「問題ない。言語設定は日本語になっている。」 "It's no problem. My language settings are set to Japanese."
He's Citron's ex-servant who came from the kingdom of Zahra. He has limited emotional ability and is a self-proclaimed android. For some reason, he often mishears things in odd ways.
Guy is a very calm and serious man. He tends to be quiet, wearing an almost constant poker face, and has troubles expressing and understanding emotions. Nevertheless, he is very kind, always ready to lend a hand when needed and strives to execute his tasks at the highest performance possible.
Due to his background he is rather fit, being able to keep up with Tasuku's training routines. He is also good at karate, though his actual level is unknown. His other competences includes astoundishing skills in mental calculus and memorization, said to be able to outperform actual machines.
Despite this, he is actually quite gullible and tends to believe things he was told or has read too easily, which sometimes leads him to do odd things. He also has a tendency to mishear words and can freeze in place when too confused or surprised.
He was originally a temporary member of Winter troupe, but ended up joining for real after discovering the joys of acting alongside everyone.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「監督、おはよう。…寝ぼけているのか?俺はシトロニアではないぞ」Good morning, Director. ...Are you still half-asleep? I'm not Citronia.
「シトロニアを見ていないだろうか?先ほどから捜しているんだが見当たらないんだ」You haven't seen Citronia, have you? I've been searching for him for a while, but I can't find him.
「随分と夜遅くまで起きているようだな。眠れないなら香を焚いてみてはどうだろうか」You're awake rather late. If you can't sleep, why not try burning some incense?
「…すまない。あまり触れられることには慣れていない」...Sorry. I'm not used to being touched.
「…ひよこ豆の話はやめてくれ」...Please stop with the chickpea talk.
「…ザフラ王国は、花がきれいだ」...The Kingdom of Zahra has beautiful flowers.
「…前髪は、上げている方が落ち着くな」...I feel calmer with my fringe up.
「…油断していると、俺にやり返されるぞ」...When you're not watching out I'll get you back.
「…何か話せばいいのだろうか?」...What should I talk about?
「むやみにスイッチを押してはならないと言っただろう?」I've said not to randomly press the switch, haven't I?
「シトロニアには、よくポンコツだと言われる」Citronia often calls me an airhead.
「言語設定は日本語になっている」My language settings are set to Japanese.