Blog Archives 2019

From A3! Wiki

This archive page contains blog posts released from June 2, 2019 until December 31, 2019. Blogs and links to the other archives can be found on the Troupe Member Blog page.

Blog Posts

Date Author Title Translator
Date Author Title Translator
1 Oct 19 Misumi おいしい△!
11 Nov 19 Juza (Untitled) nids.
11 Oct 19 Masumi Festival of the Dead Anna
12 Jul 19 Sakuya Penguin Show nids.
13 Dec 19 Tasuku スケート公演
13 Jun 19 Taichi Bridegrooms Battle Royale ☆ nids.
14 Aug 19 Tenma Overseas azamiln
14 Nov 19 Banri 板の上
14 Sep 19 Omi 癒し
15 Oct 19 Chikage 秋の空と
16 Dec 19 Itaru 忘年会。
16 Jul 19 Kazunari SUMMER YEAH☆ nids.
17 Jun 19 Tasuku Soccer Club nids.
17 Sep 19 Azuma 主従関係
18 Aug 19 Taichi Almost Time! azamiln
18 Nov 19 Taichi Chic anime ☆ Mangosnail
2 Dec 19 Kazunari WINTERといえば……♪
2 Jul 19 Tsumugi Summer Flower nids.
2 Jun 19 Yuki Teru Teru Bozu nids.
20 Oct 19 Azami Strange Karaoke. nids.
21 Dec 19 Muku Summer Troupe’s Major Cleanup! nids.
21 Sep 19 Kumon Autumn-leaf viewing! Mangosnail
22 Nov 19 Tsumugi 秋の終わりに
23 Jul 19 Guy Guy’s Blog - Watermelon Splitting Lia
24 Aug 19 Banri Summer Work azamiln
24 Jun 19 Azami Father's Day. nids.
25 Oct 19 Hisoka ミックス公演、ありがとうございました
26 Dec 19 Homare 花園の真偽
26 Jul 19 Homare The Luminous Circus nids.
27 Sep 19 Sakyo 主従関係
28 Jun 19 Tsuzuru The show has concluded nids.
28 Nov 19 Citron 死徒論乃武呂愚 part6
29 Aug 19 Yuki Towards the Runway azamiln
3 Aug 19 Itaru The Students’ Summer Holiday. nids.
3 Nov 19 Guy 芽伊乃武呂愚~露鳥土苦華衣~
3 Sep 19 Tasuku Futsal Tournament azamiln
7 Jun 19 Kazunari Grats Grats △ nids.
7 Sep 19 Sakuya Around the Antique Bookstores azamiln
8 Dec 19 Sakyo Christmas Preparation nids.
8 Oct 19 Tsuzuru Megane Day Lia
9 Aug 19 Hisoka Flowing Somen nids.
9 Jul 19 Muku Going Shopping Incognito? nids.

June 2019

Teru Teru Bozu

Viewing Period: 2 Jun 19 to 4 Jun 19

This is Yuki Rurikawa from Summer Troupe.

Once we hit the first day of June, Muku began making teru teru bozu[1].
He’s been stocking up on those dolls, since he wants to hang a lot of them ahead of an important day. He doesn’t want rain to fall on that day.

He draws faces on those dolls too,
But unlike last time, when we only had Summer Troupe members’ faces drawn on them,
He also draws the other company members’ faces.

And speaking of June, because this month is June Bride month,
Muku said he wanted to make the teru teru bozu wear tuxedo. That is sure a difficult one.
But well, it’s just so like Muku to be hoping something like that.

We couldn’t make the tuxedo, obviously, so I taught Taichi how to make neckties from origami
and attached them on the teru teru bozu.
Don’t you think it looks a little bit like tuxedo?

I’ve actually drawn some too.
Should I take pictures when we hang them up? Mine came out pretty interesting, after all.
With that said, I’ll show you me and Muku’s wonderful pieces.

Translator: nids.

Grats Grats △

Viewing Period: 7 Jun 19 to 9 Jun 19

Kazunari Miyoshi of Summer Troupe here☆
It’s been a while since I last wrote blog post it makes me so hyped♪

Guys, do you know what day June 6th is?

