Outside Work Conversations/Kazunari and Kumon

From A3! Wiki

Veludo Station Front

KazunariLookie! A photo of a sea I dived in a while ago!
KumonWoah...! That's super pretty!
KumonI also love going to the beach and looking at the sea!
KazunariFor real!? Oh-em-gee! We're sea-loving buddies then♪

Veludo Park

KumonKazu-san, what sea creatures do you like!?
KazunariHmm~ I think my fave is the manta ray! Since its form is stylish and all♪
KazunariKumopi, youuu~... like sharks and the look-alike killer whales, don't cha!
KumonEh!? How did you know!?

Veludo Town Library

KazunariKumopi, you ever been scuba diving?
KumonNope! I have free dived before though...
KazunariLet's go to the sea for some scuba diving together this summer! I'll teach you the ropes!
KumonHeck yeah! I'm really looking forward to it! Summer can't come soon enough!
