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{{Line/Title|text=ーIf you had any message to deliver to your acting partners, what would it be?}}
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{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=Sakuya|dialogue=Just like I’ve said previously, the fact I can be with everyone of the Spring troupe to make a good stageー usually I don’t really put it into words, I think from the bottom of my heart how happy I am the Spring troupe is formed of the six of us. So of course I would like to tell them “I’m grateful for our meeting”, and by continuing to make stages with them, I don’t want to forget this feeling. I’m still unreliable as the leader of the Spring troupe, but I would like to become someone able to pull up both the troupe members and the company members! And also… let’s aim for the Fleur Award! Right, Director?}}
{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=Sakuya|dialogue=Just like I’ve said previously, the fact I can be with everyone of the Spring troupe to make a good stageー usually I don’t really put it into words, but I think from the bottom of my heart how happy I am the Spring troupe is formed of the six of us. So of course I would like to tell them “I’m grateful for our meeting”, and by continuing to make stages with them, I don’t want to forget this feeling. I’m still unreliable as the leader of the Spring troupe, but I would like to become someone able to pull up both the troupe members and the company members! And also… let’s aim for the Fleur Award! Right, Director?}}


Revision as of 17:14, 6 February 2020

A3! Spotlight
A3! Spotlight
Released January 27, 2020
Pages 40
Publisher Liber Entertainment

A3! Spotlight is a special publication released for A3!'s 3rd anniversary. It was distributed in selected shops starting January 27, 2020. A free digital copy was made available on the same day on the A3! Third Anniversary website.

Special Crosstalk



Sakuya Sakuma

“By acting a role, I am building my own place where I belong onstage.”

——— Sakuya Sakuma

ーAs an actor, is there anything you particularly pay attention to?
SakuyaThere are lots of reliable seniors in our company, so they’re teaching me lots and I’m doing my best to put their advice into practice! I would practice the basics of pronunciation and voice projection, as well as building more stamina, or would attend the workshops they suggested me… also, my acting range is still narrow, so I would also go to some interesting plays (Takato) Tasuku-san and (Tsukioka) Tsumugi-san suggested me. So I can grow up more and more as an actor, there are still lots I have to do. There are times when I get down because I’m taking conscious I’m still lacking lots, but everyday is really fulfilling to me!
ーIs there any play you can’t forget?
SakuyaOf course, our first play as the Reborn Spring troupe, “Romeo & Julius”. Actually, before this play, there was one time I stood by myself on MANKAI company’s stage… At that time I was really nervous and it was a total failure but by comparing the time I stood on stage by myself, and the time I stood on stage with everyone of the Spring troupe, everything was so different, from my enjoyment, my happiness or even in terms or reliability! Then (Utsuki) Chikage-san joined us, and now we can stand on stage at six. It’s making me really happy even now, and in each of our plays, I am savouring it while facing our performances.
ーWhat is acting according to you?
SakuyaIt’s the precious “place where I belong”. Receiving a new script, with a new role to play… By acting a role, I am building my own place where I belong onstage. I’m happy from the bottom of my heart when I think it’s fine for me to be there, and exactly because I could get such a place to belong, I can act wholeheartedly and continue to shine onstage. Of course, there are still lots of times I still can’t deliver my acting as I would want to… however I get happy when I get to act as the role that has been assigned to me alone, feel gratitude to have such place to belong, and always think I want to enjoy at the fullest the time I spend at acting.
ーIf you had any message to deliver to your acting partners, what would it be?
SakuyaJust like I’ve said previously, the fact I can be with everyone of the Spring troupe to make a good stageー usually I don’t really put it into words, but I think from the bottom of my heart how happy I am the Spring troupe is formed of the six of us. So of course I would like to tell them “I’m grateful for our meeting”, and by continuing to make stages with them, I don’t want to forget this feeling. I’m still unreliable as the leader of the Spring troupe, but I would like to become someone able to pull up both the troupe members and the company members! And also… let’s aim for the Fleur Award! Right, Director?


Masumi Usui

Being seeked is not the only right answer.

——— Masumi Usui

Which play had changed yourself, or the one that made you feel you’ve made great leap?
MasumiThe second play “Wonderland Boy Alice” where I played as Boy Alice. During practice, I was thinking I should just perfectly fulfil the role as main character, and had been continuously reproduce what I think is the right answer. But when I think again now, if I only adhere to one right answer, I feel it would be a mundane acting. I feel I couldn’t make her (director) laugh that much too. Many things happened when the play took place and I was able to think differently. Turned out acting the way they seek me to was not the only right answer. I think I have came to love acting more after I managed to put my thoughts into action and was able to make her smile even more.
What is your driving force when it comes to acting?
MasumiI want to truly understand and be able to personify what director seeks from me. Because it made me feel glad when I’m able to answer to what she’s pursuing for. Especially when I could express what she imagined out of me and more ever so when I could show an even better acting; I want to see her smiles when I surpassed her ideals countless times. For that sake, I can put no matter how much great effort. It is my first time to be so engrossed in something so I’m thankful to this encounter. I believe this is a fate.
If you did not encounter MANKAI Company, what would you be doing now?
MasumiI do not have anything to do after graduating from high school…. maybe I would do exchange programs at university abroad and help parents’ company. But after meeting this MANKAI Company, after meeting director, I was able to think about life and have what I want to do out of my own will. Nowadays, my head is full with the countless pattern of life; when and how do I successfully propose, get married and so falls down the curtain of happiness. There are many ways to it but there will be only one happy ending as its conclusion.
Let us know your future outlook.
MasumiI’m doing what I can do as director wishes to win Fleur Award. But it’s probably impossible to win it on my own so I need cooperation from Spring Troupe and the fellow troupes too. This is bothersome but I’m doing this for director so there’s no helping to it. Well, those fellows are my family too. But above all, I purely want to be an actor who can make her smile a lot. Since it is my precious duty to make her life full of smiles.


Tsuzuru Minagi

Itaru Chigasaki

Even the reactions of the audience are alive; this moved me.

