Outside Work Conversations/Sakuya and Guy

From A3! Wiki

Veludo Station Front

SakuyaGuy-san, is it true that fishing is a hobby of yours?
GuyYes, I used to go fishing a lot back in Zahra.
SakuyaI fished for the first time during training camp! And something amazing happened back then...
GuySomething amazing? I'm curious now. Please tell me about it next time.

Veludo Park

SakuyaI caught an unknown mystery fish from the river and gave it a name!
GuyYou became the godparent of a mystery fish. That's one precious experience.
SakuyaRainbow Skyflaya Flapaflappie - that's the name I gave it![1]
GuyRainbow...? It must have looked awfully peculiar.

Veludo Town Library

GuyI went fishing with the director the other day.
SakuyaAre there fishing ponds close by? I never knew.
GuyDo you want to stop by one on the way home? If you're fine with me, I'll teach you about proper fishing form.
SakuyaWoah! Is that really okay? I'll be in your care then, Guy-san.

  1. Originally レインボー・ソラトブーノ・パタパターナ = Rainbow soratobu~no(sounds like "flies in the sky") patapata~na(flapping sounds). Couldn't find a pre-existing translation of the fish's name on the wiki so I just made something up on the fly (heh).