Outside Work Conversations/Tenma and Tsumugi

From A3! Wiki

Veludo Station Front[edit]

TenmaIsn’t it tough maintaining the courtyard by yourself?
TsumugiJust a little. But I find it fun so it’s not difficult.
TsumugiWhy don’t you join me if you like, Tenma-kun? Let’s form a gardening club.
TenmaA gardening club, huh… That doesn’t sound bad.

Veludo Park[edit]

TsumugiIt’s calming when there’s a lot of greenery.
TenmaYeah. The fresh air is healing too.
TsumugiI want to buy some fertilizer before going home. Can you come with me?
TenmaIt can’t be helped. I’ll tell you of a good store.

Veludo Town Library[edit]

TsumugiTenma-kun, you like bonsai, right?
TenmaI do. Taking care of bonsai is difficult, but there’s a profoundness to it.
TenmaYuki often asks me, ‘Are you planning to marry your bonsai or what?’
TsumugiAhaha. That’s just like Yuki-chan.