——— Itaru Chigasaki

I hear you had no acting experience before you entered MANKAI Company. When did you realize acting was fun?
ItaruBefore I started acting myself, I didn't have experience watching plays either, soo I didn't truly understand that plays were different to dramas or movies. But when I actually stood on stage, I realized that the faces of the audience in front of us would change in real time in response to the live performance we gave. Even the reactions of the audience are alive; this moved me. Additionally, as someone who had been on the consumer side up until then, I found it refreshing to think that the play we were performing was giving something to the audience. Of course, this also added to the pressure......I think I might have gained more respect for the creators I'd personally looked up to before.
Has anything major changed since you started acting?
ItaruAt the very least, my fitness has improved. When you gain stamina, it makes a bit of difference to the fatigue you feel after pulling an all-nighter, too. I've begun to think I can't quite make fun of the muscle-brained members who work out all the time. ......Ah, I don't pull all-nighters for anything other than work, so don't worry about that.
What do you do when you're not acting?
Itaru......That's top secret. Kidding. Please excuse me; I just wanted to try saying it. In general, I have a fulfilling private life and recharge my batteries in preparation for the start of the next play run. Something like having more bags under my eyes at the end of a holiday and getting scolded by (Izumida) Azami when getting my makeup done......It's never happened. Honestly.
What's an unforgettable play for you?
ItaruThat has to be our fifth play, "Knights of Round IC THE STAGE". It was my first time in a lead role, and I was even able to speak to the audience before the play started on the first day. The original work was one which held a lot of meaning to me personally, so I was instantly motivated. Being able to work with Hoshii-san from End Links (the company which released "Knights of Round IV") is one of the top-class memories of my life......If I told my past self, I wouldn't believe it. Also, in order not to destroy the image of the original character, I was entrusted with some directing too, which was also a big experience. It's really difficult to tell others the image in your head and give them clear advice on how to approach that image. Thanks to this, I gained a newfound respect for the Director and (Kashima) Yuzo-san, who always gives us advice. Knowing how to put things into words and communicate effectively - these are both essential skills for businessmen, so I think I was able to use the skills I had somewhat, but......I still have a long way to go.



Chikage Utsuki

I’ve really been able to experience for myself that “the stage is ever-changing”.

——— Chikage Utsuki

What are some things that you're working on as an actor?
ChikageThere’s still many things about acting that I lack experience in, but I’m trying not to character-build for my roles before rehearsals start. Everyone in Spring Troupe is very passionate and they come prepared with interpretations of their characters before script readings even start. So I’d like to be able to create my character in a way that matches what everyone else has brought to the rehearsal. In the sixth Spring Troupe play, “Harugaoka Quartet”, my character Tojo and Chigasaki (Itaru)’s character Machida had a lot of dialogue together, and there were aspects of their characters that seemed to overlap, so that made me think a bit about what kind of character Chigasaki was approaching the play with, and how to differentiate the two roles. He has a wealth of knowledge about certain characters, so when I’m unsure what direction to take, I’ll sometimes ask him for advice. Unfortunately, once you get him started, he’ll keep going on and on endlessly, so it does get quite annoying.
Any particularly unforgettable interactions with your audience?
ChikageIn Kniroun (“Knights of the RoundIV THE STAGE”), the fifth Spring Troup play, during a beginning scene of normal dialogue between Lancelot and Gawain, I noticed that one of the front row audience members was crying. The scene was one that we’d expanded on from the original game, so most of the audience was smiling instead, but.. I realized, this person must have had some special emotional attachment to this scene, that this scene was probably very important to them. Thinking of that, I realize that I can never slack off while performing, no matter the scene. It keeps me on my toes.
What are your strengths as an actor?
ChikageThis is something that the director and others have told me, but I suppose my strength is that I rarely show my surprise on my face. During long performance runs… I’ve really been able to experience for myself what it means when people say that “the stage is ever-changing”. For example, if a prop breaks, or if there’s a mistake with production operations, there’s lots of unforeseeable situations that arise onstage. At times like those, it’s essential to adapt to the situation without being thrown off, and to try to stay calm and collected. Going forward, I want to find more ways I can contribute to everyone onstage.
Are there any roles you want to play in the future?
ChikageIt’s not quite… a role I want to play in the future, but when we rerun past plays, Tsuzuru really wracks his brain to come up with new roles for me in the plays written before I joined. I always look forward to performing in those, maybe because it’s like I’m being welcomed as a member of Spring Troupe all over again, it’s a nice feeling. Watching everyone’s old performance recordings is also very fun. It’s cute seeing (Minagi) Tsuzuru so inexperienced on stage, and it really shows how much Citron’s Japanese has improved… I’m sure that everyone else remembers how the scenes were staged from their first performance run, but since I’m the eldest in age, I can’t allow myself to be the only weak link. So I try to get a general idea of the timing of stage entries and exits, whether they’re stage left or right, in advance before we start standing rehearsals. I’m looking forward to our next rerun performances.



Tenma Sumeragi

Every day, just as there's sleeping, waking, and eating, there is an 'act'.

——— Tenma Sumeragi

As someone who's been active in the industry since childhood, you have a long career history, but what does acting mean to you?
TenmaActing is me myself: "Tenma Sumeragi". I've been acting since I was born; I've lived my whole life acting. Every day, just as there's sleeping, waking, and eating, there is an 'act'. That's why I wouldn't be myself right now if I weren't acting, and I think this will be the case in the future as well. I wonder who I'll be when I stop acting......I can't even imagine it.
What's an unforgettable play for you?
TenmaThe Spring Troupe's debut play, "Romeo & Julius". Watching this play, I felt the charm of a play performed in theatre. It convinced me to challenge myself to theatre, which I'd always avoided previously. If RomiJuli hadn't existed......If that performance by (Sakuma) Sakuya and the Spring Troupe, I think I'd only ever be the "Tenma Sumeragi" in front of the camera. Also, I have to mention the Summer Troupe's debut play, "Water me!". The most important thing is to give your best performance; failure won't be tolerated; you're not a pro if you don't perfectly handle everything that's desired of you......That's how I thought. I caused trouble for the Director and the Summer Troupe, but thanks to this I was able to grow both as an actor and as an individual. Most importantly......You can't do it on your own, but if you're with friends, you can create something that's "the best", even if it's not "perfect". If I hadn't joined MANKAI Company and experienced this play, I wouldn't have understood it all my life. "Romeo & Julius" and "Water me!" are two plays which undeniably changed my life.
Have you had an unforgettable audience interaction?
TenmaIt'd be whenI was standing in the lobby saying farewell to the audience after my first performance. That day, I'd completely messed up my lines......It was okay because I ad-libbed and turned it into a joke, but personally, it wasn't a good thing at all, so I was a bit down. After that, several of the audience members came and told me, "That was the best". It really brought home the idea that you could create the "best" work without it being "perfect". Of course, a mistake is a mistake. I practiced the line I messed up over and over again so I wouldn't repeat that mistake.
Please tell us your outlook on the future.
TenmaWhether on stage or on the screen, I want to receive a big award. In addition to giving you status as an actor, I think it's an accomplishment which demonstrates your presence, and it's proof that you've been acknowledged. Of course, I plan on earning individual awards, but......it might not be bad to earn one with friends, too.


