Misumi Ikaruga/SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring

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Role Study 【Yoshimaru】

Backstage Stories
IzumiThank you very much for accompanying me out shopping, you two.
ItaruYou’re welcome.
TsumugiI’ll help carry your bags any time, so please don’t hesitate to ask me.
IzumiWe were able to buy lots of ingredients thanks to you two, so today I’ll make curry with plenty of vegetab—.
MisumiAh, it’s Director-san, Tsumugi and Itaru~.
Welcome ho~me.
IzumiT-that surprised me.
Where did you come from…
TsumugiYour reflexes are as amazing as ever, huh?
You’re really like a ninja.
ItaruCan’t you seriously use ninja arts?
With that speed, it seems like you could master a teleportation jutsu or something.
TsumugiAhaha, that’s true.
It fits perfectly with the ninja theme of Summer troupe’s next play, so—.
The audience might enjoy it if you can stage it so it really looks like you’re teleporting on stage.
IzumiThat sounds interesting, right!
MisumiThat might work~!
I’ll try teleporting~!
ItaruIs it really that easy do to…?
Tenma…So then, you say you’re going to teleport now?
MisumiYeah! I’ll throw this triangle now and telepo~rt to where it falls!
MukuYou’ll teleport?
KumonFor real!?
YukiDoes that count as teleportation?
KazunariAyy, but with Sumi’s physical abilities, it really feels like he’ll be able to warp or teleport, right!
TenmaThat’s true, if it’s Misumi’s movement speed, it’ll look like he moved instantaneously but…
MisumiAlright, here I go~!
“Ninja arts, Triangle Teleportation Jutsu”!
KumonHoly cow! So cool!
MukuAmazing… It really looked like he disappeared!
Then, Kazu, you throw the triangle this time~!
KazunariIs it ok if I toss it?
‘Kay then, here goes!
KumonHe moved again in a flash!
TenmaYou wouldn’t think that’s capable for a human being…
YukiThat's the reflex demon for you.
OmiOof, that gave me a start.
MisumiI tried teleporting to where the triangle is~!
OmiHaha, oh, so you teleported to where the sandwiches are, huh?
MisumiEhehe~, it’s the Triangle Teleportation Jutsu ninja art~.
AzamiAhh… it’s cause this powder puff is a triangle, right?
KazunariSumi, before you know it, you’ll be able to warp directly even without throwing a triangle~!
Yuki…Hasn’t the point of this changed?
IzumiAlright then, let’s start today’s rehears—.
KazunariEhh!? Sumi disappeared!?
Muku! That voice came from over there…
MisumiTriangle discovered~!
KumonSumi-san jumped Banri!
BanriThe hell’s this so suddenly!
MisumiTriangle Teleportation Jutsu!
TenmaIt’s true there’s a triangle on his hoodie…
BanriOi, Misumi, quit clingin'!
Izumi...Misumi-kun, you're banned from using this technique for the time being, ok?