It’s the birthday of Summer Troupe’s Trickster☆ Sumi!
We bombarded him with triangles to celebrate the occasion~△△△△△△

One of them is this one!

It’s “BIG Sankaku-kun BD Special Ver.” that I made with Yukki.
It looks super cute, doesn’t it?(* ^▽^ *)
Sumi was so happy with the triangles than we expected that he did backflip, aerial cartwheel and flashkick!
The BIG Sankaku-kun will be the guard of Sumi’s precious triangles collection♪
Our hard work paid off in the end, Yukki☆

It’d be nice if we make various modifications of Sankaku-kun this year~.
Say, I think I should release a collection book someday♪

Gosh, it becomes sooo fun once I come up with an idea!
I really, really should make it happen♪

With that said!
Happy, happy birthday Sumi△

That’s all from me, Kazunari Miyoshi!
Until next time!│・ω・ )ノ~△

Translator: nids.

Bridegrooms Battle Royale ☆

Viewing Period: 13 Jun 19 to 15 Jun 19

This is Taichi Nanao from Autumn Troupe!

It’s been raining a lot these days. I hope people who… get gloomy due to the weather can cheer up by reading my blog post!

Speaking of recent events that I had…
I recently performed a play at the opening ceremony of a wedding venue; I got to wear tuxedo!

Other members who participated also wore one, obviously.
They were all so cool in the tuxedo…!
I hope the people who saw our appearance in tuxedo would freely express their thought~(≧▽≦)

During the opening ceremony, there was also an event called Bridegrooms Battle Royale where we competed on how grooms-like we were.
The battle was quite exciting…!

You see, I remained until the final during the game!!
I wasn’t able to win the game, unfortunately, but to think that I could go that far, it was such a greatly satisfying result!

Anyway, Guy-san was the winner of the event!
His proposal was so cool that even I, a guy, couldn’t help but be swept away~(> _ <)

I took pictures and videos at the time, so I’d upload it on Instagram.
Look forward to it~♪

★☆★ Taichi Nanao ★☆★

Translator: nids.

Soccer Club

Viewing Period: 17 Jun 19 to 19 Jun 19

Given how the temperature has been greatly rising, I thought summer had arrived… but then the rainy season set in.

And here I was considering to increase our practice time now that the soccer club’s match has been decided.

Now I’m thinking to switch over to indoor practice and focus on bodybuilding.
Having a healthy body and stamina is also necessary for performing plays too, after all.

Anyway, this is is a good opportunity. Should I try recruiting other company members who want to participate in the game? Besides the guys from the soccer club.

Spring and Winter Troupe’s members will most likely avoid my invitation;
Hyodo and Sumeragi love moving their bodies, and they are stoic when it comes to acting, so I feel like they will be happy if I invite them.

MANKAI Company’s Tasuku Takato of Winter Troupe.

Translator: nids.

Father's Day.

Viewing Period: 24 Jun 19 to 26 Jun 19

This is Azami Izumida from Autumn Troupe.

June 16 was Father’s Day.
The guys around me couldn’t stop asking me what would I give to my father—it’s truly bothersome.
That’s why I always properly give him something every year.
I’ve never remembered asking him, but Sakyo has always been the one looking for the present choices in my stead, and that is even more troublesome.

He always tells me to choose it myself, yet he persistently makes a list of presents every year.
So today I’ll get him for doing that by posting this photo.

I got it from Ken-san.
Shitty Sakyo when he is carefully selecting hand fan. I think.

If he’s going to meddle too much again next year,
I’ll be doing this again.

Translator: nids.

The show has concluded

Viewing Period: 28 Jun 19 to 30 Jun 19

Good afternoon.
This is Tsuzuru Minagi from Spring Troupe.

A few days ago, we were able to deliver the final show of “Run Around the Field” without any problem. To tell you the truth, I shared the stage with the members who usually play soccer with me this time… Kicking the balls with them onstage felt surprisingly relaxing, even for me.

It’s all thanks to my co-stars, every company members who keeps supporting me and all of you who came to watch the show that I could perform the major leading role until the final show without feeling too much pressure.

