭で台本を読もうかな」The night breeze feels good, doesn’t it. Maybe I’ll read the script in the courtyard tonight.
「もう遅いですよ?無理しないで、また明日頑張りましょう」Isn’t it a bit late already? Don’t overwork yourself, let’s work hard again tomorrow.
「あの…俺、そこ結構弱くて…で、でもカントクの為ならもうちょっと我慢します」Um... I'm— I'm weak in that spot... B-But for the Director I'll bear it a little more.
「お庭番長の名にかけて、お庭の平和は俺が守ります」In the name of being the Garden Guard, I will protect the harmony and peace in the garden.
「はぁ…また丞に怒られた…」Haa... I made Tasuku angry again...
「わっ! …あ、ちょっとビックリしただけです」Wah...! Ah, you just gave me a bit of a surprise.
「ん?俺に用事ですか?」Mm? Can I help you?
「実は、中庭の花にはみんな名前をつけてるんですよ。どんな名前かは…内緒です」Actually, I gave the flowers in the courtyard their own names. What kind of names they are… is a secret.
「仏の顔も三度まで……なんて、冗談ですよ」I’m not always this forgiving… Just kidding, that was just a joke.
「何事も水やり三年ですよ」I’ve been watering all kinds of plants for 3 years now.
「俺で良ければ相談にのりますよ」If you'd like, I'm happy to give some advice.