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Bartender Experience! Ver. Misumi
Backstage Stories
Part 1 Part 2
*Knocking on door*
Guy Yes?
Kazunari Pardon our intrusion!
Hey hey, GuyGuy! Could you hire us?
Misumi Guy, hire us~!
Guy …?
You want to work part-time at the bar?
Kazunari Bingo! You’re so quick to figure us out, GuyGuy!
Misumi In the upcoming Summer Troupe performance, we’ll be playing a bar’s signature dogs~.
Kazunari We thought it’d be a good idea to get some legit experience working at a bar, that’s why we came to ask!
Guy I see. In regards to the part-time job, of course, it’ll be fine.
Kazunari Hell yeah! Thanksies, GuyGuy~!
Misumi Thank you, GuyGuy~!
Kazunari You normally can’t just work at bars so casually like this!
Guy It would be great for you to help me out.
Having two separate shifts might be better to gain a variety of experiences… What do you think?
Kazunari Cool! Then we’ll each take a shift. I’m looking forward to it!
Misumi I’ll do my best for the job and also the role study!
I’ll do my best for today!
Guy Ah, I’m looking forward to working with you.
Hisoka Same here.
Guy Well then, I’ll briefly explain the workflow. Firstly--.
Misumi Aah! I found a triangle!
Guy Huh, where?
Misumi Look! It’s on the shelf right there!
Guy Oh, the cocktail glasses.
Misumi It’s a clear and pretty triangle~.
Hisoka ...The cocktail glasses, I think we better take them off the shelf.
Guy Yes, we should.
Ikaruga, this is a cocktail glass.
Misumi Wah~, thank you! It’s such a nice triangle!
Guy I’m glad you like it.
Well then, let me proceed with the explanation.
Misumi Kaay!
Guy ...This is where the bottles of liquor are lined up, but that is not very relevant now.
Basically, you will be taking people’s orders and bringing them their food, Ikaruga.
If there’s anything you don’t understand, ask me or Mikage.
Misumi Mhm, got it!
*Shop bell rings*
Guy Welcome.
Misumi Welcome~.
Customer A Good evening. Huh, I haven’t seen him here before.
Misumi I’m Misumi Ikaruga! I’m helping out for a limited time.
Customer B Huh, I see.
*Shop bell rings*
Misumi Ah, another customer!
Welcome. What would you like to order~?
Customer C Good evening. Hmm, I’ll have my usual cocktail.
Misumi Of course!
Customer C Haha, you seem to be in a good mood.
I was feeling a little bit down, but you’ve cheered me up a bit.
Misumi You were feeling down~?
Customer C I had a lot going on at work, so a little…
Misumi I see.
Hmm… Wait here a second!
Guy, can I borrow a bottle of liquor for a second?
Guy I don’t mind… But, what for?
Misumi A customer said they were feeling down, so I wanna cheer them up!
Hisoka Ah… Got it. Is three bottles enough?
Misumi Uh huh! Thank you, Hisoka!
Hisoka No problem.
Guy …? You’re going to use three bottles?
Hisoka Just watch, Guy.
Misumi I’d like to welcome everyone here today! Please enjoy yourselves and stay until the end!
And, go…!
Customer C Amazing…! He’s juggling the bottles…!
Customer A He’s so skilled, it’s cool!
Customer B Good job, Ikaruga-kun!
Guy I see, it’s because of Ikaruga’s activity in circuses and amusement parks.
Hisoka Yeah. Everyone’s watching. Misumi seems to be having fun too.
Misumi And ta-da!
Thank you very much! How are you feeling?
Customer C Aah, thank you! I feel much better now, thanks to you.
Misumi Ehehe, I’m glad!
Haah~, I had a lot of fun at your part-time job, Guy~.
Guy I’m also glad you could come.
Even though your part-time job period is over, many of the customers wish to see your juggling again, Ikaruga.
Misumi Really!?
Guy Yes. So if it’s okay with you, could you possibly come on a temporary basis, Ikaruga?
Misumi Yeah, I’ll go I’ll go!
Guy Actually, I was thinking of trying juggling too when I saw you doing it.
I would be happy if you could teach me how to do it.
Misumi Of course, I can~! I’m sure you’ll be able to do it in no time, Guy!
With lots of practice, by the next time I go to the part-time job, we can juggle together~!