「・・・・・・俺は、芝居で変わってみせる。必ずだ」 "...I'm going to change myself through theatre. You can count on it."
A tough lone-wolf delinquent. He's actually been interested in theatre ever since he was in elementary school, but he wasn't selected for a role at his school arts festival because people were afraid of him. He came with his heart set on auditioning for the Autumn Troupe. He had a fateful encounter with Banri prior to joining the company.
Juza is a man of few words, with an delinquent-like appearance that often gives people a "scary" impression of him. In reality, Juza is an earnest, serious young man who deeply values his comrades and family. Although when he first entered MANKAI Company, his acting left a lot to be desired, he quickly improved to hold his own as co-lead opposite Banri. He often bickers with Banri and they have something of a rivalry, but he gets along well with the rest of the company.
Juza is schoolmates with Taichi, as well as Tenma from Summer Troupe. He actually excels at history, though he has trouble with kanji.
He's the older cousin of Muku, and his younger brother is Kumon. Being the oldest of the three, he is fiercely protective of both of them. Juza loves sweet things, although he's embarrassed about it and tries to hide it.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「仲間の温かさを知っちまった。独りに戻るには少し、時間がかかりそうだ。」Now that I've known the warmth of friendship, it'll take a bit of time to go back to being alone.
「もっと…上手くなりてぇ…」I want to...get better...
「芝居って、やっぱり楽しいな」Acting really is fun.
「なあ、この漢字なんて読むんだ…?」Hey, how do you read this word?
「あんまりデカい声出すと怖がられんだよ…」If I speak too loudly I scare people...
「くそっ、アイツみたいには上手くいかねぇな…」Damn it, I'm not doing as well as him...
「ここは食えねぇ野郎ばっかりだな…」This place is full of guys who are hard to deal with...
「なんか困ったことあったら、言えよ」If anything's troubling you, just say.
「差し入れにプリン…!?……いや、なんでもない」Someone's brought in pudding...!? ......No, it's nothing.
「摂津は俺と違って何でも出来る、だからこそ負けたくねぇ」Unlike me, Settsu can do anything. That's why I don't want to lose.
「太一みたいなやつを、ムードメーカーって言うんだろうな」They call guys like Taichi 'mood makers', right.
「臣さんはよく菓子をくれる、…餌付けされてんのか俺?」Omi-san often gives me sweets. ...Am I being fed like a pet?
「怖いもんなんてたいしてねぇが…左京さんは別だ」I'm not particularly scared of anything, but... Sakyo-san is different.
「俺にはまだ足りないものばかりだな…」I'm still full of inadequacies...
「アンタ、朝からよく働くな。俺に手伝えることがあったら言ってくれ」You, you really can work so early in the morning. If there's something I can help with, tell me.
「亀吉まんじゅう?また仕入れたのか?…べ、別に、興味ねぇよ」Kamekichi manjuu? You stocked up on it again? ...I-I'm not really that interested.
「ああ、これか。臣さんにもらった。今日の差し入れはスコーンらしい」Aa, this. I got this earlier from Omi-san. Seems like today's refreshments are scones.
「まだ起きてんのか?明日も早ぇんだろ。さっさと切り上げて寝ることだな」Are you still awake? Tomorrow you need to be up early too, right? It's about time to finish up and go to sleep.
「おい…触りすぎだ。ガキ扱いすんなよ」Oi... you're touching too much. Don’t treat me like a kid.
「お前、俺が怖くねぇのか?」You, you're not scared of me?
「なんだ。どうした?」What. What is it?
「なんつーか、監督は…今まで会ってきたオンナとは全然違う…俺にとって、特別だ」How to put it, Director is... completely different from all women I met until now... For me, you're special.
「テンプレヤンキー?なんのことだ」Template delinquent? What is it about.
「十ちゃんだと…?その呼び方はやめろ」Ju-chan you said...? Don't call me that.
「売られた喧嘩は買うだけだ」I simply accept the challenges I am given.
「悪ぃな。この目つきは生まれつきだ」My bad. This look is something I was born with.
「俺がお前に負けるわけねぇだろ…。なぁ、摂津」There's no way I'll lose to you... right, Settsu.