「・・・・・・お前、もう一回芝居やるのか」 "...Are you going to take up acting again?"
He was enrolled in GOD-za for a top spot, but he left them due to certain reasons and joined the MANKAI Company in turn. He's a stoic person who takes his acting seriously. Although he is manly, he can be clumsy and isn't good at speaking. He was childhood friends with Tsumugi and they were in the same theatre circle until the end of their university days. He was very angry when Tsumugi almost gave up on acting.
Tasuku was originally GOD-za’s top actor before he quit after discovering Reni’s underhanded attempt to sabotage Mankai Company. Outside of acting, he is stoic and a poor talker, which, combined with his height and stature, make him seem intimidating.
His hobbies revolve around sports—he formed a soccer club together with Omi and Tsuzuru, and recently also formed a swimming club with Sakuya and Masumi. He started running daily ever since elementary school, and started running 10 kilometers daily in middle school. He also enjoys muscle training.
He has a bad habit of getting too into his role, a problem that gets exacerbated whenever he puts on a costume.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「世話になったな、ありがとう。……ここを去る俺がこれ以上言うことはない。じゃあな。」I've been in your care. Thank you. I'm leaving. I have nothing more to say. Bye...
「柔軟するから手伝ってくれ」You're flexible, so help me out.
「今日は喉の調子が悪いな…、ハチミツ持ってくるか」My throat's not too good today...I might bring honey.
「次はこのシーンを試していいか?」Can we try this scene next?
「立ち回りの確認していくか」Shall we check the fight scenes?
「俺が楽しそう…?芝居が好きだからな、当たり前だろ」I look like I'm enjoying myself...? I like acting, so that's a given.
「運動するのは好きだ。毎日のランニングはかかせない」I like exercise. I can't miss my daily run.
「GOD座は稽古も独特だったな、…詳細は聞かないでくれ」Even the practices at God Throne were peculiar. ...Please don't ask for details.
「余計な言葉がいらない相手は一緒にいて楽だ」It's relaxing being around someone you don't need to force conversation with.
「紬は昔からどこか危なっかしいんだ」Tsumugi's always been somewhat sensitive.
「御影は突然寝だすから、いつか本番でも寝やしないか心配だ」Hisoka falls asleep suddenly, so I'm worried he's fall asleep during a performance someday.
「芸術、芸術って、有栖川の思考はさっぱりわからない」Again with the 'art, art'; I don't understand Arisugawa's thought process at all.
「俺のことを可愛いって…東さんも相当変わってる」To call me cute...Azuma-san's pretty strange too.
「まあ、今日はこんなもんだろ」Well, this is it for today.
「朝イチのランニング、監督も行くか?」Director, do you want to go morning running with me?
「監督業も大変だな。まあ…無理すんなよ」Being a director is pretty difficult. Well… don’t overdo it.
「晩飯は町内一周走ってから?分かった、行ってくる」You want me to run around town before dinner? Understood, I’ll get going now.
「眠れないのか?体動かせばよく眠れるぞ」Can’t sleep? Let’s get your body moving, that’ll get you to sleep.
「…早く舞台の上で芝居がしたい」... I want to perform a play on stage soon.
「おい、触るな」Oi, don't touch me.
「その…アンタは俺にとって大事な監督なんだ…たまには頼れよ」Um… You’re a very important director to me so… rely on me some more.
「たーちゃんって呼ぶな」Don't call me Ta-chan.
「はぁ…監督もしつこいな」Haa... The director's persistent too.
「GOD座にいた時の俺は忘れてくれ…」Forget about what I was like when I was with God's Throne...
「劇団員とのコミュニケーションも仕事?…なら仕方ないな」Communication with the other theater members is part of the job? …Then it can’t be helped.
「構ってほしけりゃ他所をあたれ」If you want to be looked after go somewhere else.
「俺はさほどでもないけど、紬は結構くすぐったがりだぞ」You’re not getting much from me, Tsumugi’s the pretty ticklish one.