Outside Work Conversations/Kumon and Tsumugi

From A3! Wiki

Veludo Station Front

KumonTsumugi-san! Please take care of me from now on!
TsumugiYep, let’s have a good time acting.
KumonI’m bad at everything else except physical education and music! My average test score is 15 points!
Tsumugi…Rather than taking care of you, I’m taking care of your education. Alright, let’s aim for an average score of 40 now.

Veludo Park

TsumugiKumon-kun, can you join tonight’s study meeting?
KumonAH! Since Tsumugi-san is working as a private tutor, you require a tuition fee, right…!?
TsumugiAhaha, no I don’t. Since it’s more like teaching a younger brother than a business thing.

Veludo Town Library

KumonTeach, lookie! I got 45 points on my classical literature test! That’s an all-time record!
TsumugiYou sure achieved that goal quickly. Let’s aim for 60 points next.
KumonIt’s all thanks to you, Tsumugi-sensei…! Thank you so much!
TsumugiMore like your great efforts, Kumon-kun. Let’s show that to Juza-kun once we get home, okay?