Yuki Rurikawa

Muku Sakisaka

”I love seeing the smiles of our guests from on top of the stage.”

——— Muku Sakisaka

ーIt seems that you started theatre after joining MANKAI Company, are there any especially unforgettable plays?
MukuI have many memories with all of the plays so this is a difficult question, but… The first lead role I received, my role in our 6th play “The Floral Prince” as Prince Florence is special after all. The image of a prince has always been my role model, but It’s also a rather distant figure. The fact that I could stand on stage as Prince Florence was of course thanks to everyone in Summer Trope, everyone in the company who supported me, and the Director. Believing myself and holding my chest… I’d like to remember that, no matter what role I receive from now on. On another note, in our 5th play, “First Crush Baseball”, I got to stand in the same stage as Kyuu-chan (Hyodo Kumon) for the first time, and I’ll never forget it. Ever since our beloved Kyuu-chan joined the company, I’ve come to love Summer Trope even more!
As an actor, are there any habits you keep in mind?
MukuI’ve been putting more attention on maintaining my personal appearance and posture more than before. MANKAI Company’s stage is rather small, and there aren't that many actors on stage at once. Regardless of the size of your role, you’re always in the customer’s sight when you’re on stage. The role (Minagi) Tsuzuru-kun gave me, the costume (Rurikawa) Yuki-kun made for me... it is also my duty to show the charm of their work. I realized that even a plain, childish, withered bulging weed like me is “seen by people”, and so I try to look nicer even for just a little bit.
Do you think you’re the type of actor to get immersed in your role?
MukuI always try to “befriend” my role at the start. Going on adventures with Nora while playing with cat tails, or reading nautical charts with henry while eating snacks! ….A-as I thought I’m weird aren’t I? I understand that myself, but, delusion…. Or so you’d call it, I’m good at enjoying things using my imagination. Doing that, becoming friends with them, I’ll come to understand more about them and their charms, I’ll try imagining scenarios with them that aren’t written in the script and expand the role in myself. Supplementing with our imagination… you could say we gather our role like that, I suppose.
From above the stage in Sakisaka-san’s eyes, what kind of scenery do you see?
MukuThe truth is that from above the stage you can clearly see the guests’ faces! Even if the lighting falls dark, I can see our guests’ shining smiles.... Even though the lights are on me, I end up thinking “They’re so dazzling…” when I see it. I’m really glad that our plays can make such radiant smiles, and I love seeing the smile of our guests from on top of the stage.


Misumi Ikaruga

“Acting is one of my precious treasures, and it’s indispensable to my happiness!”

——— Misumi Ikaruga

ーYou’ve been starring in more than 6 plays now. Amongst the interactions you’ve got with the audience, is there one in particular you can’t forget?
MisumiDuring the White Day, when I was handing out some triangles candies, some people told me that triangles became their favorite shape, or that they came to like acting while watching the Summer troupe’s performances! When people tell me they came to like what I am liking, or that this love is spreading to lots, it’s making me super happy~ it’s pleasant when love is growing, and I think it’s really important to appeal to the good points of what one likes! I had the intention to express my feelings of gratitude during the White Day, but I was the one receiving lots of presents. When I told it to the members of the Summer troupe, everyone told me they were glad about it, and my heart felt warm the whole day~
ーIs there anything you’re usually focusing on as an actor?
MisumiLet’s see… was there anything? Ah! My grandpa told me once: “your smile is really wide, it’s a good smile. You’ll surely become a good actor”. For some reason when I’m smiling, I’m managing to do it wholeheartedly~ I don’t really understand why my grandpa told me this, but I think there might be an underlying meaning! Maybe Director and Yuzo-san (Kashima Yuzo) know about it? I’ll ask them later~
ーAre you a kind of “possessed” actor? Or are you the kind to get the closest as possible of your role?
MisumiI’m often being told I’m possessed~ I don’t really understand myself. If I were to explain, I would say I’m emptying my mind, and feel like I can only think about how the character I am acting is and about the lines I have to say… ? Aaah, it’s difficult to explain to another person~ if I were to worry about something, or becoming unsure, I wouldn’t be able to fully focus and my acting would become half-hearted. That’s why I’m focusing on triangles and my acting during the performances period, and do my best to not think about anything else!
ーWhat is acting according to you?
MisumiActing is one of my precious treasures, and it’s indispensable to my happiness! When I was little, my grandpa told me that only three things are indispensable to become happy, and I didn’t understand at all what he meant at that time. However, during our 3rd performance, I managed to find the three of them! They are “triangles”, “acting”, and “partners”. I love them all from the bottom of my heart and treasure them all, but acting is something that my grandpa taught me, which allowed me to connect with the members of the Summer troupe! Grandpa, Summer troupe members and MANKAI company members… I have precious memories with all of them, so I’d like to treasure them all from now on too!


