Masumi Usui/First SPRING

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Preparations for the Kickoff Party! ~Masumi's Case~

Backstage Stories
IzumiAlright, the budget is around here, right?
SakuyaWe’re home!
MasumiDirector, I’m home.
My welcome home kiss…
YukiHey, we’re blocked up behind you so hurry up.
MukuI’m home now.
IzumiEveryone, welcome back!
TaichiI’m home!
Hey, aren’t there lots of people here!?
TenmaWhen we get home at the same time, it becomes noisy like this, huh…
BanriOi, don’t stop in front of the door.
Outta the way.
YukiDon’t fight in this densely populated spot.
TsumugiI thought it was kind of lively,
So it was time for the students to come home, huh?
IzumiTsumugi-san as well! Perfect timing.
Everyone, listen up.
SakuyaDid something happen?
IzumiWe’ll hold a kickoff party for your second round of performances!
TsumugiA kickoff party?
IzumiAlso connected to celebrating the fact Winter troupe is complete,
I thought of holding a party and was consulting with Sakyo-san.
MukuA party…!
TaichiSpeaking of parties, it’s gotta be food right!
I wanna eat meat! Thick meat!!
SakyoGetting excited is fine, but keep it within the budget.
The party this time is for strengthening our unity as a Theatre troupe.
For the motivation for our next performances to be blah, blah…
BanriHe’s started again…
MukuUmm, if it’s a party then is it alright to prepare a cake too?
MasumiI’ll cut the cake.
Cut the cake with you—.
IzumiI won’t do that!
SakuyaAnd for that reason, Spring troupe became in charge of dinner!
ItaruSpeaking of cooking, isn’t it Tsuzuru?
TsuzuruThat’s fine, but I can’t make a large platter of food.
CitronFood that’s on the same plate, right—I like it!
TsuzuruSince it’s our awaited kickoff party,
It’s fine to go out and buy something, right?
ItaruIt’s the middle of a guild event right now so I’ll pass on going out.
If it’s just helping Tsuzuru out, then I’ll do that though.
CitronI will practise to showcase my country’s traditional dance!
ItaruThere’s a connection between dancing and cooking?
SakuyaAh, then the one going out is me—.
Masumi…I’ll go.
CitronOhh! Masumi’s volunteer spirit!
It’s unusual like the sun rising from the east—!
ItaruNo, that’s normal, you know.
TsuzuruWhy all of a sudden…!?
Masumi…I’ll buy curry bread for Director.
CitronDirector was saying she’s in love with the recent mobile curry bread shop, huh?
ItaruWell, whatever the reason, isn’t it good if he can go?
TsuzuruSomehow I’m worried, but it can’t be helped…
Masumi…I’m heading out.
SakuyaAhh, wait!
I’ll go too!
SakuyaM-Masumi-kun, cheer up!
MasumiI can’t believe they’re sold out…
SakuyaEven though it’s still afternoon; it’s really popular, huh…
Masumi…I can’t go on…
Don’t give up!
Let’s think of some other way!
Masumi…Another way?
Some other thing that will make Director happy—.
…Ah! That’s right!
SakuyaBefore, a friend from school told me about this but—.
The name matches too so there’s no mistaking it!
MasumiI didn’t know there was a curry bread shop in a place like this.
SakuyaIt just opened recently.
A friend told me about it before this.
But since it’s popular, there’s an impressive line…!
Masumi…If it’s for her, I’ll line up.
…It still looks like quite a line though.
MasumiThis much isn’t trouble.
If Director is happy, I can endure anything, all night.
SakuyaI’ve always wanted to ask this but…
Masumi-kun, which parts about Director do you like?
SakuyaWahh, amazing…!
You like her so much you could answer immediately.
MasumiThe part that’s serious, and the part that’s strict sometimes,
As well as the part that’s kind, and also the part that’s a little absentminded—.
Everything, I like everything.
The most in the world. No, the most in the universe.
SakuyaThat’s true, Director is kind and sometimes she’s strict,
But she’s a really great person, right!
SakuyaW-what’s wrong?
MasumiI won’t hand Director over.
That’s not what I meant…!
Shop clerkNext, please—!
Sakuya—Ahh, our turn! It’s our turn!
Let’s buy it quickly!
Ummm… How many people was it altogether?
MasumiTwo curry buns.
SakuyaEhh!? Just two!?
MasumiMe and Director’s share.
SakuyaThat won’t do!
We have to buy everyone else’s portion too!
Masumi…I don’t know the number of people.
SakuyaUmmm, the Spring troupe has Tsuzuru-kun, Itaru-san, Citron-san—.
Uhh… my arms are heavy…
But it’s a relief we were successfully able to buy everyone’s!
Masumi…I want to quickly hand it over to Director.
SakuyaThat’s right!
This will definitely make Director happy too!
Masumi…Open your mouth.
SakuyaEh? My mouth—.
MasumiHave this curry bun.
…As thanks for telling me.
Thank you, I’m happy!
MasumiIt’s nothing…
More importantly, let’s hurry home.
SakuyaAh, it’s true. It’s already time!
Time really passed, so we have to head home quickly!
MasumiI want to feed Director already…
*imagination starts*
Here, I bought this for you.
IzumiFor me?
It seems delicious…! Can I eat it?
IzumiAlright, itadakimasu.
…Yeah, it’s really tasty…!
Thank you!
Masumi-kun, I love you!!
*imagination ends*
MasumiYeah, I love you too.
...Ahh, so lovesick of this.[1]



  1. This line is a reference to Masumi's character song, SICK SICK SICK. I used what the previous translator of the song went with for this line (you can read their explanation about it on the song's translation page~).