Muku Sakisaka/Festival of Blooming

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Roommate Mission! Muku as Kazunari

Backstage Stories
KazunariMukkun, we’re gonna swap the clothes we usual wear, right?
MukuYes. What about it?
Muku Festival of Blooming 1-1.png
KazunariI assume the size’ll probably be fine. But just in case, why don’t you try on some of my clothes right now?
MukuSure, I’ll try them if that’s okay with you.
Kazunari‘Kay, cool beans!
Mm, here’s the top and here’s the bottom!
Plus my hat and accessories…
Alright, put them all on!
I’ll go change.
MukuIt’s really exciting that I get to wear Kazu-kun’s simple but fasionable outfit.
First, the pants… hm?
W-what do I do, Kazu-kun!
It doesn’t look like your pants fit me…!
MukuYeah. I can’t pull them up past my knees no matter how many times I try.
Even though I’m shorter than you, I suppose I have thicker legs…
Ah, or maybe I gained weight!?
I’ve been careful to run off all the sweets I eat though…!
KazunariCalm down! You used to do track and field, so I’m sure you just have more muscles on your legs than me!
Right? You’re going on morning runs with Tax, aren’tcha?
MukuAh, I see.
Muscles… that might be it.
But what should I do?
I can’t wear your pants like this.
KazunariHmmm… ah, I know!
Hey, Mukkun. Can you leave this matter to me? I got a great idea!
Alright, I’ll wait for you then!
(I left the pants issue to Kazu-kun, so that’s taken care of…)
I have to think about the main part, my skit.
How should I act as Kazu-kun?
Muku Festival of Blooming 1-2.png
Muku(Ah, speak of the devil.
It looks like he’s drawing something…)
KazunariOh, Mukkun.
MukuI’m sorry. Did I interrupt you?
KazunariNot at all! I’m just sketching the view from here as a breather.
MukuOh, really?
Can I watch you as you draw for a bit?
KazunariKnock yourself out!
Muku(Kazu-kun is drawing with a serious look on his face. Yet he looks like he’s really enjoying himself.)
(It might be nice to play Kazu-kun when he’s drawing…)
KazunariAh! By the way, Mukkun!
MukuWhat’s the matter?
KazunariI secretly took a pic of Frooch-san the other day and I got a super sweet shot.
‘Cept he got mad when I showed him~ and he told me, “don’t take pictures without permission. Erase it!”
MukuEhh, that happened?
Did you delete the picture already?
If it was that nice, I would’ve loved to see it too.
KazunariI thought you’d say that…
So I just pretended to erase it, but I actually still have it!
I’ll let you feast your eyes. Lookie here!
MukuWow, it’s amazing!
This doesn’t look like the usual Sakyo-san!
KazunariI know, right!? I knew you’d get what I mean~!
MukuThis is such a lovely photo though. I wonder why Sakyo-san was upset ?
KazunariMm… I doubt he was actually mad. I bet he was hiding his embarrassment!
MukuHe was hiding his embarrassment by putting up an angry front?
KazunariExactly! Taicchan was with me and he thought Frooch-san was pissed for real though!
MukuI’m the same way, but Taichi-kun’s the type to just accept it as it is when Sakyo-san is angry.
KazunariBut, y’know, there’s something cute about Frooch-san getting embarrassed over a photo that came out better than usual.
MukuI think only you and Azu nee-san can call Sakyo-san cute…
KazunariEhh, you think?
Anyways, after that Taicchan…
Muku(I like Kazu-kun when he’s having fun chatting with others like this.)
(But I also love the side of him when he contemplates and works seriously on his flyer designs by himself…)
This won’t do. I like too many things about him…!
What’s up all of a sudden, Mukkun?
MukuAh! No, it’s nothing!
Don’t mind me!
Muku(Come to think of it, the goal of this project is to deepen our understanding of each other as roommates, right?)
(In that case, the Kazu-kun that only I as his roommate knows and can play would be…)
Here’s a present from me!
MukuA present?