Kazunari Miyoshi

“Being on the side of the audience is enjoyable, but acting on stage is way more enjoyable~ ☆”

——— Kazunari Miyoshi

ーIt seems you didn’t have any acting experience when joining MANKAI company. At which moment did you notice acting was interesting to you?
KazunariEver since I opened myself up to Summer troupe members, I thought the practices were enjoyable, but the moment when I thought acting in itself was fun came way after~ I was always enjoying the times we were fully pouring ourselves into one thing in order to make it the best possible. At first, I thought it would be okay that way, and that it was the first priority. But, I think it was sometime before our performances in front of the audience would begin? One time, the lines I had to say and my feelings just kind of suddenly overlapped and I went like “That’s it! That’s the feeling!”. I was just overflowing with joy I couldn’t help it. How to put it into words… it’s the kind of feeling you get when you get to score your first shot at basketball? Ever since, I came to enjoy more and more acting, and thought acting in itself was interesting. Acting during performances, receiving rounds of applause from the audience, and racing towards the final show with everyone… before I even realized it, I became addicted to it! Being on the side of the audience is enjoyable, but acting on stage is way more enjoyable~ ☆ If you have some interest in acting, please give it a try!
ーIs there any kind of play or role you’d like to try out?
KazunariA pure villain role! Someone like Paul appearing in our 3rd play, or Linkle appearing in the 6th play don’t really have that feeling of being villains despite being the enemies, right? I want to challenge myself by acting a more dangerous-like “heel character”! Our Summer troupe’s speciality is comedy so I think it’ll be a bit difficult, and if I had the opportunity to act as such a character, it would surely become a serious hurdle for me… but, but! It will allow my acting range to become wider, and I want to act roles I’ve never acted before! I’ll try to ask Director-chan and Tsuzurun (Minagi Tsuzuru)... no, even better, I’ll make them see it would be interesting to let me act such role~ ☆
ーIf you had any message to deliver to your acting partners, what would it be?
KazunariEveryone, thank you for everything~ ☆ I believe we can overcome any hurdle with the six of us, and I believe we can make everyone laugh to the point their cheeks would hurt, as well as change “tears” to “smiles”! Because you know, the ones who will launch huge fireworks are us from the Summer troupe, right? From on now, let’s continue to do stupid things together, laugh, and enjoy ourselves~ ! ♪
ーLastly, please tell us your plans for the future.
KazunariI would like to become someone able to do several activities… not only acting but also designer and illustrator; I’ll become an UMC (ultra multi-creator)! I don’t see yet the path I’ll have to take to be able to become all of these at the same time, but I have the intention to make shape of it by my own two hands step by step, without rushing. Anyway, please support me too from now on~ ! ☆☆☆


Kumon Hyodo

“Along with the members of the Summer troupe, we are seeing the same scenery and sharing the same memories”

——— Kumon Hyodo

ー It seems you didn’t have any acting experience before entering MANKAI company. What was the most difficult for you?
KumonAt first, everything was difficult for me, but if I were to pick something, I’d say it was how to remember the lines. Everyone in the troupe seemed to remember all the lines and tell them without the script approximately starting the second practice, but I didn’t get to remember them at all so I was panicking. When they noticed it, everyone suggested me to read the script all together instead of reading it myself as it’d be more difficult to remember it. While they were helping me, I did my best to remember the lines and thought it was okay, but when it came to practicing them, I was scared to get away from the script. That’s when (Sumeragi) Tenma-san told me to leave the script in my room. He told me that with the script in my hands, I’d end up reading it and it would get in the way of my acting as all my attention would be get caught by what’s written on it. I ended up getting away from the script and managed to smoothly tell all of my lines, it surprised me! As of now, I’m still far from good when it comes to remembering the lines, but thanks to everyone else, it becomes really fun to learn them together, and I’m managing to not panic as much as before!
ーIt seems your partners are helping you a lot. Is there any particular event during which you thought you were glad to be part of Summer troupe?
KumonI’m always thinking I’m glad to be part of this troupe~ so there’s nothing in particular that comes to mind… along with the members of Summer troupe, we’re always together whatever we’re doing. We are enjoying time together like it was the most natural thing in the world, or going out with all the members so I never feel alone. We are seeing the same scenery, and sharing the same memories… I guess? I’m feeling really happy about it, and it makes me feel at ease.
ーRecently, mix plays have increased within the company. How it is influencing you?
KumonThe fact that I was able to share the stage with my big brother (Hyodo Juza) during “Scarlet Mirror” was a big happening! I was a fan of “Hyodo Juza as an actor” until now, but after all, my big brother remains the big brother I love very much! For sure, if (Minagi) Tsuzuru-san didn’t decide to give me and my big brother the roles of Watson and Moran, we would not have been able to stand together on the same stage. (Mikage) Hisoka-san’s and (Utsuki) Chikage-san’s acting are not the ones I am used seeing usually within the Summer troupe so it acted as a great stimulation! During acting in this play, I thought all over again how much I love MANKAI company and also how much I want to deliver a great acting along with Summer troupe members!
ーWhat do you think is your strength as an actor?
KumonLet’s see… I would say it’s my stamina… ? Since our troupe is focusing on comedies, there are times there are lots of lines to remember, and the emotions expressed in there are far from being constant so it’s using lots of energy. Until now I’ve always been on the audience side so I didn’t understand, but when it was my turn to stand on the stage, I thought about how tiring it is! When performances are following one another for a few days in a row, it uses lots of stamina so I think it’s indispensable and important! I’m really relieved I could strengthen my stamina during my days in the baseball club.



Banri Settsu

Juza Hyodo

“In order to reach what I’ve been yearning for, I’ll continue to fight my hardest”

——— Juza Hyodo

ーYou must be busy by combining both your life at university and as an actor. What are you doing during a day break?
JuzaDuring my day break, I am mainly doing body maintenance as (Furuichi) Sakyo relentlessly tells me to do so, as well as reading fan letters I’ve received during the performances. I’m bad at having consciousness about how the audience sees me when I am onstage, hence why the advice I receive from the Director and my partners help me a lot. Plus, the letters I receive from the fans always cheer me up. I’m really glad when I read in letters what they felt when seeing my acting, or send me their own thoughts about the life of the character I’ve acted. By knowing how my acting is perceived from the audience, I can think about how I can deliver my acting the next times, or how stronger and deeper I can do it. I’m really grateful for all the support the audience provides me.
ーIt seems you didn’t have any acting experience before joining MANKAI company. Weren’t lots of hardships ahead of you?
JuzaWhen looking back at the acting I’ve delivered until now, I think I was already giving my all at becoming the character I was acting… I didn't have any margin to worry about the atmosphere onstage or the acting of the partners surrounding me. Of course, I'm aware that I’m still bad at it, and that it’s still something I should work on, but thanks to some people who throufully followed my progression during practices, I’ve been able to be more aware than before of the atmosphere onstage, and I think I’ve been able to receive my partners’ acting more easily, as well as interacting with them. I have the intent to give my best to progress even more.
ーWhat is acting according to you?
JuzaI thought it was becoming someone else than myself until now. By seeing people acting a character onstage, I’ve seen the path to my wish, which was to become someone else, hence why I began to take interest into acting. I’ve been told it was a way to escape from what I am, and I also think it’s the case. However, there is something else I’ve noticed when acting during the 6th play. It’s not like I’m becoming completely someone else, I can also deliver an acting as a mean to part ways with my past self. There is a part in my acting I can produce exactly because of my past, and it is linked to the fact this acting is something that only the actor, Hyodo Juza, can deliver. When I noticed it, I progressively went to accept my past self a bit more than before.
ーIs there any type of actor you would like to become?
JuzaBy experiencing acting as a main character once, I could clearly define again the kind of actor I would like to become: whatever the life of the character I will be acting, I would like to fully carry it. My acting range is still narrow, and the kind of role I can play is still limited. However, I intend to do progress on my technique step by step, and if I manage to gain those emotions I don’t have yet, I believe my acting range will increase. It is exactly because I’m perfectly aware about the fact I’m lacking that I can fight my hardest in order to reach what I’ve been yearning for. I’m feeling happiness when I get to fight for it, and from now on, I intend to continue acting.


