Chikage Utsuki/Discovering the Unknown

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Russian Cookie

Backstage Stories
IzumiI'll check the curry info site. Eh? A new store will open tomorrow in Veludo Way.
It's not a curry shop but it says they're selling spices ! I have no plans tomorrow so I can check it out.
ChikageI'm home.
IzumiWelcome home. You're home later than usual.
ChikageYeah, just a bit.
Izumi(Hm? I wonder what is that red box he's holding. Did he went shopping? )
Chikage-san. You haven't had dinner yet, have you? I'll prepare it for you right away.
ChikageThanks. Take your time. I'll go back and change my clothes first.
Thanks for the meal.
IzumiOh, that's right. Chikage-san, do you know ? There's a food store that will open tomorrow. It seems like they are also selling spices.
ChikageOf course, I know it. It's not spices specialty store so I don't have much expectations but I'm still going to take a peek tomorrow.
IzumiReally? I was just thinking of going there tomorrow too. If you like, we can go together.
ChikageSounds good. Let's do that.
ーーit's about time.
CitronItaru, we're here! Let's play a game !
SakuyaSorry for intruding.
ItaruI only summoned Citron but Sakuya came out too. I wonder if my summoning level has risen.
SakuyaCitron-san invited me. I hope I'm not getting in the way...
CitronDon't worry about it ! It's going to be fun so it's OK !
ItaruRight, right. Anyone who wants to play games is welcome. Let me prepare another controller.
CitronHm? What's in this red box?
ChikageAh, that's a cookie.
SakuyaThe package has a dinosaur's picture. Is it a cookie from the museum by any chance?
ChikageLooks like the museum is selling it too but I saw this one at the station so I bought it.
Well then, I'm stepping out in a bit.
ItaruSee yaー
SakuyaTake care!
CitronDon't forget our souvenirsー
SakuyaIt's pretty rare for Chikage-san to buy cookies, isn't it?
ItaruYou're right.
CitronMaybe there's something about these cookies !
ItaruIs there anything written in the box?
..... I see. Made in MuseumSpicy Dinosaur Cookies, it says.
CitronOhー it's very Chikage !
SakuyaAhahah, indeed. As expected of our Chikage-san.
IzumiAh, it's the store over there. There's a line. Should we line up too?
ChikageYeah, looks like the store is quite popular.
IzumiI was surprised. I didn't think people would be a lining up.
I hope we can find spices we haven't seen before.
ChikageI agree.
IzumiThe line is moving.
ChikageYeah. Looks like we can enter soon.
IzumiEh? That person walking over there. It's Azuma-san, isn't it?
Azuma-saaaan !
AzumaDirector, Chikage. What are you doing here?
IzumiThis store seems to have spices so we thought we'll take a look.
ChikageWe're about to enter the store now.
AzumaAs expected of you two.
That's right ! I got some delicious alcohol. I'm thinking of drinking tonight. Are you free?
ChikageSounds good.
IzumiI'm looking forward to seeing what kind of alcohol is it!
AzumaWe're good then. I'll invite others. See you.
IzumiYup. See you later.
ChikageDirector-san, it's our turn. Let's get inside.
IzumiYup. The store interior is wider than I expected but there aren't much spices... isn't it?
ChikageYou're right. The items themselves are not that bad but I wonder if we can find anything new.
IzumiI thought I'll find rare spices so I was little disappointed.
ChikageIsn't it great? We found alcohol we haven't tried before. I'm glad we came.
IzumiYou're right. Let's enjoy drinking with everyone tonight !
Sakyo.....Delicious. This alcohol is pretty good.
ChikageIt has a refreshing taste.
Sakyo.....Delicious. This alcohol is pretty good.
ChikageIt has a refreshing taste.
CitronAzuma, please tell the person who gave you this alcohol, thank you!
AzumaNo problem. I'll tell them.
Tasuku.... The alcohol is almost gone. If we're drinking with this number of people, we can empty a bottle in no time.
IzumiAh, well then. How about let’s drink this next? It's my first time seeing this kind of alcohol today.
AzumaHeh... Is it from the new store? That store also sells fine alcohol.
SakyoIt's not something you can normally find even in liquor shops.
Tasuku.....It's good.
CitronIt's delicious ! Thank you, director !
IzumiI have no idea when I bought it but I'm glad everyone was happy.
ChikageThen, this snack will be my share.
Izumi(Ah, the red box yesterday)
CitronOh-... That's the box sitting in your room.
ItaruGeh, seriously....?
IzumiEh, what's the matter?
ItaruThose are spicy cookies.
IzumiEhh !?
ChikageNo, there's only one spicy cookie, the rest are ordinary cookies.
SakyoSo that means, it's like Russian roulette[1] but cookies....Russian cookies.
CitronSounds fun !
AzumaFufu, I want to try my luck.
IzumiIt's not like we get this kind of opportunity every day. I think it's going to be fun playing with this group !
TasukuWell, isn't it great?
IzumiOh, we have the right number of people. Let's all choose one each.
CitronThe colors and smell are all the same. The~ wife~is~ al~ways~right~ ...
ItaruHow are you gonna ask a wife?
ChikageLet's see... Who's going to be 'shot’?
IzumiAh, we're out of water. I'll get a new one. Everyone, feel free to eat first.
Sorry for the wait. Did anyone get it?
ItaruWho got the spicy cookie--?
CitronTell the truth ! You're being surrounded. Come out and surrender peacefully!
ItaruI'm not the culprit though.
IzumiEh... Could it be, no one got it?
ChikageLooks like it.
IzumiSo my cookie is the spicy one !? Now that I know it's spicy, I must muster up my courage to eat it.
SakyoIt's just a game. You don't have to force yourself to eat it.
IzumiBut I'm the only one who hasn't eaten the cookie. It's not good to waste food.
ChikageDirector-san. If you don't need the cookie, give it to me.
IzumiChikage-san ....!
CHOICE 1: “Are you okay“ [+]
IzumiA-are you okay?
ChikageYeah, it might be impossible for you to eat it.
IzumiBut Chikage-san doesn't look like it.
CitronOh-, there's a bit of crumb left. I will taste it.
M-my mouth is burning-- !
SakyoSuch a small piece is that spicy?
ChikageDirector-san, if you're curious, we can buy another one.
IzumiI'll pass...!
CHOICE 2: “How's the taste” [+]
Izumi....How's the taste?
ChikageIt's not that bad for joke goods.
ItaruChili pepper, Shichuan pepper, and ginger matched the cookie exquisitely.
Izumi.....Feels painfully spicy just by hearing about it.
TasukuWell, if you're going to look at it objectively.
SakyoGuess if you like spicy foods, you wouldn't mind regardless of how spicy it is.
Izumi(Chikage-san is amazing )
ChikageI knew it. Director-san got the spicy cookie.
IzumiUmm Chikage-san. Thank you very much for eating it for me.
ItaruNo, I bet senpai just wanted to eat it himself anyways.
IzumiI- indeed...
( I was really thankful for what he did earlier...that's right)
Chikage-san, really likes spicy food, isn't it?
ChikageIt was pretty good. Thanks for the food.



  1. Russian roulette is a lethal game that involves loading a single bullet into a revolver gun, spins the cylinder and then firing a gun at their head without knowing whether it will shoot them.