I have also accepted all the letters that were sent to me during the performance period. I’ll read all of them carefully. I will also keep all the ones that I have received up until now with great care. Every time I read the words that are poured with your feelings, I feel like I have to do my best more. I can write a story again with the feelings that I have received.

I’m also happy to read the words that are directed to the actor me. The things that you wrote for my story also serve as a very important encouragement to me.

To tell you the truth, I was able to return to my starting point as a writer for this play. I’ve come to realize how I like writing story for someone. I admit that I wrote the story for someone who is close to me and knows me well, but it was also for every one of you who anticipated the play and came to the theater. I plan to run around my field as much as I can do.

Once again, thank you very much.
This has been Tsuzuru Minagi from Spring Troupe.

Translator: nids.

July 2019

Summer Flower

Viewing Period: 2 Jul 19 to 4 Jul 19

Hello. This is Tsumugi Tsukioka from Winter Troupe.

The temperature has gradually become more summery;
Everyone, how are you spending your days?

I felt like I was wearing coats up until recently…
But the season for short sleeves has arrived before we even know it.

Even the flowers at the courtyard announce the arrival of summer little by little.
The fact that we also get to enjoy seasonal flowers like this is also thanks to Guy-san and the others who help me take care of them.

It looks like this year’s summer will be as hot as usual,
So I think it’ll be nice to go to cool places like a summer resort or an aquarium.

Everyone, if you have recommended spots to go in this season,
Please do tell me.

That’s all from me, Tsumugi Tsukioka from Winter Troupe.

Translator: nids.

Going Shopping Incognito?

Viewing Period: 9 Jul 19 to 11 Jul 19

Hello, everyone!
This is Muku Sakisaka from Summer Troupe.

Yesterday, on July 8, Yuki-kun celebrated his birthday!
We all went to buy presents together, but it was quite difficult to find the perfect present…

We stopped by a lot of stores, like a cute general store, a handicrafts shop, an accessories shop and a stylish select shop.
Even though it took us a whole day to buy the present, I had a lot of fun going shopping with everyone!

More than anything, seeing Yuki-kun’s pleased expression made me feel happy too.

Yuki-kun, happy birthday!
Thank you very much for always coming up with beautiful costumes and making it for us.
All of us are proud to be able to wear Yuki-kun’s costumes!
We’ll continue to be in your care.

I got embarrassed for some reason…!
That’s right! Going shopping incognito was so fun that I took some photos.
I’d attach one of them here.

Looking at the photo, it feels like I was accompanying a celebrity to go shopping. It made me feel a bit nervous.
Ah, Tenma-kun is a real celebrity though, so I’m not wrong…!

Thank you for reading until the end!

Translator: nids.

Penguin Show

Viewing Period: 12 Jul 19 to 14 Jul 19

Thank you for always supporting us!
This is Sakuya Sakuma from Spring Troupe!

We were holding a collaboration show with penguins at the aquarium the other day!
For those who came to watch the performance, did you enjoy it?

Tsuzuru-kun wrote the script for this performance, but we actually also followed Muku-kun’s advice! Our play was full of elements from shoujo manga that he likes!

Muku-kun took a very good care of me as his pair.
I’m glad that we could spend a great time together with a penguin named “Ikura”!
Anyway, the ribbons that the penguins wore were made by Yuki-kun. It’s cute, isn’t it!?

Please come to the aquarium this summer—the exhibition was a lot of fun, and seeing the sea creatures will heal your mind. Besides, you will have a lot of opportunities to touch them up close.
I’m also planning to go meet Ikura again!

With that said, look forward to our next update!

Translator: nids.


Viewing Period: 16 Jul 19 to 18 Jul 19

Yahoo☆ Kazunari Miyoshi from Summer Troupe is here♪

Now that we have reached July, I’m getting all these “Hell yeah! It’s summer!” feelings.
Everyday is somehow an exciting and happy day☆

Speaking of summer, there are a lot of new movie releases just before the holiday.
Do you all have a movie that you’ve been anticipating?
The company members are also talking about various kinds of titles, but since it looks like there’s a movie that Mukkun wants to watch, all of us, Summer Troupe, are planning to see it soon♪

I don’t really know the details of the story, though; since the film isn’t showing in many theaters.
But I know that it’s a film about circus!
Is there anyone who knows about this movie~?