Taichi Nanao

Omi Fushimi

“Along with the members of the Autumn troupe, I would like us to continue mutually to act as a stimulation for each other”

——— Omi Fushimi

ーWhich play did you feel has changed you or allow you to make a huge step forward?
OmiEver since I can remember, I think I’m the type who is prone to carry the role to help or support someone. I had a best friend, and on the contrary to me, he was the type to attract attention without even noticing it, so just like naturally, I was often the one supporting him; that’s why the time I was playing the main character in “Stranger” and experienced being the center of attention was refreshing to me, and I needed all the determination I could get. The gratitude of being supported has riddled my whole self and I came to understand it. At the same time, I came to think stronger than ever how I want to support the member who will stand at the center of attention during our next plays. After all, may it be for my family or my comrades, I feel a bliss not even felt before when I get to do something for someone else. It might be an element of my personality I hold since I was born.
ーWas there some consequent change following you picking up on acting?
OmiI am now able to see myself from the point of view of the audience, as an actor. When I don’t pay attention, some people I meet for the first time are only fearing me because I have an imposant body… As an actor, for example, this is something I can use as a kind of pressure when playing a villain, but it can also be a disadvantage. Amongst the members of the company, I am currently the tallest one, so I will continue to think about how I can use this feature to my advantage as an actor.
ーWhat are you doing during a day break?
OmiI would sometimes check what I did wrong or what could be improved in the plays I’ve been starring in until now, but I also think it’s important to empty my mind from time to time so I would also dedicate time to handicrafts or making sweets. I’m also putting an emphasis to capture lots of moments of the troupe members during their off time, so I’m often bringing my camera and walking here and there. Of course, I am also usually taking lots of pictures. I noticed how enjoyable I find it to rewind the memories of the moments during the plays too with everyone. I’m also uploading pictures on the troupe’s SNS, but truth be told, there are lots of pictures I didn’t upload. After the final show, it’s one of my pleasure to look at the pictures I’ve taken, talk about the memories, and make an album of each show with the Director and everyone else.
ーLastly, please leave a message to your partners.
OmiI love everyone of course, but as a member of the Autumn troupe and since we are doing our best to make a great stage, part of me is also telling I don’t want to lose. I want to stand at the same point as everyone else, and along with the members of the Autumn troupe, I would like us to continue mutually to act as a stimulation for each other. It’s been a while since I felt such burning feelings… so after all, I would like to express my gratitude to my comrades for being able to recall me how to feel this fired up.


Sakyo Furuichi

Azami Izumida

By trying various things, you can assure the many potentials of a play.

——— Azami Izumida

It seems that you didn’t have any theatre experience. When was the moment you realized your had interest in plays?
AzamiWhen I first started, I thought that doing theatre means there’s lots of stuff you have to memorize, lots of stuff you have to do on stage, and that it’s such a headache, I was somewhat stubborn about it. But after the lines got in my head and when my body remembers my movement around the stage, I realize that being on stage is a breeze. Though I don’t got much experience yet, If I can make it easier, there are extra things I can add to theatre basics and approaches I can try changing in every performance. I realized that by trying various things, you can assure the many potentials of a play. From there the thoughts in my head increase, and the real thing could be much more fun than ever.
Now then. Ever since you started theatre, were there any big changes from before?
AzamiI’ve been doing a bunch of self-taught study of makeup from before, but after I started theatre I started doing hair arrange too, and I started studying lots about stage makeup. After all, I think doing makeup that can shine on stage is a special skill. When I see that each person has their own special way of mastering it, it becomes a really good reference to me. When I heard from someone in the trope that there was a show with interesting costume and makeup, I went to watch it with (Rurikawa) Yuki-san. It’s also pretty fun to chat about this and that on the way home, planning the next play’s makeup and outfit. With Yuki-san, rather, we both respect each other’s sense, everytime we do it together I end up thinking “As I thought person’s sense is amazing” a lot, so I’m glad we can team up. I can say I respect him.
ーAs an actor, are there any habits you keep in mind?
AzamiDunno if it’s as an actor, but as the designated hairdresser, I think have to do skincare that can be an example to teach all the other guys in the company. Depending on how much you care for your skin daily, the makeup’s finish can get inconsistent. From now on I’m gonna watch all of those guys closely and strictly.
ーIzumida-san, what do you think is MANKAI Company’s charm and challenge point?
AzamiFor skin, it’s like a severe test. Before I joined the trope I mostly used cosmetics on my own face, but everyone’s nature and moisture and personal color is different so it’s seriously a pain to think of makeup that suits each one of them when there’s so many of them. Even so, it really is interesting. Though thanks to that, I really realize that this is what I want to do in the future, and gained confidence in it. Well, I’m grateful to them for that. What I think isn’t enough is individual care. (Yukishiro) Azuma-san gets a perfect score, but there’s so many members that need to watch their lifestyle and diet. I intend to continue making everyone more aware of this.



