Episode 7 Promo Campaign

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Event Information

This is the event page for the event in the English server. The JP event page is Act 7 Advancement Campaign.

Episode 7 Promo Campaign is event number 21 in the English A3! server.

Event Type: Campaign Event
Event Period: November 4, 2020 19:00 PST to November 11, 2020 23:59 PST
Theme Song: RESPAWN
Event Tryout: DEAD/UNDEAD (Part 1 & 2), DEAD/UNDEAD (Part 1), DEAD/UNDEAD (Part 2)

Event Cards:

Title Achievements: Abel's Companion Badge
Previous Event: 3 Cheers for MANKAI COMPANY!
Next Event: A Very MANKAI Christmas!

How to Play

  • During the event period, you can earn rewards by accumulating RANK EXP.
  • RANK EXP can be earned by playing any of the Practices available in the Plays tab. If you cancel a practice, you will still earn RANK EXP, but it will not count towards gaining event items.
  • You can also earn RANK EXP by using Actor's Manuals. Each Actor's Manual (S) gives 500EXP while Actor's Manual (M) gives 1000EXP. You can use Actor's Manuals by clicking on your RANK on the main page.
  • The Campaign Bonus Star Icon indicates cards that give bonus RANK EXP every time they appear in a practice.
  • The Campaign Bonus Sparkle Icon indicates cards that give a smaller bonus for RANK EXP every time they appear in a practice.
  • Bento fully recovers your LP while Onigiri recovers 50% of your LP (will overflow)

Event Story

This event unlocks Act 2 Episode 7 of the Main Story. Wiki translations for the main story can be found here.

Episode Unlock Requirements
Episodes Unlocked Rank EXP Required
1~3 350
4~6 1350
7~8 1350
9~10 2300
11~12 2300
13~15 2300
16~17 2300
18~19 2300
20~22 2550
23~24 2550
25~26 2550
27~28 2550
29~30 2550
31~32 2550
33~36 2900
Total 32750

Campaign Page

This event, players can play introductory voice clips from Azami from the main campaign page.

This is the wiki translation for these voice clips and not the official English server translation.
Azami...Azami Izumida. Middle school, third year. My dream is to become a make-up artist, for now. I'm pretty confident in my skills. Even in acting, I won't lose to that shitty Sakyo. I'll be in your care.
AzamiI thought Banri-san was a casual kind of guy but he's surprisingly meddlesome. It kind of makes him feel like a leader.
AzamiJuza-san...Up til now, I've gone up against a bunch of guys, but not many have had the impact he has. I wonder what would happen if we had a showdown...
AzamiTaichi-san seems happy-go-lucky, but he reads the air pretty well. He's the reason the Autumn Troupe continues to exist, isn't he?
AzamiOmi-san is...how do I put it, overly caretaking, so I get uneasy. I'm not really used to him.
Azami...Sakyo? Who cares about that shitty blonde guy in glasses. My thoughts are the same as Banri-san's. A loud-mouthed old man.

Card Bonuses

Card Bonuses are earned every time the card appears for a lesson during practice.

Bonus EXP Earned
Rarity Unbloomed Bloomed + Bloomed ++
SSR 2 7 14
SSR 1 4 8

Event Practice Missions

Not sure how to play? Check our Practice Missions page for more detailed information.

Practice Partner LP Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3
Banri Settsu 30 Achieve Actor's High Use 2 Spring, 1 Summer Have Azuma appear 3 times
Juza Hyodo 30 Achieve Actor's High Use 2 Spring, 1 Summer Have Tsumugi appear 3 times
Taichi Nanao 30 Achieve Actor's High Use 2 Spring, 1 Summer Have Tasuku appear 3 times
Omi Fushimi 30 Achieve Actor's High Use 2 Spring, 1 Summer Have Hisoka appear 3 times
Sakyo Furuichi 30 Achieve Actor's High Use 2 Spring, 1 Summer Have Homare appear 3 times
Azami Izumida 30 Achieve Actor's High Use 2 Spring, 1 Summer Have Tsumugi appear 3 times

Event Rewards

After reaching 40,000 EXP, you can gain rewards from a looping set every additional 2,500 EXP you earn.

EXP Reward
10 Actor's Manual (S) x1
30 Supporting Actor Award x1
50 Lead Actor Trophy x1
100 Platinum Ticket x1
150 N Banri Settsu x1
200 Spring Seeds x2
250 Coins x2000
300 Summer Seeds x2
400 Friend Points x1000
500 Gems x5
600 N Omi Fushimi x1
700 Autumn Seeds x2
800 Onigiri x1
900 Winter Seeds x2
1000 R Yuzo Kashima x1
1250 N Sakyo Furuichi x1
1500 Spring Buds x2
1750 R Yuzo Kashima x1
2000 Gems x5
2250 N Azami Izumida x1
2500 R Yuzo Kashima x1
2750 Summer Buds x2
3000 Gems x5
3250 Coins x2000
3500 Autumn Buds x2
4000 Actor's Manual (M) x1
4500 Supporting Actor Award x2
5000 Platinum Ticket x1
5500 Winter Buds x2
6000 Gems x5
6500 Coins x5000
7000 Spring Flowers x2
7500 Onigiri x1
8000 Friend Points x2000
8500 Summer Flowers x2
9000 R Yuzo Kashima x2
9500 Autumn Flowers x2
10000 Gems x5
10500 R Yuzo Kashima x2
11000 Actor's Manual (S) x1
11500 Lead Actor Trophy x2
12000 R Yuzo Kashima x2
12500 Gems x5
13000 Winter Flowers x2
13500 Coins x2000
14000 SR Azami Izumida x1
14500 Spring Flowers x3
15000 Gems x5
15500 Summer Flowers x3
16000 Platinum Ticket x1
16500 Coins x2000
17000 Bento x1
17500 Premium Medal x1
18000 Friend Points x1000
18500 Supporting Actor Award x3
19000 Autumn Flowers x3
19500 R Yuzo Kashima x2
20000 Gems x5
20500 R Yuzo Kashima x2
21000 Coins x3000
21500 R Yuzo Kashima x2
22000 SR Azami Izumida x1
22500 Lead Actor Trophy x3
23000 Winter Flowers x3
23500 Friend Points x2000
24000 Premium Medal x1
25000 Actor's Manual (M) x1
26000 Platinum Ticket x1
27500 Coins x5000
29000 Lead Actor Trophy x5
30500 SR Azami Izumida x1
32000 Premium Medal x3
33500 SR Azami Izumida x1
35000 Bento x1
37500 Abel's Travel Partner Title
40000 Gems x10
EXP Reward
2500 Bento x2
2500 Supporting Actor Award x3
2500 Lead Actor Trophy x3
2500 Actor's Manual (M) x2
2500 R Yuzo Kashima x3
2500 R Yuzo Kashima x3
2500 R Yuzo Kashima x3
2500 Bento x2
2500 Spring Buds x5
2500 Summer Buds x5
2500 Autumn Buds x5
2500 Winter Buds x5
2500 Actor's Manual (M) x2
2500 Spring Flowers x4
2500 Summer Flowers x4
2500 Autumn Flowers x4
2500 Winter Flowers x4