Outside Work Conversations/Sakuya and Azami
From A3! Wiki
Veludo Station Front
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Azami | ...You’re a leader, but you don’t really put on airs, huh. |
Sakuya | I’m happy so long as I can act together with you! |
After | |
Sakuya | By the way, Azami-kun, if I remember right… |
Azami | ??? |
Veludo Park
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Sakuya | Uhm...you’re currently in your rebellious phase, right? |
Azami | Not really. Who said that? |
After | |
Sakuya | Sakyo-san told me, “Bon’s going through a rebellious phase, so please be lenient with him…” |
Azami | That shitty blonde glasses….I’ll shatter his lenses. |
Veludo Town Library
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Sakuya | You’re really important to Sakyo-san, Azami-kun! |
Azami | Huh? Like hell I am. |
After | |
Azami | ...You’re making a face that says you have nothing to do with rebellious phases. |
Sakuya | A-am I? |