Tsumugi Tsukioka

Tasuku Takato

Hisoka Mikage

The place that took in someone who was less than a nobody, and made me into an actor

——— Hisoka Mikage

To start off, I’d like to ask, do you think of yourself as the type of actor who gets immersed in a role?
Hisoka… I’ve never really thought about it as “acting” out a role. For example, with Liam from the Winter Troupe’s sixth play, all I thought about was “becoming Liam”. So usually, before I even memorize my lines, I have to bring Liam to life as a person inside me. His height, weight, vision, dominant hand, mannerisms… What’s written in the script is only the tiniest glimpse into Liam’s life, so I imagine things like his upbringing, how he became casino regular, how he met Catherine. If I do that, I can get into Liam’s head, easily memorize the lines, and the movements just come to me as well… I don’t know if this is a good method or not, but it’s the only one I know, so it’s what I’ve always done. But I think that it’s important to bring Liam to life as a real, existent person on stage, so I don’t think I’ll be changing my ways any time soon.
ーIf you had never met MANKAI Company, what do you think you’d be doing now?
Hisoka… I’d be a nobody, just a human-shaped…. something. If I had never met the troupe, and never remembered what was precious to me, then I think I’d just be wandering around somewhere like a ghost. Since who knows when, I’d been empty, with nothing to me but my own name. But with Winter Troupe and the director, by acting with everyone in MANKAI, I’m being filled up more and more… Now, I have plenty of memories and recollections, a home I love, and a family that’s precious to me… I’m overflowing with so much. I’m not empty anymore… The place that took someone who was less than a nobody, and made me into an actor, Mikage Hisoka. That’s what MANKAI Company is to me.
Since it’s had such a huge impact on your life, what do you think is the appeal of MANKAI Company?
HisokaEveryone gets close to one another and accepts each other as they are… they’re all very kind people. I owe a lot to their kindness as well, and I think that kindness is what allows us to put on good plays, by making our audience emphathise with and feel close to our characters. But sometimes the people at MANKAI are so nice that it worries me a bit. The world isn’t just filled with kind, nice people like the ones at MANKAI Company… But, I think he worries a bit more about that than I do.
What do you do on your days off?
HisokaI work part-time jobs. Usually ones recommended by people from the troupe. I like working with animals, or jobs where I can just quietly work on my own, so I tend to have more of those. But working in hospitality or service lets you interact with lots of different people, which will inform my craft… or at least, that’s what I’ve been told. I’m not great at dealing with people, so it’s a bit annoying but… I’ve decided to live as an actor, so I’ll start trying more of those sorts of jobs. Right now, all my part-times are either day labor or temp work, so I’d like to settle at a single job soon. I’ve got rehearsals and performances, so it’d be nice if I could get a job with flexible shift schedules, where I can eat marshmallows while working, and I won’t get in trouble if I doze off sometimes. If you happen to know of any, please contact Mankai Company, thanks.


Homare Arisugawa

Azuma Yukishiro

Because of the irreplacable joy I gain from that connection, I may never stop acting as long as I live

——— Azuma Yukishiro

Are there any big changes that have taken place in your life since you started acting with MANKAI Company?
AzumaIn my old line of work, I’d often come in contact with all sorts of people’s feelings… particularly their loneliness. And because I was always empathizing with those feelings, it seems that I got into the habit of not expressing my own emotions. It wasn’t something I did consciously, so I didn’t feel particularly troubled by it, but… When I finally got to let out my feelings while acting, it was an incredible relief. After all, the usual me isn’t able to cry or laugh or rage as my heart delights, no? But theater allows all of that to come out and more. For people who are holding a lot in because of work or relationship issues, I wonder if trying an acting workshop would help.
What do you think are your strengths?
AzumaDirector and the others have told me that I have a very unique presence. If I’m not careful about my placement on the stage, I tend to stand out. So on top of acting, that’s something else I have to be mindful of. Also… I suppose I have a wealth of life experience? It’s a bit embarrassing to say so myself, but… well, compared to the younger ones in the company, it’s only normal that you pick up things here and there as you age. So a lot of the time you can apply your experiences to a role, or you can relate to their feelings… Suddenly you can make us of all those bits and pieces that you’ve picked up over the years. Acting really is interesting in that way.
Tell us of a moment that made you feel glad to be in Winter Troupe.
AzumaWhen I’m surrounded by delicious sake, that’s when I feel glad to be in Winter Troupe. Alcohol brings out the truth in people, after all. Fufu, that’s saved me more times than I can count. The best example of this must have been during the third Winter Troupe play, “Nocturnality”. Back then, we… I especially couldn’t bear to show the most painful parts of myself, and put up walls between us. Instead, we ended up spilling all our secrets while drinking together. There were things I’d learned for the first time, but there were also things that were meant to be a secret that everyone already knew. What I learned most from drinking to our hearts’ content like that was that… “we pretend to know what we don’t know, and pretend not to know what we know”. Fufu, sounds contradictory, doesn’t it? But that’s really how it is. And that’s something about Winter Troupe… that probably still hasn’t changed all this time. I enjoy this kind of companionship that we share, here in Winter Troupe.
So, what is acting to you?
AzumaIt’s the act of connecting with someone, I think. We exchange our lines and hearts with one another, and it creates a response within the audience… I feel like, at that moment, an invisible connection is being drawn. Of course, there’s lots of hardships in acting, but that instance of connection is such a gratifying moment. And because of the irreplacable joy I gain from that connection, I may never stop acting as long as I live…. Ha, that sounds like something those two acting addicts would say.



