「日本語、やっぱり難しいネ・・・・・・でもノープロテインダヨ!」 "Japanese is pretty hard... but it's no protein!"
An exchange student from a foreign country covered in mystery, he met you and the others suddenly and joined the company. Although he is proactive in his acting and his studies in Japanese, his weakness is that he tends to make mistakes with his Japanese. It can be hard to tell when he's lying or telling the truth because he often confuses others with his words, but he is the mood maker of the Spring troupe, bringing everybody up when they're down.
Citron is an exchange student who came from...somewhere. Although his most of his past is unknown, he is quite a mysterious person. He has mostly blue~ish/purple eyes and blondish/tan hair. He struggles with his Japanese every now and then (people will often correct him), which is why he doesn't get a lot of lines in plays (especially the first play). He's pretty cool with Itaru Chigasaki, and very friendly with Tsuzuru Minagi. He is also very fond of Sakuya Sakuma and very kind to Masumi Usui. He is a very energetic and enthusiastic, and despite messing up on his Japanese a lot, he always gives his all for the troupe.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「オー、ここを出ても、我が国には戻らないね。ただの留学生に、戻るだけヨ。」Ohh, even if I leave here, I won't go back to my country. I'll just go back to being a regular exchange student.
「早口言葉ならお任せあれネ!」I'll leave the tongue twisters to someone else!
「このニホンゴ、ちょっと難しいネ」This Japanese is a little bit hard.
「このシーンにはダンスを入れた方が盛り上がるヨ!」This scene would be more exciting if we put a dance in!
「プリーズ休憩ネ」PLEASE let me rest.
「ワタシの祖国は地球から100万光年先にあるネ」My homeland is 1 million light years from Earth.
「今夜はバンリとカラオケオールナイトだヨ!」Tonight I'm doing karaoke with Banri all night!
「カメキチいつもワタシのことつつくネ。愛情表現が激しいヨ」Kamekichi's always pecking me. He has a harsh way of expressing his love.
「サクヤとっても純粋でカワイイ。国に連れて帰りたいくらいだヨ」Sakuya's so pure and cute I want to take him back to my country.
「マスミはとってもクールで、とっても子供ネ」Masumi's very cool and very childish.
「将来はツヅルと漫才コンビ結成するヨ!」In the future, I'll form a manzai combo with Tsuzuru!
「イタルはとっても勇敢な廃課金戦士ネ」Itaru spends a lot on games. He's a very heroic knight.
「稽古、お疲れだヨ。ワタシのプロテインお寿司分けネ!」Well done on the practice. I'll share my protein sushi (problems) with you!
「モーニンダヨ!早起きは三門のトクさんね」It's morning! The early bird gets three doors' special (the worm).
「今日も平和のため、我が国のダンスを披露するネ」Today, too, I'll show off my national dance for the sake of peace.
「日本の夜は快適でオアシスネ~」The Japanese night is a comfortable oasis~
「夜更しは我が国の法律に反するヨ」It's against the law to stay up late in my country.
「ウーン、ツヅルのツッコミには負けるネ」Hmm, I'm losing to Tsuzuru's rebuttals.
「オー?、どしたネ」Ohh? What's the matter.
「カントク、アナタに我が国の海見せたい...一緒に来てくれるネ?」Director, I want to show you my country's seas... Will you come with me?
「ノープロテイン。心配いらないネ」No protein (problem). You don't need to worry.
「レデイファースト、我が国のたしなみヨ」In my country, courtesy dictates it's ladies first.
「広辞苑で二ホン語勉強タイムヨ」It's Japanese practice time with the Kojien dictionary.
「愛のムチ打ち、気持ちいいネー」The whip of love feels good.
「日本のカルチャーは宝ヨ~」Japanese culture is a treasure.
「日本語、やっぱり難しいヨ」Japanese really is difficult.