Sing Big Thanks!/Episode 10

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Sing Big Thanks!
Episode 10
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(This is no good… it's our turn soon right…)
Shit, what should I do…
Azami--! Hisoka-san?
Sorry, Hisoka-san, looks like I can't open this door--.
*door opens*
Hisoka…looks like this door is hard to open from inside.
AzamiWhat the hell…
HisokaThis cat told me where you are.
HisokaIt's starting soon. Let’s hurry.
SakuyaEveryone! Thank you so much!
TenmaThank you!
JuzaLooks like the Spring-Summer performance made the crowd all fired up.
BanriThat's nice and all but what are we gonna do. It's our turn soon.
TsumugiHmm, even if we start splitting the song parts between us now…
TaichiIf they don't come back, we will have no choice but to cover for them with Tasuku-san's fanservice!
HomareI see, so we have this option!
TasukuI guess I have no choice…
Azami…sorry, I kept you waiting!
HisokaWe're back.
GuyIzumida, Mikage.
TsumugiI'm so happy you made it back on time…! Thank you, Hisoka-kun.
AzumaNothing less from Hisoka.
SakyoBon, you…
OmiThere there Sakyo-san, it's not the time for that now.
BanriAwright! We've got all our members so—.
Let's show 'em a performance that won't lose to Spring-Summer!
TsumugiEveryone, please enjoy our performance.
*hands clapping*
Izumi(Autumn-Winter appeared on the stage and the cheers got even louder!)
Spectator AHuh, Winter Troupe is so mature, it's wonderful…
Spectator BTsumugi-san's smile is so gentle~. I want to look at it forever….!
Spectator CGuy-san and Tasuku-san's tap dance is very manly, it's cool!
Izumi(The Winter Troupe's dance is more mature than the Spring-Summer dance, looks like it caught the audience hearts!)
Spectator AAzuma-san is so erotic~!
Spectator BArisugawa-san! Your dance is artistic too!
Spectator CDid Hisoka-san do acrobatics just now!? Amazing!
Izumi(It's also thanks to the Autumn Troupe living up things from the sides, so it got a different feel from the second anniversary performance)
BanriIt's not over yet!
*hands clapping*
Spectator AKyaaa! Autumn Troupe!!
Spectator BI love Banri-kun's singing so much!
Spectator CJuza-kuuun! You're so cool!
Spectator DTaichi-kun winked…! So cute!
TasukuAre you having fun, everyone?
HomareCome now, together!
Spectator AOmi-kun on the drums is so intense…!
Spectator BThe smile Sakyo-san shows sometimes makes my heart race!
Spectator CEh!? Azami-kun has a guitar solo!? Amazing!
Banri & TsumugiLet's go!
Izumi(Amazing, it's like the stage and the crowd became one. It's a big uprush…!)
*hands clapping*
SakuyaThank you for the encore, everyone!
It's our White Day gift to you. Please listen!
KazunariThank you for coming today~!
Here's the L for LIVE pose I came up with for the Live! Do it together with us!
One, two…
Izumi(Amazing energies! This pose is perfect for call&response too)
MukuThank you very much!
Spectator AKyaa! Muku-kuuun!
CitronYour heart is mine! BANG!
Spectator BBoom...! It pierced my heart…!
TaichiGuys! I love you!
AzamiHaha, you're all very cute.
Spectator CAzami-kun, look here~!
Spectator DHisoka-saaan!
…Azami, here.
Spectator AHisoka-san, Azami-kuuun!
Spectator BKyaaa!
Spectator CHisoka-san waved his hand at me!
Spectator BAzami-kun pointed at me…! Oh my gosh!
HisokaThank you, everyone.
Azami…Thanks. Come to our theater again.
Izumi(The crowd, and the guys too, they all look like they're having fun)
(Our first live performance… is a great success!)
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