From now on, I’ll continue to hit against walls, struggle through challenges, and keep standing upon the stage

——— Guy

From what I understand, you had no prior experience in acting up until joining MANKAI company. Was there anything you found particularly challenging?
GuyI've always had a hard time displaying my emotions... rather, I thought that I had no emotions at all. So during my first performance, Winter Troupe’s fourth play “Le Fantôme de l'Opéra”, when tasked with the Phantom’s quiet sadness, or his tumultuous hatred and rage… it took some time for me to be able to portray such intense emotions. But everyone in Winter Troupe patiently persevered along with me through this trial, and thanks to them, I was finally able to give a satisfactory performance as the Phantom.
Is there anything that you have discovered from all these trials and struggles leading up to performance?
GuyA “friend” who’s always been with me… and by whose side I’ve sworn to remain now and going forward, as well as… the “warmth” that that friend had found here in this country, at MANKAI Company. This is the first time in my life that I’ve ever had either. To me, they have become irreplaceable treasures. From now on, I’ll continue to hit against walls, struggle through challenges, and keep standing upon the stage. But I believe that along with my friend, as well as all the comrades I’ve met here at MANKAI Company, there are still more fantastic things I’ve yet to discover.
Any particularly unforgettable interactions with your audience?
GuyIt was a few days after the opening of Winter Troupe’s fifth play, “Die By The Sword”… When reading fans’ letters about their feelings on the play, there were several letters with greetings written in Zahran. Not only is Zahran a relatively uncommon language, its characters can be rather complicated to write as well. It must have taken great study and effort, but it conveyed how earnestly the letters were written, and I remember they made me very happy. I’ve gotten more and more of those sorts of letters recently, and when I meet fans at the theater or Veludo Way there have been a few people that have spoken to me in Zahran as well. Never had I imagined that I would be able to hear the language of my homeland spoken here, in this country so far away, from the people of this country. Thank you. Zahra is a small but wonderful country. The food is delicious, and the crafts are beautiful. This may come as a surprise, but our technology is cutting-edge as well. Just like Citronia (Citron), I think from now on I will try to share the many charms of Zahra. If you happen to be interested, please feel free to speak to me about it at any time.
Lastly, tell us your thoughts on the future.
GuyAs an actor, I still have far to go. I may not catch up to the rest of Winter Troupe’s acting expertise any time soon, but so that I can stand proudly side by side with them, I won’t lose in terms of hard work or passion. Personally though… Actually, there is something I am working on right now. I can’t yet say exactly what, but once preparations have been made I will announce it on the troupe blog and such. I hope you will look forward to it, as well as the plays of course.


Spotlight Pick Up - Spring & Summer

Sakuya Sakuma

Masumi Usui

If you were to write a script, what kind of story would you depict?
MasumiBy seeing my roommate Tsuzuru working on the scripts, I think I would never choose the path of being a script writer but, if I was given the opportunity to write a love story of my choice, I’ll think about it. If it were about two persons having their fateful meeting and then having to overcome lots of hurdles, before finally being linked, I’ll definitely be able to think about something great so I think I would write it until I collapse just like Tsuzuru does. … I’ll be the one deciding about the main and sub-character though.
Is there something you judge being indispensable to your everyday life?
MasumiI have confidence in my memory skills, but there are memories I would never want to forget so I’m using a diary app to write them down at the end of a day. That app allows only me to see what’s written on it. It’s way easier to read them again than a classical paper diary, and I can search by words memories I want to read so when memories are piling up according to seasons, or when I remember what happened the year before… It makes me happy.


Tsuzuru Minagi

Itaru Chigasaki


Chikage Utsuki

Out of the roles you've played, which character do you think you'd get along best with?
ChikageThis sort of thing seems more up Chigasaki's alley, so I just asked him about it. He said that my personality is the complete opposite of Gawain's ("Knights of Round IV THE STAGE") hotblooded disposition, so we'd complement each other well, and might make an unexpectedly good duo. And after that he started going on about what weapons I'd use if I were in the KniRoun universe, what class I'd be, how to recruit me to the party... It got rather troublesome.
Please teach us how to tell if someone is lying!
ChikageHaha. Even I can't always tell if someone is lying, you know. But one technique, is to stare hard at what the person thinks is their most charming feature for several seconds... Well, if you believed that so easily, then seeing through lies might be rather difficult for you.


Tenma Sumeragi

Yuki Rurikawa

Muku Sakisaka

You’ve acted a prince role in “The Floral Prince”, but what kind of role would you like to try next?
MukuI think Itaru-san’s Lancelot role is great, so I want to try playing the role of a cool and honest knight! Also, I’ve said this to everyone but I find villain roles admirable as well. Especially Tsumugi-san, his villain act is always thrilling. There’s a charming method that’s different from being cool or beautiful, you could say. It would be nice If I could become someone who can do such act in the future to…
Please tell us a shoujo manga line that you think is lovely!
MukuIn page 45 of the latest ”Strawberry☆Drop Merciー!” issue, the broken hearted heroine visits Paris and meets a rich young man named Fabian-kun who said a line that goes, “Even if I don’t have money, even if I lose my dreams I can keep living. ...Because I have my love for you.” ! The situation is very nice too, please give it a read!


Misumi Ikaruga

Amongst the plays of the other troupes, is there one in particular you’d like to act in?
MisumiAutumn’s troupe “How wonderfully Picaresque”! Kumon loves this play so we’re often watching the DVD in our room, and would think about the cast if Summer troupe were to be the one performing it! Of course, Lansky would be Kumon! Luchiano would be Muku, since they’re partners? I think Yuki would like the role of Capone, but Kazunari acting as him would be super cool too~ Tenma would definitely fit as Benjamin! As for me, Lansky definitely interests me, but Omi’s Dewey was so cool I think I wouldn't mind acting him!
Is there animals with whom you don’t get along with?
MisumiOf course there are~ ! Just like humans, animals have their personalities and own features so of course there are some I don’t get along with. It’s a matter of affinity I guess? It’s a bit sad but there’s nothing I can do about it~


Kazunari Miyoshi

Until now, which flyer’s design have been the most difficult to figure out to you?
KazunariIt might have been Romeo & Julius’ one, where I was groping around during the process~ It was the first time I was making a flyer for a theater company so I researched a lot using other companies’ flyers, gathered important information about the fonts to use and other useful tips. At first, it all began with me studying how to make such flyers! At the difference of movies, stages don’t have promotional videos so you have to gather in one face of a flyer everything that could make the appeal points of a play, and inciting people to come and watch the play… It was super difficult but I got to learn lots as a designer in-becoming ☆
Please give some tips to overcome shyness.
KazunariHow about beginning with some simple salutations first? Everyday, just say “good morning”, “good work today”, and when you get used to it, go to small talks such as “it was cold today~” or compliment be like “this outfit suits you”. However, you don’t have to try hard to overcome it! ☆ Your shyness is also one of your features. That’s why, not overdoing it and doing it step by step at your own pace is the most important in my opinion!


