EN Tryout List
All the limited and premium tryouts that have been available in the A3! English server thus far. Tryouts are also commonly referred to as scouts or gacha. For rates and more details, see Scouting, though note that the terms and some info listed there are exclusive to the JP server.
See Revival Tryouts (EN server) for the list of past tryouts that have been brought back before.
See Revival Token Tryouts (EN server) for the tryouts which require Revival Tokens instead of Gems.
Active Tryout(s)
Mischief with a Shuriken

Tryout Period: April 24, 2021 19:00 PDT to May 6, 2021 23:59 PDT
Related Event: SHINOBI Adventures!
Featured Cards:
SSR Misumi Ikaruga

Tryout Period: April 6, 2021 19:00 PDT to May 1, 2021 18:59 PDT
Featured Cards:
SSR Tsuzuru Minagi
SSR Itaru Chigasaki

Tryout Period: April 1, 2021 19:00 PDT to May 1, 2021 18:59 PDT
Note: This tryout was temporarily made unavailable when 'Part 1' was released (April 6, 2021 19:00 PDT to April 12, 2021 18:00 PDT), before both were made available simultaneously after maintenance had ended.
Featured Cards:
SSR Chikage Utsuki