KazunariOpen it up!
Are these your pants that I couldn’t fit into…?
KazunariI bought a pair in a size that fits your legs. I bet you’ll be able to wear those.
Now you and I matchsies!
MukuThank you for going out of your way for me, Kazu-kun…!
KazunariAlright, with these pants…
Go on and try on my whole outfit!
MukuSure, I’ll go change!
How do I look?
KazunariWoah. You don’t look like yourself, but it suits you! Fresh to death!
MukuEhehe. I’m glad.
KazunariSay, can I take a pic with my phone?
MukuI feel a bit shy, but sure.
KazunariSnappity snap snap~!
I’mma take one from this angle too ☆
MukuErm… are you done with the photos?
I’d like to start my skit now.
KazunariOh yeah!
I’m good to go. Thanks.
I can’t wait for your skit!
MukuOkay, here goes…
“Ah, I got the photo data from Omimi! ‘Kay, guess I’ll think about the flyer first and then sketch it out after.”
Muku Festival of Blooming 2-1.png
Kazunari(He turned on my computer… so this is me when I’m coming up with designs for our flyers?)
Muku“Mmm, what should I do for the flyers this time~.
Omimi’s pics came out hella nice, so I wanna create something great.”
“I read Tsuzurun’s script, so I’m set on the vibe and motif… but what to do about the design?”
Kazunari(Ahh, that’s right. I say stuff like that when I’m thinking about our flyer designs and wanna get my thoughts in order…!)
Muku“Ah, I’m pretty sure there was a recent movie that had a similar mood! Let’s see, searching, searching…”
“There is it! Hm…”
“Yep. I think I’m gonna go in this direction, after all!”
KazunariHold up!
It’s just like looking in a mirror!
Isn’t that amazing?
How do you remember that many details, Mukkun!?
Muku“Mukkun who? I’m Kazunari Miyoshi!
Aren’t you mistaking me for someone else?”
KazunariAhaha, look at that!
There’s 2 Kazunari Miyoshis!
Muku“You got it wrong. I’m Kazunari!”
KazunariNo, no, I’m Kazunari too!
Muku“Hold up. Could we be doppelgangers!?”
KazunariWhat the—this is fun as hell!
Let’s take a commemorative pic together ♪
Muku“I’m down! Let’s take a selfie and post it to inste!”
KazunariAw yeah, work it!
Muku“…Wait, we can’t take any more than that!”
A-and scene!
*Sigh*, it surprised me when you suddenly jumped in…
KazunariAhaha. Sorry, sorry!
I just felt happy since your acting was so spot on!
MukuOh, really!?
I’m glad I was able to act like you…!
KazunariI’m kinda surprised you chose me when I’m thinking about our flyer designs though.
I thought you were gonna act like me when I’m painting.
MukuI do like you when you’re painting, so that thought crossed my mind…
But this time, I wanted to show the world the Kazu-kun that only I know as your roommate.
Kazunari…I see.
That’s why you chose that scene, huh!
I feel like I saw myself from an objective view thanks to that!
Thanks for acting out a side of me that only you know, Mukkun!
MukuYou’re very welcome.
Ah, we have to take the polaroid at the end.
Would a finger heart pose be something you would do?
KazunariOoh, rather than that, why don’t you hold this in the picture?
MukuWow, Tonapon!
I would love to hold Tonapon in the shot!
KazunariAight, I’m taking it~!
MukuAh, hold on a second!
Um, make the way I hold him and my expression just like Kazu-kun’s…
KazunariTake your time. I’ll wait~!
MukuThere we go. You can take it now.
…Say cheese!
Muku Festival of Blooming 2-2.png
You’re totes adorbs, Mukkun!
The way you winked is just like me!
MukuEhehe, you think so?
I’m glad I made an expression with you in mind.
KazunariHear me out! Let’s go out somewhere in matching outfits some time, those pants included~!
MukuMatching outfits?
That sounds amazing. Let’s do that!
I can’t wait for our hang out already!