Circus has colorful displays and kitsch, not to mention the color combination is chic. It looks good.
The composition is dynamic, and there are a lot of cute motifs…
Even its design is such a superYukari (talk)interesting subject to talk about!

I still haven’t finished one of my uni’s projects, but I have to work hard so that I can watch the movie together with the Summer Troupe! (>_<)

To those who goes, “Ah, that movie!” when reading this!
If you’re watching the movie, please tell me what you think about it at the theater.

With that said~
That’s all from me, Kazunari Miyoshi!
Until next time!│・ω・ )ノ~☆

Translator: nids.

Guy’s Blog - Watermelon Splitting

Viewing Period: 23 Jul 19 to 27 Jul 19

Winter Troupe’s Guy here,

When I was out shopping in the market district, I found a huge watermelon at the grocery store. Thanks to the discount, I was able to purchase it for next to nothing. Apparently, because it was so big, it was not selling so they marked it down. The weight was a lot to carry home alone, but I was saved by Takato, who helped me in his strength.

From what I understood, watermelon is cut into slices with a kitchen knife then eaten in that fashion. But, by Citronia’s proposal, it was decided that we break it through an activity he called “watermelon splitting”. I took a picture, so I will show it here.

Blindfolded, Sakuma decided to try. But Citronia’s verbal directions were incomprehensible, so he was quite lost indeed. Minagi said “At this rate, we’re going to be trying to break this watermelon forever,” & he took over in giving directions. Eventually, Sakuma was successful in his endeavor.
The watermelon would have been delicious if prepared by traditional means. But, in making it an activity to be shared with one’s friends, a little extra effort turned into enjoyment, and the watermelon gained a different, special taste.

I’m happy I could make precious summer memories again this year. I’ll never forget today.

-Winter Troupe’s Guy

Translator: Lia

The Luminous Circus

Viewing Period: 26 Jul 19 to 28 Jul 19

In the height of summer,
When the smell of rain is lingering in the air,
“Mixed Play: The Luminous Circus” has wrapped up safely.
Thank you for supporting us so much and giving us a storm of applause.

This is the first play I performed not as a member of Winter Troupe.
The smiles of my jolly friends standing next to me and the expression of the audience feel very fresh.

To my precious friends who showed me a magnificent scenery,
To the treasures that keeps shining today even after so many years.
And to the great relatives of my family, I sincerely express my gratitude to you all.

Just like the Luminous Circus troupe,
If we can light even the slightest bit of warm light in the hearts of everyone who came to the show,
There's no greater joy than that.

I promise that we'll bring a triangular tent full of dreams and hope, and deliver the best show filled with lights again someday.
Make sure to come to play when we hold one in your cities.

Translator: nids.

August 2019

The Students’ Summer Holiday.

Viewing Period: 3 Aug 19 to 5 Aug 19

Hello. This is Itaru Chigasaki from Spring Troupe.

During the summer vacation for the students cluster of our company,
They go to play with their family and friends and bring home souvenirs.
The kinds of the souvenirs are varied, from sweets and stationery to key holders of local mascot character.

Also, during this time, it seems the members whose schedules met went to the amusement park.
All of them had a lot of fun and came back in such a good mood,
But those feelings only last for a few minutes.
Those who got a little bit tanned were sitting seiza style[2] while being lectured by our make up artist.

You have to be well-prepared for your summer leisure.
As for me, I think I’m not going to go out that often.

Speaking of summer holiday, there’s one thing that I need to tell you.
I heard Tsumugi is worried whether or not the students group will finish their summer vacation homework quickly.
So they’re planning to hold a study session with Tsumugi-sensei in the last week of summer vacation.

I think I should help them out on my days off.

Translator: nids.

Flowing Somen

Viewing Period: 9 Aug 19 to 11 Aug 19

This is Hisoka Mikage of Winter Troupe

It’s already August….
Everyday is hot….

Azuma got a lot of high-grade somen, so we all had flowing somen for lunch.
That four big bamboo pipes were all made by Tasuku and Guy.

