Azuma | The wedding party’s over without a hitch. The newlyweds saw their guests off too. |
Izumi | The guests all had lovely smiles on their faces. |
Hisoka | Yeah. |
Miki | Everyone, thank you all for today again. |
Jin | I was really impressed with the memorial play. All of the guests looked like they all enjoyed it. |
Azuma | I’m glad it was enjoyable. We had a lot of fun, too. |
| Sorry, you must be tired, but…… |
| I told you this beforehand. Will you give us permission to borrow some time off from you two? |
Miki | Of course. |
Kumon | Thanks! Over here, you guys! |
| |
Jin | In front of the church? What in the world…… |
Azuma | Fufu, you’ll see. |
Miki & Jin | ! |
Miki | Wow……! |
Jin | Beautiful…… |
Azuma | We heard that soap bubbles at dusk were the most memorable thing for the both of you. So I asked Soeno-san to help a little. |
| It was Kumon that came up with the idea. |
Kumon | Hehe…! |
Miki | I’m really grateful for all that you’ve done for us. |
Jin | Thank you so much. It takes me back to when we first met. |
Miki | The scenery here today’s gonna be another lovely memory for us, too. |
Jin | Yup, it really will be. |
Kumon | Alright, let’s all blow our own bubbles too! |
| Yeah, we all got soap bubbles for director and everyone! |
Izumi | Thanks, Kumon-kun. |
| Fufu, I’m kinda excited for this. |
Sakyo | S’been a while since I’ve blown some soap bubbles. |
Chikage | A church, sunset, and soap bubbles…… it’s pretty romantic. |
Yuki | Guess things like these aren’t so bad. |
Hisoka | Yeah, it’s really beautiful. |
Kumon | Fuu— |
Azuma | Kumon, thank you so much for the idea. |
Kumon | Azuma-san you said you wanted to do something special just for the two of them, that’s why I came up with the idea! |
| It’s kind of like, um…… |
| A joint effort from me and Azuma-san! Right? |
Azuma | Fufuu, guess you’d be right about that. |
Kumon | Oh by the way, Azuma-san, I had a question I wanted to ask you! |
Azuma | To me? Do tell. |
Kumon | What’s Azuma-san’s ideal wedding? |
Azuma | My ideal wedding……? |
Kumon | I’ve been wondering since you’ve asked everyone, Azuma-san. |
Azuma | Well, that’s true. |
| Hmm…… |
| After listening to what everyone had to say, I could relate to their ideas of doing something for the sake of someone else, I’m sure there’s a part of me that felt the same way. |
| But now that I’ve experienced being a bridal consultant, I realized that it’s okay to be a little selfish sometimes. |
| So I’m kind of thinking that I’d want to have a happy wedding for myself too. |
Kumon | Yeah, I get what you mean! |