「オレはいつか、世界中の主演男優賞を総ナメにする男だぞ!」 "One day, I'll be the man who's a star actor known around the world and win lots of awards!"
A talented actor who was a prodigy child actor, he is a thoroughbred whose parents are both movie stars. He has absolute confidence in his own acting, has an "oresama" personality, and hates to lose. It's because of that that he doesn't have many friends. Although he was in the middle of filming for a movie, he joined the MANKAI Company for a certain reason to take on the stage. He is the leader of the Summer Troupe.
Tenma is an established drama and film actor who initially has trouble connecting with his fellow troupe members. He didn't have real friends growing up because of his arrogant personality, but has formed genuine friendships in MANKAI. He has a poor concept of "commoner things" in general due to the way he was raised, and there are many things he's never experienced prior to joining MANKAI Company.
Tenma attends Ouka High School with Juza and Taichi. Tenma is poor at studying and leaves his homework till the last minute.
In contrast to his proud persona, Tenma is easily frightened and hates scary things. He gets lost all the time because he has no sense of direction, though he denies this.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「これ以上みじめな姿を晒すことはできない。舞台を諦める。」I can't show this pitiful figure any more than this. I'm giving up on the stage.
「オレに演技指導?上等だ」Instruct me in acting? Bring it on.
「オレも殺陣やりてぇな…、かっこよく、こうやってこう…」I want to do a sword battle too... Awesomely, like this...
「どうだ、今の芝居カンペキだっただろ?」How about it? My acting just then was perfect, right?
「くそっ、この役結構難しいな…」Damn it, this role is pretty tough...
「弱音なんて吐いてる暇はない」There's no time to whine.
「ここで盆栽の良さを分かってくれるのは紬さんくらいだ」The only one around here who understands the goodness of bonsai is Tsumugi-san.
「ドラマで親父が女子高生になる役やっててさ…流石に複雑だった」My old man played a high school girl in a drama... Yeah, I had mixed feelings about that.
「舞台は体力勝負だ。夏組全員、もっと鍛える必要がある」Plays are a test of physical strength. Everyone in the Summer Troupe needs to train more.
「幸の生意気さは死んでも直らないんじゃないか」Not even death could cure Yuki's brattiness.
「椋はもっと大胆な芝居ができるようになればな」It'd be nice if Muku could grow more bold in his acting.
「三角の役への入り込み方は異常だ。一体何者なんだ…?」Misumi has a weird way of getting into character. Just what on earth is he...?
「一成が勝手に友達って言ってるだけで、オレは…別に…!」Kazunari just says we're friends! It's not like I... really...!
「今日はこのくらいにしてやる お疲れ」Let's leave it here for today. Good job.
「おはよ。監督も早く支度しろよ。じゃ、いってきます」Morning. You get ready quickly too, Director. Then, I'm off.
「今日もファンに囲まれて大変だった。ふぅ…人気者も楽じゃないな」It was tough being surrounded by fans again today. Sigh...It's not easy being popular.
「オレ主演のドラマ、もうすぐ放送始まるみたいだぞ」It seems like the drama I'm starring in is airing in a bit.
「眠れなくなることくらい、オレにだってある」Even I get tired at times.
「いつか 『月刊盆栽の友』 の表紙に…!」Someday on the cover of "Monthly Pals of Bonsai"...!
「おっと…驚かせんなよ」Oof... Don't startle me.
「そんなに構って欲しいなら、キスシーンの相手でもしてくれよ」If you want me to pay attention to you so much, be my partner for a kiss scene.
「やっとオレのすごさが分かったか?」Have you finally come to understand my greatness?
「ん?何か用かよ」Hmm? Do you need something?
「オレだってヒマじゃないんだぞ」I'm not free either.
「オレは方向音痴じゃない!…ちょっと道を覚えるのが苦手なだけだ」I don't have poor sense of direction! ...I'm just bad at remembering roads.
「学校なんてつまんねーよ オレは芝居してる時が一番楽しい」School is so boring. I'm having the most fun when I'm acting.
「幸の野郎、部屋でガミガミうるさいんだよ…」That bastard Yuki, so noisy with his nagging in our room...