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Episode 5
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Tenma......Hm? Where did they go?
(I'd thought they were walking in front until just then, but......)
Those guys, getting separated.......
Young Man A......Huh? Could that be Tenma Sumeragi?
Young Man BWoah, looks like him! Are you the real deal?
Young Man ASeriously? Awesome!
Young Man CWhy are you in a place like this!? Are you filming something!?
TenmaO-Oi, you're too loud......!
Passerby AEh, what's this? A celebrity?
Passerby BNo way!? Tenma Sumeragi!?
Young Man AHey hey, take a photo with me!? I'll be able to brag heaps about getting a photo with Tenma Sumeragi!
TenmaAh......Sorry, I'm on private business at the moment, so.......
Young Man BIt's fine, it's fine! It's just a photo!
Young Man CSay, give us your autograph too!
TenmaI told you, I'm here on personal business at the moment, so that's ――.
Juza―― Oi.
Tenma......! Juza-san.
Young Man AHuuh? What's with you.
Young Man BWhat are you, a passerby playing the hero?
Young Man C......guh, w-what! You're not his manager or anything! Stay out of this!
Young Man AWe've got business with Tenma Sumeragi. You're in the way!
Do you not get that you're causing trouble both for him and for the people around?.
Passerby AEh, what? A fight?
Passerby BSeems like they're trailing a celebrity.
Passerby CI think he's saying he's here on private business but they're still bothering him.
Passerby DEh~, that's the worst......!
Young Man A......!
Young Man BL-Let's just go.
Young Man CDamn it――.
......Sorry, you saved me.
Juza......Tell me if they pick a fight again.
TenmaThanks, Juza-san.
Speaking of which, something like this has happened before.
JuzaAhh, that's right......It was at the airport that time, too.
Itaru―― Ah, there they are.
IzumiTenma-kun! Are you okay!?
TenmaYeah......Juza-san saved me.
ChikageMaybe we should make Tenma carry a GPS.
HomareOr how about having him hold eye-catching balloons?
TenmaI-It's not like I was particularly lost ――.
ItaruWell, anyway, it's good that we met back up safely.
IzumiThat's right.
ChikageWell then, we've hired the rent-a-car, so let's get going.
HomareThen Juza-san and I shall keep Tenma-kun between us as we travel until we reach our destination.
TenmaYou don't have to go that far!
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