The athmosphere was really lively when we had the flowing somen.
Yuki and Banri were so good at catching the noodles that Tenma and Juza, who were waiting next to them, did not get any of the noodles.
They ended up fighting for a little bit.
Meanwhile, Taichi and Citron put other things beside the noodles on the bamboo pipes.

The flowing somen that I caught was delicious.
It was really fun that I didn’t mind the heat—only at that time.

I took a picture as a memory.

It looks like everyone also had a lot of fun.
I hate the heat, but I want to have flowing somen again.

Translator: nids.


Viewing Period: 14 Aug 19 to 16 Aug 19

This is Tenma Sumeragi from the Summer Troupe.

I think many people already know this, but recently, the entire MANKAI Company took a trip to America.

To think that we’d put on a show at an overseas amusement park…
When I first heard the news, I was pretty surprised, but I thought it would certainly be a good experience for the other troupe members to go into a play with a fresh new feeling.

There are obviously no subtitles on stage, so it was all in Japanese.
I thought that it would’ve been better if there were subtitles of some sort, but those worries were blown away.
I’m glad that the audience was so responsive and engaged.

It made me realize that even though people speak different languages, there are still things that can be conveyed.

Each of us has made some memories in America, so next time you come see us at a show, be sure to ask us about our experiences.

Thank you for reading until the end.

Translator: azamiln

Almost Time!

Viewing Period: 18 Aug 19 to 20 Aug 19

Autumn Troupe’s Taichi Nanao here!

First of all… it’s hot! Hot! Really hot!
It really gives you the feeling of “Summer’s here!” doesn’t it?
Every day, I sweat like a waterfall during practice…

Such hot weather!
The shaved ice shop that Omi-kun works at is flourishing this year, too.
He got some leftovers from the shaved ice machine he used at the shopping district last year, and whenever someone went out shopping, the amount of new syrup flavors increased, so we got a lot stocked up~ (^^)

A while ago, Omi-kun made plum wine shaved ice as per Azuma-san’s request! How adult-like!! Haha!

As expected, though, I prefer strawberry flavored~ (≧▽≦)
It’s because I like the color red!! LOL

Anyway, our performance is almost starting--!
Of course, there’s the story, but if you could also especially appreciate the costumes this time, I’d be really happy (*’-`)

I’ll give it my all until closing night, too!!
Please support us until the end, everyone (^^)v

Translator: azamiln

Summer Work

Viewing Period: 24 Aug 19 to 26 Aug 19

It’s already the end of August. Time sure flies.
It’s the middle of summer break, but I still have troupe practice. I was able to go see some other performances too, so I've been keeping busy with theater activities one way or another.

Come to think of it, recently Tsuzuru asked me to help out for a day at the beer garden. I thought the others would come to make fun of me for sure, so I didn’t tell anyone I accepted. So I was surprised as all hell when I saw Kazunari, Azuma-san, and Omi there.
(Turns out Sakyo-san was the one who told Omi to come and see me)

Here’s the picture that Kazunari took of us.

I’ve never worked in anything related to food and drink before, but it wasn’t that hard, and I ended up finding it pretty fun.
It looks like my time in the Actor’s Cafe also paid off.

Next time, I’m planning to help out at the gas station.
It’d be a good experience for plays. Plus, college summer break is long.
Well, whatever. I guess I’d better spend my time meaningfully.

Then, see you.

Translator: azamiln

Towards the Runway

Viewing Period: 29 Aug 19 to 31 Aug 19

This is Summer Troupe’s Yuki Rurikawa.

The closing night of “The Last Runway” went off without a hitch. Thank you to everyone that came to watch. Did you all enjoy it?

Because the topic for this play was fashion, I was excited to get to work on making the perfect outfits.

The other troupe members supported me wholeheartedly.
To tell the truth, I did get some help making the outfits. I want to say that everyone was too meddlesome… but this time, I really am grateful to them.

It’s because of everyone’s efforts -- those from the Summer Troupe that watched out for me, Azami, who did the hair and makeup, Tsuzuru, who wrote the script, and everyone else that cheered us on during the performance -- that we were able to see this play through until the end. Thank you.

