「へへ、兄ちゃん大好き!もっと頭ぽんぽんして!」 "Hehe, I love my big bro! Pat my head more!"
He has a huge brother complex and chased after his older brother Juza hoping to enter the troupe. He has high communication skills and is an energetic, sporty type. He was in the baseball club, but it seems he's now in the going-home club...
Kumon is a playful and cheerful actor who is the little brother of Juza. He has yellowish eyes and purplish hair. He was part of a baseball club, but he left due to his condition. He initially wanted to become part of the Autumn Troupe to act with his brother, but later became Summer Troupe after he watched their first play on-stage. He was hesitant at first when he became the lead for Summer Troupe's 4th show, but the director and the rest of the troupe believed in him so he won't feel down about it. Because of everyone's efforts, everything turned out alright and Kumon was finally able to fulfill his dream.
In contrast to his cheerful personality, Kumon is easily discouraged and nervous when it comes to responsibilities, triggering his condition. He was amazed by Azami's fighting and make-up skills. He is actually a clean freak and loves getting headpats from Juza.
Kumon attends Tsukushi High School and later on with Azami (when he became a third-year).
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「部活の朝練なくなったけど、クセでつい早起きしちゃうんだよなぁ…」I don't have morning club practice anymore, but I wake up early anyway out of habit...
「おべんとターイム!兄ちゃん、今日の昼メシ何食ってるのかな~」It's bento time! I wonder what big bro is eating for lunch today~
「お肌のために早く寝ろって薊が…なんだっけ、白雪姫タイム?」Azami told me to hurry up and sleep for my skin…what was it, Snow White time?
「あれ、眠れないんすか?だったら、中庭でオレと一緒に素振りしましょうよ!」Huh, you can't sleep? Then, come practice bat swinging in the courtyard with me!
「あ、前髪?やっぱオンザ眉毛が落ち着くっす!」Ah, bangs? As expected, eye-brow length really settles me down!
「えーっと…あんま触れっと、ぎゅーっとしたくなっちゃうんだけど…」Erm...If you touch me so much, I'll want to hug you tight...
「これっすか?宝物のサイン入りブロマイド!はぁ…兄ちゃんのランスキーは最高だ~♪」This? It's my treasure, a signed picture! Haa…big bro's Lansky is the best~♪
「ねぇねぇ、オレ、おっきくなったらもっと兄ちゃんに似るかな!」Hey hey, I wonder if I'll become more like my big bro when I grow up!
「はー…かっけー…唯一無二…」Haa…so cool…the one and only…
「ん?なんか用すか?」Hm? Did you need something?
「万里のヤロー、ゆるさねー!」Banri that bastard, unforgivable!
「今日はティガーズの野球中継があるんだ!チャンネルはそのままでー!」There's a live broadcast of Tiger's baseball game today! Please leave the channel as it is!
「体育会系なんで、上下関係はわかってるっす!コキ使ってください!」I'm a sports person so I know lots about hierarchies! Please use me however you like!