Kumon Hyodo

Is there any routine you’re keeping up just before a performance?
KumonI would brush my teeth, pray the God of Acting, and when I think my tension has piled up, I would move my body! I’m often doing catch ball behind the theater, but when I can’t get out because it’s raining, I’m playing with the game Itaru-san lend me that allows me to move my body, or play theater games~ There are also times I feel tired because I get too enthusiastic… in those cases I get scolded by the Director, and I think I should pay more attention to this, but the time I spend with the Summer troupe members is so fun I often forget about it…
Amongst the company members, who do think might have a sense for baseball?
KumonThere are lots of members who have good reflexes, but when it comes to baseball… I would say it’s Tasuku-san! He’s training so he has a solid body structure, his shoulders seems strong, he’s stoic and aim at anything straightfully... also he’s not likely to give up! However he’s more keen on soccer so even if I were to invite him to join the baseball club, he’d more likely refuse~ Too bad.


Spotlight Pick Up - Autumn & Winter

Banri Settsu

Juza Hyodo

What are your rituals just before a performance?
JuzaWhen it begins, my mind is full of acting, so just before, I’m writing down what I should remember, or write some notes on the script. I’m also often getting into my head what I particularly want to pay attention to in that one day’s performance. I would also think about the life of the character I’m acting just before the performance would begin, or would try to talk to him in my mind. By repeating those rituals performance after performance, I have the feeling to get to understand on a deeper level the role I’ve been assigned to act… at least I think so.
Which sweets are you addicted to lately?
JuzaLately, on the way back home from university, I’m often buying the dango set at the shop called “Veludo Komachi” which had recently opened near the station. There are 7 flavors in that set so I’m not getting tired of eating them and they’re gone even before I notice it. There was a season-limited set which was colorful and would apparently look good taken in picture, so I happened to eat these with Muku and Kazunari-san. Kazunari-san is really good at taking food pictures, so when he showed the picture he took to me, I felt the urge to eat them once more.


Taichi Nanao

Omi Fushimi

What are you paying attention to when playing a villain? Are there some difficulties?
OmiI’m paying attention to my voice tone. I’ve been told by Yuzo-san before that simply seeming threatening doesn’t have any meaning. In order to increase my approach in acting a villain, I’ve tested lots of patterns during practices, such as being able to make startle someone while not seeming too cold. In the cases of villain roles, it’s quite difficult to make a “villain-like laugh” so I’ve been taking Yakuza movies as reference in watching them and researching a lot.
What are you paying attention when taking pictures of the troupe members to make the flyers?
OmiI’m receiving directions from the participating members so it’s making feel at ease, but I’m focusing on capturing suitable expressions according to the play genre of the main and sub characters. In that aim, I’m carefully reading the script of the corresponding play. Also, I’m having meeting beforehand with Tsuzuru and Kazunari. I’m also listening to Azami’s and Yuki’s requests on how they want the members to appear on the flyer… I’m having the feeling to make this with everyone, so taking pictures for the flyers are one of the moments I find the most enjoyable.


Sakyo Furuichi

Azami Izumida

Is there a role you want to try in the future?
AzamiAutumn Trope sells as an action packed and manly group, I think I might want to take on more roles with intense and violent sword-fights. Plus, I think rampaging with all our strength on stage is fun… Our 5th and 6th play had a lot of fist fighting characters, but I’m interested in fighting with props too. I wanna try flashy long props like katanas at least once.
Which member is the most worth doing makeup to?
AzamiIf we’re talking about makeup shine, definitely Tsumugi-san. Even for the Ooku makeup, he was the one who turned out best. He’s the type that can change on a stage, so it was very rewarding and fun. On the contrary, people with faces that has strong impression like Guy-san and Citron-san might burn, in a different meaning. Mostly we do makeup that can let their face breathe, but maybe one day I’d like to try making them look like completely different people.


Tsumugi Tsukioka

Tasuku Takato

Hisoka Mikage

Do you ever get sleepy or want to eat marshmallows in the middle of a performance?
HisokaNot really. I’m pretty in-character during performances. But as a result, once we’re done, I’ll sleep a lot and eat more marshmallows than usual… or at least that’s what Arisu and the rest of Winter Troupe tell me. Probably because I’m really tired after. Tasuku’s told me to build up my stamina and invited me to train with him, but I usually just pretend to be asleep when that happens.
Tell us about your latest napping spots.
HisokaEver since the sixth Winter Troupe play, I’ve really liked the dorm attic. It gets good sunlight, and it’s quiet whenever the Manager isn’t in his room. Misumi or the cats sometimes get in there, and Masumi’s suddenly joined in on napping there too. Sleeping alone is fine, but whenever I sleep with someone else, it gets kind of warm…. Not that that’s too bad, I guess.


Homare Arisugawa

Azuma Yukishiro

Do you have the strongest alcohol tolerance in MANKAI Company?
AzumaThat’s not necessarily the case, you know. I won’t say who, but there are people who can drink more than I can, and there’s some whom we’ve never even seen drunk. And there’s even the little ones who’ve yet to come of age… Fufu, I look forward to drinking off against them.
Please teach us the secret to beauty.
AzumaYou need to carry yourself with the awareness that “you are beautiful”, and be aware of the fact that others’ eyes are on you, and of course… you have to enjoy every day, right? Stress is the worst for your body and your skin after all. Of course, you’re bound to run into unpleasant things in life, but at times like those, remember to treat yourself, and rejunate yourself with your hobbies. And if that happens to be difficult for you then… come to the theater. I’ll be waiting there for you, any time.



About how long does it take you to memorize your lines?
GuyThe lines themselves I can memorize after reading the script once. It seems that my memory is rather good. However, making sure that I can recite each word without mistake, adding emotion to those lines, timing them with movements… it takes quite a while before it is ready to be performed. Depending on the role, it can take about 3 to 4 weeks time, I think.
Are there any words, or four-word idioms in Japanese that you like?
Guy”Tana kara botamochi” - red bean mochi from the flower trellis, meaning an unexpected stroke of good fortune. When I first heard the phrase, I had a rather surreal image in mind. I understood once I found out the meaning, but at the same time it reminded me of how I was able to meet MANKAI company. I never thought that I would have such an important encounter while chasing Citronia to Japan. Being together with everyone has now become my normal everyday, but this idiom is one that reminds me of the beginning, and reaffirms this joy and happiness that I have now.