... I’m not good with this kind of sentimental talk, but that’s the gist of it.
The people who came to see the performance probably know this, but because there were a lot of costumes this time around, we had to change quickly, so it got pretty hectic.

Especially with Taichi. He wouldn’t stop yapping every time we were changing. Next time, I have to focus on making clothes that are easy to change in and out of.

Then, until we meet again, Kikukawa.
I’ll also continue to work hard as a designer.

Translator: azamiln

September 2019

Futsal Tournament

Viewing Period: 3 Sep 19 to 5 Sep 19

The calendar date shows that it’s already September, but it looks like the summer weather is still continuing.

The Soccer Club’s club activities are going well.
When I find the time, I make sure to practice, and it always leaves me dripping with sweat.
In order to take part in the futsal tournament, we’re currently recruiting Settsu as a member.

Recently, I’ve been getting into the habit of bathing at the bathhouse on Veludo Way before returning to the theater.
It feels good to soak in a spacious bath, and you end up feeling pretty refreshed.

In preparation for the tournament, I plan to build up my body by going for a run tomorrow morning, too.
Fushimi also said he wanted to train, so I’ll invite him to come with me.

This was Tasuku Takato from MANKAI Company’s Winter Troupe.

Translator: azamiln

Around the Antique Bookstores

Viewing Period: 7 Sep 19 to 9 Sep 19

As always, thank you so much for supporting us!
This is Spring Troupe’s Sakuya Sakuma!

The other day, I heard that Chikage-san and Tsumugi-san were going to tour some antique bookstores, and they let me go along with them.

We all looked around at various books -- Chikage-san focused on foreign language books, Tsumugi-san focused on gardening books, and I looked around at the books about drama. There were enough books everywhere to reach the ceiling…!
Every store had a different assortment, so it was really interesting!

In between, we stopped at a retro coffee shop and drank some cream soda, and on the way back, we ate dinner at an old curry restaurant. While we were eating, we had a lot of fun showing each other what books we bought!

Actually, Kazunari-san asked me to take some photos to use as material, so I’ve attached one of them here.

I couldn’t reach a lot of the books higher up on the shelves, so I had to ask them to help me many times… I thought, if only I could grow a little taller…

Chikage-san, Tsumugi-san, thank you for letting me come along!
Let’s go again sometime.

Please look forward to the next update!

Translator: azamiln


Viewing Period: 14 Sep 19 to 15 Sep 19



Viewing Period: 17 Sep 19 to 19 Sep 19


Autumn-leaf viewing!

Viewing Period: 21 Sep 19 to 23 Sep 19

Summer troupe’s Hyodo Kumon here!

Even though it’s still kinda warm… somehow, it feels like the atmosphere or the smells? Are all saying that “summer is almost over~”, it’s so depressing (><)

But even so! Autumn has loooots of fun things in store like Halloween and moon viewing, so I think it’s best that I turn my frown upside down and enjoy everything it has to offer!

…And when I talked about this with Azuma-san, he said “I recommend autumn-leaf viewing” so some people from our company went on a spontaneous trip!
Here’s a photo!

Featuring Itaru-san!

Truth be told, it was seemingly still a little early for autumn-leaf viewings. At first, there were only green and kinda yellow-ish? landscapes, but right when we took the photo we got to a place that was red all around! According to Azuma-san, it’s “a place equal to a gold mine only to those in the know”. As expected from Azuma-san!

We also had a good time at a quick visit onsen and felt refreshed breathing in the fresh mountain air, so my autumn really got the best start now (^^)

Let’s have a fun autumn together, everyone!
Ah! Hope you guys enjoy the mixed troupe play Yin Yang Midnight that’s currently running!

Well then, later!

Translator: Mangosnail


Viewing Period: 27 Sep 19 to 29 Sep 19


October 2019


Viewing Period: 1 Oct 19 to 3 Oct 19


Megane Day

Viewing Period: 8 Oct 19 to 10 Oct 19

Hello, it’s Tsuzuru Minagi from the Spring Troupe.

It’s already October, huh. I can’t believe the year is going to be over in just 3 months, can you? It’s really flown by.

