Izumi | Oh, hey Banri. |
Banri | Director? |
| What are you doing, you got your bag and-- wait, are you gonna go out? |
Izumi | Yea, there’s one place I wanna visit. |
Banri | ...... Even if we’re in Zahra, it’s dangerous to go out at night in a foreign country by yourself. |
| Yea, I’m gonna go with you, wait a sec. |
Izumi | Ehh, Banri, I-- He’s already gone. |
Izumi | WOW!!! SO PRETTY! |
Banri | Woww, the real thing is totally different from the pictures. |
Izumi | It’s like we’re inside a kaleidoscope...! It just feels really mysterious. |
Banri | Oh.... I see, you wanted to come here to see this mosque. |
Izumi | I’m sorry to make you come all the way out here with me just for this. |
Banri | Don’t apologise. I came because I wanted to go out somewhere with you, director. |
| Well, actually, those guys back at my university wanted some pictures of a night mosque. |
| So it works out perfectly that this is the place we came to. |
Izumi | I see.... Glad it worked out. |
| Anyway, take a look at the stained glass. Wow, it really makes a big impact on the atmosphere of the space. Seeing this all at night with the lights reflecting makes it feel like we are drifting in a fantasy....! |
CHOICE 1: I feel like I’m getting lost in another world...! [+]
Izumi | I feel like I’m getting lost in another world...! |
Banri | .... Mhm.. |
Izumi | Hey, you’re laughing. |
Banri | Sorry, it’s just that I haven’t seen you like this in quite a while, I was thinking about how cute you look right now. |
Izumi | -- |
Banri | Oh, are you shy now? |
Izumi | D-Don’t tease me! |
Banri | Haha, I was just kidding. |
CHOICE 2: This is a great spot for a photo. [+]
Izumi | This is a great spot for a photo. |
Banri | Kazunari would be happy. |
Izumi | Ahaha, he would. Seems like a photo here would be enough to impress your university friends. |
Banri | Looks like this angle would make a good photo. Hey director, come over here. |
Izumi | Wow, it is. I gotta take a photo for myself too! |
Banri | So, looks like we are supposed to continue walking down there-- |
Kazunari | Huh? Hey, could that be director and Settsaa? |
Izumi | Kazunari and Misumi? |
Misumi | What a coincidence~! |
Izumi | Wow so you two came here too. |
Kazunari | Duh, of course we had to come! We travelled all this way after all, we had to take pics of all the best spots! |
| Also my friends asked for tons of pictures of the best spots in Zahra! |
| This light up mosque is toottalllly insta-blammable! |
Banri | No surprise there. |
Misumi | I came with Kazu to look for foreign triangles! |
Izumi | Ahaha, there are quite a lot of triangles here. |
Kazunari | Yea yea, hey hey it’s not fair you got here before us! Hey, director, do you guys wanna walk around with us? |
Misumi | Let’s all search for triangles together! Banri’s also good at finding triangles, right? |
Kazunari | LET’S GOOOO EVERYONE! C’mon, director! |
Izumi | H-Hey, wait up you two. |
Banri | My god... Well guess this is how it is. |
Kazunari | Hey, hurry up Settsaa~! |
Banri | Yea yea, I’m coming. |