「オレ、もっともっともーっと頑張りますからっ!」 "I'll do my very, very, ve~ry best!"
Although he has loved dramas ever since he was little, he still needs more experience and technique. Despite this, he is a hard worker who puts his all into practice. His familial situation at home is a little complicated, so he auditioned after he heard about recruitment for live-in actor troupe members. He was the first member to join the brand new MANKAI Company and was chosen as the leader of the Spring Troupe.
An enthusiastic and hard-working young man. He has purple/mostly pink eyes with pinkish hair. Sakuya was orphaned at a young age and taken in by relatives with whom he seems to have a strained relationship with. Despite that, Sakuya is bright and positive, getting along well with everyone in the company regardless of age and background. He was uncertain at first when named leader of the Spring Troupe, but the director believed that everything would turn out all right with Sakuya as the core of the troupe. In part due to Sakuya's compassion and leadership, the initially rocky Spring Troupe eventually came to be like a family.
Sakuya is trusting to a fault and tends to believe everything that Citron tells him about his country. Itaru designated him his "gacha pinch-hitter" because of Sakuya's natural good luck.
He goes to Hanasaki Academy with Masumi, another Spring member, and Banri, the leader of the Autumn troupe.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「俺、お芝居がしたいんです。監督、宜しくお願いします!」I want to act. Please, Director!
「よし、いってきます!」Okay, let's go!
「はぁ、いい汗かきました!」Ahh, I worked up a good sweat!
「あと五秒!」Five more seconds!
「寂しいですけど、いつかまた、どこかで会えるって信じてます。」I'm sad, but I believe we'll meet again somewhere, someday.
「ぶるぶるブルーミング!はは、立派に咲けたかな」Bl-bl-blooming! Haha, I wonder if I was able to bloom splendidly.
「特訓あるのみ!…ですね」I have to do special training!
「ふぁ~。…はっ!お、おはようございます!」Yawn. ...Ah! G-Good morning!
「お昼だ~! たくさん食べて、午後の稽古に備えましょう!」It's lunch time! Let's eat a lot and get ready for afternoon practice!
「みんながいるから、夜も寂しくないですね」Because everybody's here, even at night, I'm not lonely.
「明日も良い一日になりますように…おやすみなさい!」I wish for tomorrow to be another good day...Good night!
「あははっ、ちょっとくすぐったいです」Ahaha, that tickles a little.
「うわっ!び、びくうりしたぁ・・・」Uwah! I— I was surprised...
「こ、これも演技の練習ですか・・・?」I-Is this acting practice too...?
「はい!なんですか?」Yes! What is it?
「オレ、もっともっと頑張ります!」I'll work harder and harder!
「オレも、カントクのこと・・・触ってもいいですか?」Director, is it okay if I... touch you too?
「カントク!稽古お願いします!」Director! I'd like to practice!
「Show must go on! です!」The show must go on!
「早く舞台に立ちたいなぁ・・・」I want to stand on the stage soon...