Speaking of, last week was apparently “Megane Day” on October 1st. Did you guys know that?
It became a topic of conversation in the company’s LIME group chat, and for some reason it evolved into everyone sending selfies of themselves wearing glasses.

By the way, there are only 6 members that actually need glasses: Itaru-san, Chikage-san, Miyoshi-san, Furuichi-san, Tsukioka-san, and Arisugawa-san...

Can anyone guess who was the first person to take a megane selfie?
Believe it or not, it wasn’t Miyoshi-san. The correct answer... Arisugawa-san.

We’ve decided on calling next year’s Megane Day the “MANKAI MEGANE MEETING”.
I mean we’re making this plan now and everyone is really excited about it, but whether or not it’s actually going to happen is another matter entirely.

So that’s why the members of Mankai Company are currently in such high spirits. Everyone, please take care of yourselves out there okay?

Until next time, this has been Spring Troupe’s Tsuzuru Minagi

Translator: Lia

Festival of the Dead

Viewing Period: 11 Oct 19 to 13 Oct 19

Spring Troupe, Usui Masumi.

There was a Festival of the Dead in the neighbouring town.

Director told us that the Festival of the Dead is a festival where you enjoy talking while reminiscing about those who have passed.
Apparently, there's a similar festival overseas.

Until we took the stage at the Festival of the Dead, I had a misunderstanding about my own family and caused trouble for everyone.

But they weren't annoyed and they helped me out a lot.
I feel just a little bit grateful this time.

However, I'll never forgive Itaru for secretly taking pictures of me.

Translator: Anna


Viewing Period: 15 Oct 19 to 17 Oct 19


Strange Karaoke.

Viewing Period: 20 Oct 19 to 22 Oct 19

This is Azami Izumida from Autumn Troupe.

Tsuzuru-san told me through LIME to meet up in front of the station the other day. I thought the soccer club would be having a practice that day, but for some reason he brought me to karaoke.

This is how it went inside the karaoke room.

Citron-san was singing.

Banri-san, who came before me, was the one who took the picture.

I think I was called because I love music, but...
To think that me, Citron-san, Omi-san, Banri-san, Tsuzuru-san and Kazunari-san would be hanging out at the karaoke together... It just felt too strange.
(Masumi-san was actually also invited to join us, but it looked like he left our message on read as usual.)

Homare-san later barged into the room, and we ended up staying there for four hours.

After that, Citron-san bought a karaoke set and suggested that we hold a MANKAI Karaoke Competition.
But Sakyo immediately rejected the idea since it might disturb the neighbors.

I've kind of expected this result,
But he didn't have to refuse it within one second. It was too fast.

Translator: nids.


Viewing Period: 25 Oct 19 to 27 Oct 19


November 2019


Viewing Period: 3 Nov 19 to 05 Nov 19



Viewing Period: 11 Nov 19 to 13 Nov 19

The other day, Muku, Kumon and I went home together for the first time in a while.

We stopped by a big park on our way home to see the autumn leaves.
There, we met Hisoka-san and Kamekichi, the parrot which lives in our dorm.

Looks like Hisoka-san followed Kamekichi picking up nuts in the park.
I’ll attach a photo of them here too, since Kumon took it.
I might be called a brother fool[3], but I think this is a good photo.

I thought Kamekichi was picking up nuts for his meal at first, but seems like it was for his girlfriend’s birthday present.
That day I learned that birds also celebrate their birthdays.

Muku, deeply moved by Kamekichi’s story, helped him pick up all the nuts.
It reminds me of our childhood, when I accompanied Muku and Kumon picking up acorns.
I got all nostalgic.

I was only able to find pine corns in the end, and they were all rejected by Kamekichi since he said they weren’t beautiful.

It's such a waste to throw them away for some reason, so I brought them back to the dorm along with the apples I got from my parents.
I didn't think we could use them for anything, so for now, I put them in my room.

November 11. Juza Hyodo from Autumn Troupe

Translator: nids.


Viewing Period: 14 Nov 19 to 16 Nov 19


Chic anime ☆

Viewing Period: 18 Nov 19 to 20 Nov 19

Autumn troupe’s Nanao Taichi here!

