「化粧ノリ悪いな……。昨日何時まで起きてた?」 "Your make-up's not sitting well today... How late were you up last night?"
The son of the president of the Ginsenkai. He wants to become a makeup artist, but his dreams were crushed by his father. They had a fierce fight and he left home. He's really fond of Sakoda, but he has a bad relationship with Sakyo.
Heir of the Ginsenkai, Azami is a pretty reserved middle-schooler. Good at fighting, tall, foul-mouthed, he is however a very polite and pure person who has no ill intentions, and is known to get embarassed quite easily. He was raised mostly by Sakyo, and wants to become a hair & make-up artist. He is very straightforward about his dream, and doesn't hesitate to scold his troupemates about their skincare habits.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「はよー。顔洗って、しっかり保温しろよ」Mornin'. You better wash your face and keep the water warm.
「今日の給食、酢の物あるじゃん…少なめに配膳させっか」There's pickled stuff in my lunch today... Guess I gotta have a little bite.
「今日も下校中に絡まれた。…安心しろ、撒いてきたから」Someone picked a fight with me on the way home from school again. ...Don’t worry, I lost them.
「夜更かしはほどほどにしろよ?明日の化粧ノリに響くぞ」Don't stay up too late too often now, 'kay? It'll show through your make-up tomorrow.
「『#コスメ』で一位になってた化粧水。試供品あるけど、監督も使うか?」This is the face lotion that was number one in the cosmetics hashtag. I have some samples, want some?
「あー、ちょっとチルってたわ。何か用か?」Ah, I was just chilling. You need anything?
「ちょっ…!そ、そういうスキンシップは、フツー結婚してからやるモンだろーが…!」Wai…! T-that kinda skinship is somethin’ you usually do after you’re married…!
「なんか…アンタと一緒にいると落ち着くな。年上のオンナに、こんなこと初めて思った」Somehow…I can kinda relax when you’re around. That’s the first time I’ve ever thought that with an older woman.
「ん?機嫌良さそう?…この後ケンさんが会いに来てくれっからな」Hm? I look like I’m in a good mood? ...It’s ‘cause Ken-san's coming by later.
「クソ左京のヤローがいちいちうるせぇ…なぁ、部屋替えとかねぇの?」Shitty Sakyo won’t shut up about every damn little thing...Hey, can’t I switch rooms or somethin’?
「メイク、自分でも試すからな。スキンケアは気ぃつけてる」I test out my make-up on myself too. I pay special attention to skincare.
「練習台になってくれる約束だろ?新しいメイク道具、試させてくれ」You’ll be my practice partner, yeah? I got some new makeup tools, let me test ‘em out.
「志太は腐れ縁。なんつーか、アイツといると落ち着く」I can't get away from Shifuto. It's like, I can really relax around him.