Since it has been steadily getting colder here, dorm dinner nights featuring nabe[4] have been increasing as well!
Popping some nabe into your mouth instantly brings on that wintery feeling, doesn’t it~

A while back I went back to my parents’ place for some business and nabe showed up there too, it was so delish with its flavour that just warms you right up!
(Omi-kun and Tsuzuru-kun’s nabe is tasty too, of course!)

That reminds me, I watched an anime together with my little sister that she had enthusiastically recorded.
Seems like it’s a magical girl anime popular with girls (^^)
She told me that gemstones work as the motif! How chic!

The plot development was so intense that I ended up getting drawn into it too~ (≧▽≦)

I wanted to keep up with it after returning to the dorm, so I tried to go and record it, but it was already scheduled… doesn’t that mean that someone else is also watching it…!?
Even though it’s not manga, I wonder if Mucchan would be the type to watch it~?
I’ll try asking later for the person behind the recording!

I think it’s a work of art that even adults can have fun with, so I recommend people interested in it to give it a try (^^)v

★☆★Nanao Taichi★☆★

Translator: Mangosnail


Viewing Period: 22 Nov 19 to 24 Nov 19

死徒論乃武呂愚 part6

Viewing Period: 28 Nov 19 to 30 Nov 19


December 2019


Viewing Period: 2 Dec 19 to 4 Dec 19


Christmas Preparation

Viewing Period: 8 Dec 19 to 10 Dec 19

This is Sakyo Furuichi from Autumn Troupe

December has only just begun, but it looks like the people in our theater company have already gotten into Christmas mood. It can be seen by how the Christmas decoration is slowly increasing day by day.

Even the other day, we made Christmas trees with the pinecones that Hyodo picked up.

Nanao persistently asked me to put the photo up, saying, “Since Juza-san’s expression looks good.” Thus, I attached this picture.
But well, I guess it’s rare for Hyodo to make this kind of expression.

We put some of those pinecones in the theater lobby. Take a look if you have the chance.

Translator: nids.


Viewing Period: 13 Dec 19 to 15 Dec 19



Viewing Period: 16 Dec 19 to 18 Dec 19


Summer Troupe’s Major Cleanup!

Viewing Period: 21 Dec 19 to 23 Dec 19

Hello, everyone!
This is Muku Sakisaka from Summer Troupe.

We only have a few days left until the end of the year, huh... I had a great year this year, so knowing that it’s ending soon makes me a little bit sad. But I hope next year will be an even better year. (* ^ v ^ *)

We have started doing a major cleanup in our dorm once we entered December. Summer Troupe finished cleaning everything the other day, so both director-san and Sakyo-san praised us for being quick!

We finished cleaning our room faster than the others. Thus, we decided to help Misumi-san and Kyu-chan cleaning their room. New triangle stuff filled the room, it was really fun!

Misumi-san was cleaning while singing a triangle song. He looked like he was having so much fun I couldn’t help taking a picture. I’ll put the photo here.

To tell you the truth, we found a lot of chocolates when we were tidying up the triangles. (They were triangle-shaped chocolates, obviously!) Since it looks like Misumi-san forgot to eat them after buying them the other day, us Summer Troupe ate them once we finished cleaning. But there were so many we couldn’t finish them. We were at a loss that time.

But then Misumi-san said, “I’m going to give it to everyone!” and left the room.... After that, I was surprised when I opened Insta to find a post, “Handing out triangle chocos as a thank you gift for this year! Gathering at the theater~!” It was a very Misumi-san-like surprise, though. It was a nice surprise.

Summer Troupe will show you the best plays next year too, so please support us!

Thank you for reading until the end!

Translator: nids.


Viewing Period: 26 Dec 19 to 28 Dec 19


  1. Teru teru bozu is Japanese paper doll which is usually hung outside the window to bring good weather and prevent rain
  2. Seiza style: sitting with the knees together and the legs folded under the body
  3. The Japanese term is 兄馬鹿, which means someone who really loves his lil bros
  4. Nabe means hot pot in Japanese. Since nabe is used as an umbrella term for all kinds of different hot pot dishes, I left the term as-is.